The Rising of the Shield Hero isekai anime/light novel series follows the exploits of Naofumi Iwatani, a young Japanese man who, along with his counterparts from other universes, was summoned to a magical medieval realm to serve as a hero of legendary stature. In the anime, Naofumi goes through hell as he and the other heroes try to save the world with other heroes amidst various betrayals.

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Demi-humans are portrayed as a fictional sub-human race in the anime. They belong to races that resemble humans but have more animal characteristics. Demi-humans, who come from many different ethnic backgrounds, have a wide range of abilities and there are some mighty powerfful ones in the anime/light novel series.

7 Keel

Keel Relieved

Naofumi had a friend named Keel, who everyone in the party mistook for a boy before they learned she was a girl. Keel is powerful for a demi-human with canine traits, albeit not as powerful as Raphtalia or Sadeena. Aside from her beast transformation abilities, Keel doesn't use any kind of magic in battle.

Keel is a very powerful fighter thanks to his exceptional swordsmanship and his mastery of beast magic metamorphosis. She had a fondness for metamorphosis, so Sadeena taught her how to become a Therianthrope and gain superhuman abilities in her demi-human form.

6 Fohl

fohl staring

Demihuman Fohl, now the hero of the Gauntlet, was formerly sold into slavery alongside his sister Atlas. Even at a young age, Fohl had reached level 32 and was fighting in the Colosseum for money, demonstrating his extraordinary talent in combat.

Fohl is a formidable foe, thanks to his skill in close-quarters combat. He can transform into a Beast, which considerably improves his strength. The Seven Star Gauntlet, designed for close-range combat, boosts his already impressive base stats even further. Fohl is a serious threat thanks to his arsenal of highly offensive skills; he is able to bypass his opponents' defenses and strike them directly, focusing on their pressure points.

5 R'yne


It would be unwise to underestimate R'yne, a Skywing demi-human, and vassal hero. While searching for her sister, Filolial, she found Raphtalia and her world. R'yne's ability to fly as a Skywing gives her a strategic advantage from above the battlefield. On the realm of Raphtalia, she is Mamoru Shirono's partner, the legendary and age-old Shield Hero.

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R'yne is very formidable, considering she is the first person to ever use the Vassal Sewing Kit weapon. By combining the Vassal Sewing Kit with her Skywing powers, she was able to teach the current user, S'yne, how to use it with even greater precision and control.

4 Shildina

Shildina Staring
Art by Minami Seira

Shildina's extraordinary magical and combat abilities stem from her birth into the Orcinus lineage. She stands out from the crowd because, despite her young age, she endured rigorous training to replace her absentee, brilliant older sister.

With her dual identities as the hero of the Ofuda and a demi-human Orca, Shildina has incredible strength. She's a formidable opponent because she's adept at both magical and physical forms of combat. She, like her older sister Sadeena, is a gifted genius who is proficient in many sorts of magic and who can adapt her spells to any given circumstance. Using the Legendary Ofuda weapon, Shildina's already formidable powers are amplified, making battle with her that much more difficult.

3 Sadeena

Sadeena Smirk

In her role as Naofumi's companion, Sadeena's strength is unmatched. Her abilities are further boosted as she is a Sakamata Therianthrope demi human making her way stronger than average humans. Despite her sluggish demeanor, her combat smarts are excellent.

Evidence of her combat prowess comes from the time she held her own against Naofumi, Raphtalia, and Filo and even called them out on their blunders. Sadeena is a clever magician with great physical stats, giving her access to Drifa-level magic, the highest level of magic available to non-heroes.

2 Raphtalia

Raphtalia Blush

The Shield Hero Naofumi first acquired Raphtalia, a Tanuki Racoon demi-human, as a slave when she was weak and powerless. However, as the series progressed, she developed into one of the most powerful demi humans ever seen. Raphtalia is not really skilled with magic, so she usually just sticks to her sword.

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Raphtalia has earned her place as one of the more powerful demi-humans as she has consistently grown alongside Naofumi and his other companions. As in the second season of The Rising of The Shield Hero, Raphtalia acquired the Vassal Katana, transforming her into a Vassal Hero and considerably enhancing her base strength and skills, making her even more of an asset to Naofumi.

1 Natalia

Natalia from the Light Novel

As a pacifier of the Bow and Shield world, Natalia's job is to prevent heroes from going astray. Without enough strength, taming a wide variety of heroic figures of varying strengths is next to impossible. Natalia is trustworthy and loyal to a fault, but she is hot-headed. She shows her power and ability by swiftly meting out punishment to heroes who she deems to be a threat or who have strayed from the path.

Being raised as a Heavenly Emperor certainly contributed to Natalia's impressive skills. As a Heavenly Emperor, she is entitled to rule over both the Legendary and the Vassal weapons. Her dominance is not her only source of strength, though; she is physically capable as well. After all, only a few can even hold their own against a hero, let alone punish one. She is highly skilled in warfare and uses a hammer as her primary weapon.

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