
  • Don't underestimate the length of Rise of the Ronin - it's a deep adventure with surprises.
  • Upgrading gear early and following loot loops can enhance gameplay and save money.
  • Explore beyond Yokohama, utilize movement mechanics, and consider solo play for gear bonuses.

One thing players may not expect out of Rise of the Ronin is how long it is. From the jump, it may seem like a fairly large open-world but they would be surprised by how much further the game goes. It won’t take nearly as long as another huge open-world RPG, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, but again it is no short adventure.

8 Beginner Tips For Rise of the Ronin

Team Ninja's Rise of the Ronin can be overwhelming, and these tips should help newcomers get started in this PS5 open-world game.

This goes without saying but in every huge game, players are going to learn from their mistakes. There are a lot of systems and mechanics in Rise of the Ronin that may not click until the end. Knowing these things from the beginning could change a lot for newbies and make the game easier, so here are some tips to keep in mind.

8 Upgrading Gear Early

Just Follow The Typical Loot Loop

Retainer’s Headband armor in Rise of the Ronin

It may not look like it, but this game is a looter RPG that fans of the Diablo series may enjoy. From normal enemies to bosses, gear will be dropped all the time. It’s a waste of money to buy equipment at shops so players should just go with the flow.

More importantly, upgrading gear in Rise of the Ronin should be saved until near the end of the game. Saving materials for this endpoint will guarantee players can go into the final slew of missions with a decent set of gear.

7 Killing Gonzo

You’ll Miss Out On An Ally

Gonzo in Rise of the Ronin

One of the first big missions players will go into, for the story, is called “Curtain Falls, Curtain Rises.” That’s where they will get their first ally in Rise of the Ronin, Ryoma, who is both good at swords and pistols. In the end, players can kill the boss, Gonzo, or spare him to live another day.

If spared, Gonzo will run off but he will return in a side mission called “The Bad Bunch.” Players can once again decide to spare or kill him and if spared this time, he will join. Don’t make the grave mistake of killing him either time.

6 Thinking Those Ships Are Just Background Decorations

There Be Treasure Out There!

Looking at ships in the harbor in Rise of the Ronin

It’s hard to tell what can and can’t be explored in an open-world game. While huge, there are some barriers in Rise of the Ronin preventing players from fully investigating Japan. One example is the ships players can see from Yokohama’s harbor.

6 Things To Do First In Rise of the Ronin

Team Ninja's Rise of the Ronin is packed with content, and here are the most important things PS5 players should do first.

While many of them are just window dressings, others can be explored. A lot of them have rare treasures too like Foreign Books, an item another one the player’s allies collects, Igashichi Iizuka.

5 Thinking That Skill Books Are Automatic

Get To Reading

The skill menu in Rise of the Ronin

Besides Foreign Books, players can find books beneficial to their character’s progression as well. There are skill books that will grant players one of the four rare skill markers in Rise of the Ronin: Strength, Charisma, Intelligence, and Dexterity.

These skill points are needed to unlock some of the better skills in the game’s four skill trees and they can be found in bracket market deals or through side quests. What players may not know is that buying or finding them is not the end of the story. Players have to go into the main menu’s inventory to use them and it’s kind of hidden away.

4 Not Exploring Past The Region On Yokohama

Edo Is Calling

Exploring the Edo HQ in Rise of the Ronin

One of the best things about this game is the freedom. Except for the gate to Yokohama, the rest of the world before and after that is completely open. Players can go to the city of Yokohama and then decide to explore the map as close to 100% as possible for Trophy acquisition or whatever.

It’s a big world but the region of Yokohama is not the only area in the game. About halfway through players will travel to Edo and that map is equally big. It’s good to know this going into Rise of the Ronin because it will help players prepare for future events and item management like not worrying about upgrading gear until at least Edo.

3 Not Realizing The Cats Are Useful

And Your Little Dog Too

Sneaking up on a cat in Rise of the Ronin

One of the collectibles in the game is cats that ran away and a geisha, Usugumo Dayu, is collecting them. Players can unlock items in her shop the more they find but cats offers more than that. Back at the Longhouse, which is the home base, players can send cats out on gathering missions similar to the assassins in Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood.

Rise of the Ronin: How To Level Up Fast

Rise of the Ronin players can expedite the process of leveling up by following the methods mentioned in this guide.

Also at the Longhouse, players may not initially see a dog outside which will randomly appear. This is a Pilgrim Dog and it too can gather materials on time-based missions.

2 Not Taking Full Advantage Of The Game's Movement Mechanics

Call Your Horse

Riding a horse in Rise of the Ronin

There are a lot of elements in this game that feel inspired by The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. For example, players can get a glider in Rise of the Ronin after the aforementioned mission “Curtain Falls, Curtain Rises.” It’s fun to grapple around the world and then go into the air using this glider.

What players may not know is that they can transition from gliding to their horse without a delay. All they have to do is get close to the ground, use the horse whistle, and that is that. It’s fun to watch this transition using the photo mode’s frame-by-frame feature.

1 Only Playing Missions In Multiplayer Or With AI

Look For Gear Bonuses

Uchigatana weapon in Rise of the Ronin

There is a co-op feature in Rise of the Ronin that players can initiate at the aforementioned Longhouse. Players can choose a mission and then launch it by setting up a match themselves or joining someone else’s session. Players can also replay missions without multiplayer and use party members controlled by AI.

Players may not know a third option is available as they can go into a mission solo which has benefits. There are pieces of gear that improve solo attempts at missions like the Special Effect, Solo Attempt Attack Up, which can be attached to weapons and improve attack power by varying percentages.

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Rise of the Ronin

March 22, 2024
Team Ninja
Action RPG