Rise of the Ronin is full of action and adventure. The game is set in late-19th-century Japan, which was a bubbling cauldron. With different factions fighting for superiority, it is up to the players to decide who comes out on top. Some of their choices won't have a drastic impact on the story, but they may impact how a certain NPC behaves toward them.

But there will be certain instances where players will have to make bigger calls, such as deciding whether a person lives or dies. In addition to its intriguing story, the combat is top-notch as well. However, the game isn't too big. It will take players 30–40 hours to complete all the content. Players who want to focus on just the main story can take a look at this guide to find all the main missions in Rise of the Ronin.

Rise of the Ronin: How To Romance Every Character

Learn how to romance every character in Rise of the Ronin.

How Many Chapters Does Rise of the Ronin Have?


There are a total of three chapters in Rise of the Ronin, which may not seem much, but they can feel pretty long, especially if players have opted for a higher difficulty. Each chapter has multiple main missions of varying lengths. Players need to complete all the main missions in order to progress to the next chapter.

Rise of the Ronin Complete Mission List

The Blade Twins in Rise of the Ronin

​​​​​​The first chapter in Rise of the Ronin is Black Ships, Long Shadows, and it has the following missions:

  • The Veiled Edge Village
  • Infiltrating the Black Ship
  • The Setting Sun
  • The Bridge to Yokohama
  • Your Reward is in the Cave
  • Curtain Falls, Curtain Rises
  • Follow Your Blade Twin
  • Locating the Camera
  • A Pleasure District Portrait
  • The Plot to Assassinate Harris
  • Yokohama's Shadow
  • Hidden Motives
  • Cultural Exchange
  • Tracking Down Harris
  • Take Back Hongakuji Temple
  • Those Who Know Shoin
  • The Chinatown Kihetai
  • Infiltrate the Prison Complex
  • Those Who Gather at Edo
  • Damsel In Distress
  • The Sakurada Gate Incident

After the Sakurada Gate Incident, players can begin the second chapter of Rise of the Ronin.

  • Decisions
  • The Fire Attack
  • Meeting Kaishu Katsu
  • Reinventing the Shogunate
  • Those Who Lead
  • Deadly Blade, Demon Belle
  • A Mighty Soldier
  • Powder Smoke at the Castle
  • It Hurts to Be Good
  • Those Who Lead
  • The Physician's Request
  • Prison Break: Shosaku Narasaki
  • The Chivalry of the Denshutai
  • A Show for the Shogun
  • Temper, Temper
  • Looking Ahead
  • Strange Bedfellows
  • The Shogun's Journey to Kyoto
  • The Ikeda Inn Incident
  • The Forbidden Gate Rebellion

The third and final chapter of Rise of the Ronin is the most challenging. Players should upgrade their armor and weapons, and they should also make sure to unlock the best skills in the game.

  • Parting Ways
  • Fate of the Vanquished
  • The Satsuma-Chochu Alliance
  • A New Path
  • Burgeoning Betrayal
  • The Feud in Aburanokoji
  • The Last Shogun
  • The End of the Shogunate
  • The Omi Inn Incident
  • The Battle of Toba-Fushimi
  • Wildlife
  • Patriots' Reward
  • Lifelong Vow
  • Before the Dawn
  • The Veiled Edge
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Rise of the Ronin

March 22, 2024
Team Ninja
Action RPG