With so much at stake in Rise of the Ronin, players will have to be in the best condition in order to engineer the changes that will shape the future of Japan. This means getting armed with the best equipment, clearing areas of all opposition, and learning the best skills to have the biggest advantage in and out of combat.

However, with four different skill trees that govern varying aspects of the experience, it can be a difficult task to choose which skills are going to be more useful. Fret not, this guide will show you which are the best skills to get first in Rise of the Ronin that will enrich your adventure right from the start.

With four trees and countless skills to unlock, here are the various key skills that should be targeted as soon as possible in the areas of Strength, Dexterity, Charm, and Intellect:

10 Games To Play While You Wait For Rise Of The Ronin

Rise of the Ronin from Team Ninja has fans excited. While waiting for its 2024 release, here are a few games to get sucked into in the meantime.

Best Skills to Unlock First in Rise of the Ronin

Strength Skills

Best Skills to Unlock First in Rise of the Ronin - Strength
  • Repel Arrows/Bullets (Counterspark) - With so many enemies capable of ranged damage, make them regret it by sending back projectiles their way.
  • Auto-life Recovery (Out of Battle) - Stop wasting precious medicine outside of battle and let the auto-heal take care of your health.
  • Weaken Enemies (Morale Down) - Hunt down leaders to weaken the rest of the group's Ki with a permanent reduction, making battles easier.
  • Increased Critical Hit Damage - Breaking the stance of the enemy allows for a powerful Critical Hit; use it to end the lives of lesser enemies in an instant.
  • Refill ↑ (Medicinal Pills) - Having more healing supplies is always a good move, even with co-op partners along for the ride.
  • Ki Recovery ↑ (Critical Hit) - While Critical Hits hurt the enemy, make it work better for you as well by recovering Ki much quicker.
  • Killer Blade - Instant kill for lesser enemies that are vulnerable to Critical Hits, lessen the numbers more effectively with the skill.
  • Ki Recovery (Effective Counterspark) - With an effective combat style, recover more Ki with successful Countersparks to help in battle.
  • Max Health ↑ - The only way to have more health in the game, a vital upgrade, to say the least.

Dexterity Skills

Best Skills to Unlock First in Rise of the Ronin - Dexterity
  • Rapid Assassinations - Getting the drop on groups of enemies and quickly dispatching them makes this skill a must-have.
  • Grappling Rope Assassination - For occasions where stealth is paramount, remove patrolling enemies from the equation entirely by using elevation to your advantage.
  • Direct Hit - Increased firing speed and damage with the bow to take out enemies from afar.
  • Enemy Evasion ↑ - Make it easier to escape enemy detection even after being noticed.
  • Refill ↑ (Medicinal Pills) - An increased number of healing medicines is advisable.
  • Quietness ↑ (Moving) - Help make movement less detectable and get closer to the enemy.
  • Steal Items (Grappling Rope) - Prevent enemies from using status or stat-bolstering items and grab them for yourself instead.

Charm Skills

Best Skills to Unlock First in Rise of the Ronin - Charm
  • Ki Recovery ↑ (Blade Flash) - Recover a decent amount of Ki and keep the pressure up with constant attacks in combat.
  • Combined Critical Hit - Unleash Critical Hits and watch your allies join in for even more damage.
  • Upgraded Allies - Reduce damage taken by allies and increase their damage dealt simultaneously.
  • Ki Blaze Gauge ↑ - Increase the speed at which the Ki Blaze gauge is filled up for more usage.
  • Bond Acquisition ↑ - Make it easier to build personal bonds and area bonds, leading to more rewards quicker.
  • Blood Gauge ↑ - A great companion to the Blade Flash upgrade, increase the amount of Blood Gauge gains so you can recover Ki more effectively.
  • Refill ↑ (Medicinal Pills) - Once more, stock up on medicinal pills as much as possible.

Intellect Skills

Best Skills to Unlock First in Rise of the Ronin - Intellect
  • Craft Status Ailment Medicine - Prevent yourself from being at the mercy of status ailments, get the right tools for the job.
  • Craft Status Ailment Items - Make all foes pay by having access to all sorts of items that can cause status ailments.
  • Refill ↑ (Medicinal Pills) - Fight harder and longer with more medicine to help you tide through it all.
  • Barter (Equipment Upgrades) - Make it more affordable when it comes to upgrades, giving you an edge in battle.
  • Discernment - Uncover hidden items at all vendors, perfect for stocking up gifts and resources.
  • Attack ↑ (Afflicted Enemies) - Increase damage dealt to enemies with status ailments.
  • Increased Efficacy (Medicine) - Enhance medicine to heal more effectively.
  • Duration ↑ (Adding Affinities) - Extends the duration of items that add status ailments to primary weapons.
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Rise of the Ronin

March 22, 2024
Team Ninja
Sony Interactive Entertainment