The isekai anime/light novel series, The Rising of the Shield Hero follows the exploits of Cardinal heroes who are sent to another realm to battle mysterious, reoccurring tragedies. In the anime, when heroes are called upon, they arrive armed with legendary weapons that may do incredible damage. The rarer and more durable the materials used to construct the weapons, the greater their power and durability.

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Unlike other weapons in the fictional world, legendary weapons are able to absorb materials of various kinds to evolve. Gaining the attributes of the absorbed material and access to new abilities are both benefits of evolving a weapon. Lesser yet nonetheless potent vassal weapons come alongside the legendary weapons. In The Rising of the Shield Hero, each legendary weapon is supported by two vassal weapons. Cursed Series is another feature that sets legendary weapons apart. The seven deadly sins serve as the basis for the sinister and cursed power in The Cursed Series. However, there is a price to be paid for the enormous power granted by the Cursed Series.

5 Hunting Tool

Hunting Tool

Glass' world features relatively few legendary weapons, but one of them is the legendary hunting tool. The legendary hunting tool comes from a different universe, yet it has comparable power-up systems with the legendary weapons of Naofumi's world.

Kizuna Kazayama is currently in charge of this weapon. She's incredibly adept with the hunting tool, and she makes excellent use of its versatility by transforming it into a fishing pole or a sword. The hunting tool, unlike the other legendary weapons, is designed specifically for use against monsters and causes enormous damage to them. The hunting device is not intended for use against humans. Kizuna gets around this by adapting her attacks to the environment whenever she is up against attacks.

4 Sword

Legendary Sword Rising Of The Shield Hero

One of the four legendary weapons in Raphtalia's world is the Legendary Sword. It packs so much punch that few weapons can stand up to it. The Legendary Sword is a distinct weapon, and as such, it has lesser weapons serving under it. They pair well with its vassal weapons like the Vassal Gauntlet and the Vassal Axe. The legendary sword was summoned alongside its current wielder Ren Amaki.

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The holy weapon Ren Amaki wields is exceedingly potent, but he has yet to demonstrate its full potential in battle. To discount the legendary sword, however, would be a grave error, given that it is the fastest and has one of the greatest attacking powers of any legendary weapon. Just like other legendary blades, this one can learn new tricks by soaking up new materials. As a result, it has infinite potential in terms of both abilities and methods of assault.

3 Bow

Itsuki Kawasumi pointing bow

The legendary bow can deliver terrible hits from great distances. It is extremely hazardous due to its long-range special strikes, which can easily kill an opponent before they even notice what's happening. The bow, like other legendary weapons, may absorb different materials and be used to unlock new bows and abilities. The Vassal Whip and Vassal Carriage are the vassal weapons that can be found under the bow. The carriage provides movement and protection for the bowman, and the whip aids in controlling the carriage.

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Its present owner, Itsuki Kawasumi, is a worthy keeper of the legendary bow. He shows off his mastery of the bow by demonstrating its many uses. However, the bow is not as effective as it could be because he has not yet unlocked its full power. The legendary bow is one of the most potent offensive tools in the series, but it has the lowest defense rating. Due to this shortcoming, using a bow in close quarters is not recommended.

2 Spear

Legendary Spear

Motoyasu Kitamura, the spear's present wielder, has trained intensively to harness the famous weapon's full potential. Few opponents can match Motoyasu's spear's variety and power. The Spear is one of the deadliest weapons in the series due to its extreme effectiveness, range, and ease of use.

The reach and thrusting force of the spear are a lethal combination. The spear, in contrast to the shield and sword, may be thrown with lethal accuracy and power. The Vassal Staff and the Vassal Projectile are the vassal weapons that fall under the spear. Aultcray Melromarc is now using the Vassal Staff, while Rishia Ivyred is in control of the Vassal Projectile. Motoyasu's battle with Naofumi, who used a shield, demonstrated the spear's effectiveness against the shield. Although, the spear's terrible force was later undone by the shield's impenetrability.

1 Shield

Small Shield

The Rising of the Shield Hero anime/light novel series features Naofumi Iwatani, who demonstrates the fabled shield's superior strength. A shield is more of a form of protection than a weapon, but it nonetheless managed to earn the top rank amongst the other weapons. Naofumi utilized the shield to defeat a number of heroes—including Motayasu, a spear hero; Glass, a fan vassal Hero; and L'Arc, a Scythe vassal Hero—and win its place at the top.

The shield has the best defense of any legendary weapon, but its offensive power is not to be ignored, either. Naofumi uses the shield in combat, but he still needs to use the Cursed series whenever he's in danger because the shield was originally designed for defense. The shield's vassal weapons, such as the Vassal Claw and the Vassal Hammer, are powerful attacking tools that enhance the shield's protection in significant ways.

MORE: The Rising Of The Shield Hero: A New Saga, Unveiled