With a bunch of systems for players to familiarize themselves with in Rise of the Ronin, it can be hard to focus on anything else outside of progressing the choice-driven narrative and enjoying the robust combat mechanics put in place. However, the world of ancient Japan has plenty to offer for those curious enough, and there are often great rewards lying in wait.

Throughout the various locations players will have a chance to visit, there will be opportunities to hone specific skills that can come in handy in all sorts of situations. Whether it is training your weapon skills at the dojo against challenging opponents, learning the intricacies of horseback archery, mastering firearms by shooting down targets or taking to the air with the Glider, Rise of the Ronin has it all.

Rise of the Ronin: Burning Questions

People can find the answers to the most frequently asked questions related to Rise of Ronin in this guide.

How to Get Master Ranking in the Dojo in Rise of the Ronin

The dojo is where all the masters of their craft converge, testing each other out in a battle of wits and skill until one is left standing. Focusing on the combat, it is the purest test of skill players will face in the game, and the rewards are well worth the pursuit.

In total, there are four different point thresholds (0, 4,000, 5,500, and 7,000) players can hit for a ranking, each offering different prizes up for grabs. Naturally, hitting the top-tier Master ranking will be the best, but getting there requires more than just a sharp weapon. Here are some tips to get to the top of the mountain:

  • For Master ranking, a minimum of 7,000 points must be reached.
  • The dojo fights calculate the score based on a variety of factors. The less time you take, the less damage sustained, and the more successful Countersparks and Critical Hits inflicted will mean a higher score.
  • This means playing more defensive than usual, as the best way to open up your opponent for damage is to break their stance. This means constant sequences of Counterspark Chains and parries.
  • A lot of attacks do not follow a standard rhythm, and a great way of throwing players off is either through a quick follow-up or a delayed swing. Time your parries accordingly.
  • For Martial Arts attacks, use Counterspark a short while after you see the red flash. That is usually the best way of getting the timing right.
  • Do not be afraid of restarting a fight. Once you have learned the patterns of your opponent, practicing is the only way to ensure you can come out relatively unscathed.
  • Players are only given 5 Medicinal Pills, and if you need to use more than one, it is likely that your score will not meet the Master ranking criteria.
  • With no other helpful items, you will only have your currently equipped pair of weapons or their wooden equivalents to face off against your chosen target. Utilize the advantageous combat style, and do not be too greedy when attacking.
Master Ranking in the Dojo in Rise of the Ronin

Successfully beating an opponent this way will give you a bunch of equipment, a Treatise for stat or skill points, and a big boost to your bond levels with them. Fighting in the dojo is usually harder than out in the open world, so take your time and embrace the grind. Each opponent brings different weapons and approaches to the fight.

How to Get Master Ranking in Gliding Training in Rise of the Ronin

Taking to the air is one of the best things to do in Rise of the Ronin, but players can go one step further by taking part in Gliding Training at specific areas on the map. Depending on the location, the layout of the course will differ and require other skills, but in general, here are some things to keep in mind if you want to hit the Master ranking for this activity:

  • The same point thresholds of 0, 4,000, 5,500, and 7,000 apply. Master ranking is achieved by hitting 7,000 and above.
  • The faster you can complete the course and the more targets you destroy, the better your final score will be.
  • Take a chance to survey the course; the obvious route might not always be the best route, especially with branching paths and bonus targets to hit.
  • Bonus targets are smaller and sometimes move; make sure you are at the right height and have enough speed to destroy them before moving on.
  • Gliding requires Ki, and running out of it will mean failing the challenge. Use the grappling points to replenish Ki and increase your elevation yet again.
  • Master landing at the right spot or risk losing the entire run. It is easier just to close the Glider once you are above the marked area than trying to glide into it.
Master Ranking in Gliding Training in Rise of the Ronin

Meeting the criteria will see players gain equipment and other valuable rewards, including various Treatises that can help with developing your character further. It pays to master these challenges; they are usually not that hard as long as you understand the optimal path.

PS5 Exclusive Rise of the Ronin Canceled in One Region [UPDATE]

Following commentary from one of the game's creators, the upcoming samurai game Rise of the Ronin gets canceled in one region.

How to Get Master Ranking in Horseback Archery in Rise of the Ronin

What's better than getting a headshot using a bow? Try hitting the bullseye while galloping on your mount. That is the crux of the challenge in Horseback Archery, another fun activity to enjoy in Rise of the Ronin for those into ranged combat. Players will be tasked to follow a course while trying to shoot down targets, and here's what to consider when chasing a high score:

  • The same point thresholds of 0, 4,000, 5,500, and 7,000 are present. Master ranking is achieved by hitting 7,000 and above.
  • To get a high score, it is all about hitting every target while finishing the course in as short a time as possible.
  • The direction of the horse is not within your control. The sole focus should be shooting targets and seeing where the next one is.
  • To help with your aim, try to get a feel for how the horse is moving and line up the aiming reticle so it naturally moves toward the target you are trying to hit.
  • Hitting any part of the target counts as long as it gets destroyed. You do not need to hit the bullseye.
  • The range of the bow can be extensive, so if you are ahead of schedule, try a long-range attempt to save yourself even more time.
  • A fast finish requires the horse to gallop, which will make things move faster. Take that into account when lining up shots.
  • Take a practice lap first to familiarize yourself with the course and the targets that are popping up. Then do one while at full gallop to see the difference.
  • If there are explosive barrels, use them to your advantage to take out multiple targets at once.
Master Ranking in Horseback Archery in Rise of the Ronin

Once more, hitting the Master ranking at any of the Horseback Archery challenges will see players walk away with more cool gear and items that can be used to make themselves more powerful. You can also improve your relationship with the NPC in charge of the courses, which comes with its own set of rewards.

PS5 Exclusive Stellar Blade Confirms 3 Graphics Options

Developer Shift Up confirms that action RPG Stellar Blade will have multiple different options to allow players to adjust in-game graphics.

How to Get Master Ranking in Firearms Training in Rise of the Ronin

Finally, we come to the portion of the activities that require deft aim and a thing for Western firearms. The objective of the training is to hit as many targets as possible within the time limit, but that's not all. Here's what you will need to consider to get that high score in Firearms Training:

  • The same point thresholds of 0, 4,000, 5,500, and 7,000 are present. Master ranking is achieved by hitting 7,000 and above.
  • For the highest score, players must both hit as many targets as possible as well as destroy multiple targets with each shot.
  • There are two types of targets: wooden and metal. Shots can pierce through wooden targets but not metal targets. Remember that when lining up shots against multiple targets.
  • Check out the course first, and note the targets that can be lined up in groups that can be destroyed together. These are the ones that should get your attention first.
  • Metal targets will spring back up for players to shoot again and again, and hitting as close to the bullseye as possible will reduce the cooldown time for these targets.
  • Depending on courses, explosives, turrets, and even moving targets may be involved. Make sure you are using the tools effectively to target metal targets or barriers that are in the way of other targets.
Firearms Training in Rise of the Ronin - Master Ranking

Taking your time to line up shots that can take out multiple targets at once is going to make hitting Master ranking that much easier for Firearms Training. And that will bring a ton of rewards your way for completing the shooting gallery with skill.

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Rise of the Ronin

March 22, 2024
Team Ninja
Sony Interactive Entertainment