Transformers: Rise of the Beasts brings the Maximals and the Terrorcons into live-action for the blockbuster Transformers film. Yet, with such heavyweights featuring Optimus Primal and Scourge, do they harbor enough power and intellect to challenge the might and popularity of the legendary leader of the Autobots, Optimus Prime?

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Each Transformers character has their strengths, but only one can be stronger than the rest. Whether it’s the ability to overcome great odds, transform into a robot bird, or serve the will of a planet-eating machine, these Transformers characters are no joke.

12 Wheeljack

wheeljack poster transformers rise of the beasts

Perhaps the weakest of the Transformers crew is Wheeljack, a character known more for his smarts and his glasses than he is for his combat prowess. That does not mean that Wheeljack is brave, as, despite numerous calls to the situation about the dangers ahead, he will still charge in with the Autobots and Maximals to defeat the threats that await them.

Audiences only get to see a brief part of Wheeljack’s arsenal, as he is mainly seen either driving whilst Arcee shoots or turning his hands into cannons to shoot energy blasts from them. His skills are undefined, but it’s safe to say that he couldn’t fight Optimus Prime solo.

11 Arcee

Transformers Arcee

As one of the most popular Transformers, Arcee certainly shows her own, with a unique flair for her acrobatic movements. Arcee moves like a gymnast, jumping and leaping through the battlefield as if she is as light as a feather, and not a machine that weighs a crushing amount.

Arcee is a brilliant acrobat, which makes her combat potential rather extraordinary, especially when she can leap over enemies, and use her hands to shoot them with rapid-fire pistols. Her agility makes her hard to catch, and even harder to kill.

10 Mirage

mirage from transformers rise of the beasts

Mirage’s skill set is not only his love for ‘90s pop culture or his quirky zingers but in his powers. Mirage isn’t like other Transformers, and he can actually create multiple copies of himself, hence the name Mirage. This Transformers character can confuse and disorientate enemies through these digital copies, leaving him plenty of freedom to land a hit or two with his real fists.

Mirage is more flexible with his arsenal of weapons, and he doesn’t just rely on an energy blaster for an arm. Instead, he donates and uses his parts to help his human allies, including the creation of a suit of armor. Mirage’s bravery and sacrifice make him a strong Autobot.

9 Bumblebee

Bumblebee Poster

Bumblebee is one of the most well-known and iconic Transformers in the entire franchise. This Autobot is courageous, heroic, self-sacrificing, and extremely snarky with his radio voice box. If Bumblebee isn’t using a movie reference to talk, then he’s kicking machine butt with a fury of punches, kicks, and blaster fire.

Bumblebee may not be the best at a one-vs-one fight with larger foes, but that will never deter or stop Bumblebee from trying, which makes him a brilliant and loyal ally, and one that fights with swagger.

8 Airazor

airazor in transformers rise of the beasts

Taking to the skies, Airazor is loyal to the Maximals, and the humans of Earth. Audiences may not get to see Airazor Maximize, but her beast mode of a falcon is just as dangerous. In this beast mode form, Airazor has control of the skies, with sharp talons, and a mouth that can breathe a devastating beam of fire.

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Airazor’s fire breath can melt almost any material, and it’s not something an Autobot or Decepticon would want to be in the middle of. However, Airazor’s fighting prowess is bested by anyone with arms, considering she is restricted to metal wings and talons.

7 Battletrap

battletrap fighting in an explosion

Battletrap is one of the Terrorcons that seeks to bring Unicron to Earth. Although Battletrap doesn’t have much to say, he makes up for his quietness with his weaponry and lust for combat. Battletrap can be seen swinging a giant metal ball, devastating the ground and anyone that dares to cross his path.

Battletrap is the brute of the Terrorcons, so it makes sense for him to be one of the strongest Transformers. However, all it takes is someone smarter, and more courageous, to help this evil-doer see their end.

6 Cheetor

cheetor poster transformers rise of the beasts

Cheetor doesn’t need to transform into a car to dominate the battlefield with his intense speeds, as Cheetor’s cheetah beast mode is incredibly quick. Cheetor can scout ahead for the Maximals and is a brilliant ally to have in the fight due to the high speeds that he can reach, meaning the battle is only over if Cheetor is out of breath, which is never.

Cheetor also has an incredible Maximize form, in which he will stand back on his two legs, and wield a deadly double-sided spear. This spear can pierce through anything, and Cheetor uses it a great deal against the war on Unicron’s forces.

5 Nightbird

nightbird character sheet

As the second-in-command of the Terrorcons, Nightbird utilizes her strengths to incredible feats. She’s deadly in the sky and the ground. Nightbird is used as air support, swooping down and grabbing Autobots and Maximals to destroy them.

However, the most deadly part of Nightbird is not only her sadistic determination but her deadly katanas, which seem to slice through metal like butter. Nightbird is a great threat to anyone who doesn’t align with her goals.

4 Rhinox

rhinox roaring in transformers rise of the beasts

Brute force is always a great game plan, especially when said brute force is a four-legged rhino. Rhinox has the beast form of a rhinoceros, and can charge through battle thanks to his thick metallic hide and his deadly horn that he can use to headbutt and steamroll through Unicron’s forces.

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Rhinox is also a great combatant, and in his Maximize form, he can be seen running around with a giant hammer, turning Unicron’s cannon fodder into a metal paste with every swing. Rhinox is one of the strongest Maximals and serves as their commando.

3 Optimus Primal

optimus primal in transformers rise of the beasts

As the leader of the Maximals, Optimus Primal takes great care in the sanctity of life. Optimus Primal has lived amongst a small tribe of humans for centuries, and respects them, caring for the innocence of their lives against greater threats. Optimus Primal’s motives and qualities stem from Optimus Prime, as he was named after the Autobot leader.

Optimus Primal knows sacrifice, and he knows bravery. If anyone will charge first into battle, it will be Optimus Primal, knowing that he would rather sacrifice himself than any of his Maximals. In his gorilla form, he can exhibit brute strength and great movement, but even his Maximize form has some incredible combat abilities.

2 Scourge

scourge in transformers rise of the beasts

Scourge is the leader of the Terrorcons, and loyal only to Unicron. Scourge is desperate to follow the bidding of his dark master, and takes pride in the conquest and battle against anyone brave enough to get in the way of his attempts to help Unicron.

Scourge has seen centuries of warfare, indicated by the emblems grafted to his body. Scourge keeps trophies of fallen Decepticons, Autobots, Maximals, and whoever else he kills in battle. His arsenal is formed from his arms, and he uses them strategically to kill.

1 Optimus Prime

optimus prime in transformers rise of the beasts

The leader of the Autobots has seen many challenge his namesake as a Prime, but none have succeeded. Optimus Prime is fearless and will do anything for his allies, or even someone he barely knows. Nobody knows leadership quite like Optimus Prime, and the toll it takes to make the sacrifice play that no one else should have to.

Optimus Prime is a fearless leader and a hero, and his combat abilities prove why he is the leader of the Autobots. Optimus Prime can fight the most dangerous of enemies like Scourge in a one-on-one situation, and quickly conjure up a brutal Cybertron Axe to hack his way through his enemies.

Transformers: Rise of the Beasts is in theatres now.

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