
  • Rise of the Ronin offers a fresh take on Team Ninja's design philosophies, diving into an open-world RPG with player-driven choices.
  • The game's conclusion leaves room for more stories to be told, hinting at potential expansions focusing on alternate character paths.
  • Possibilities for future content include exploring companion stories, delving into off-screen events, and incorporating supernatural elements.

Rise of the Ronin takes fans through a sweeping story across its depiction of 1800s Edo Japan, encompassing the ending of a major era and leading into the country's integration into the modern Industrial Age and the world at large. Team Ninja's most recent release sees the studio branching out from its previous comfort zone, as Rise of the Ronin is more of a Soulslite versus the traditional design philosophies seen in Nioh and its other preceding games. Ronin is an entirely open-world RPG with player-choice-driven components alongside fascinating characters and a story that delves into the heart of the period's conflict.

As fans adventure through Rise of the Ronin's Japan, they uncover more of the layers beneath its deceptively straightforward setup via various twists and turns in its samurai protagonist's search for a missing partner. By the end of this journey, many answers are provided, and fans see the repercussions of both their actions and a largely faithful version of the historical outcome. However, though the bigger campaign is complete, there remains plenty of room for more stories to be told in the aftermath, and even within it as-is.

Rise of the Ronin’s Accessibility Options Should Set a New Standard

The breadth of accessibility options and settings in Rise of the Ronin is a positive step and should see itself becoming more a genre norm.

Spoilers Ahead.

Rise of the Ronin’s Possible Paths for the Road Ahead

Rise of the Ronin's Tale Concludes, But Hints at Further Potential

While the major events are set, and it would be difficult to alter the main narrative retroactively in any significant way, one natural jumping off point would be Rise of the Ronin's ending in terms of its protagonist's personal sojourn. Their conclusion is colored by the choice fans can make over whether to slay or spare their estranged Blade Twin in the final confrontation. If players decide to show mercy, their Blade Twin remarks that they will then depart to "observe things unfold from some far-off place."

Even if they take revenge, Rise of the Ronin's historical timeframe subsequently sees the sun setting on the age of the samurai, with the protagonist noting that "new horizons await." Depending on if Team Ninja decides to consider one canon, this could inform additional plot or DLC expansions, as it could follow one, or both, of the Blade Twins as they move forward in the wake of events.

How Rise of the Ronin Could Continue its Journey

Rise of the Ronin's roster of companions could make for a good angle as well by telling more of their individual stories. For example, it is possible for players to save companion character Ryoma Sakamoto, wherein he is seen encountering the protagonist in New York City in the epilogue. This creates a possible avenue for a story centered on him, or other notable companions that perhaps journeyed to the West or elsewhere in search of themselves and their place in the modern world. The time period would theoretically place the protagonist in America during the Wild Western period too, which would make for a compelling adventure based on that setup alone. It could also go the opposite way, focusing on some of their activities leading up to the opening of the plot.

Along these lines, another intriguing path would be to let players experience the Blade Twin's partner's adventures and dealings that occurred off-screen in the main story, seeing events from the opposing perspective and allowing for more insight and character development. Team Ninja could also look to its past for inspiration, perhaps by finding a way to incorporate otherworldly mythology-inspired content, bringing back some of the supernatural elements shown off in earlier entries. Though it may be a little too early at this point for the studio to consider producing more content, with Rise of the Ronin getting good reception overall, it leaves the possibility open for fans to return to its world and characters down the line.