Players itching to press their trigger fingers will delight in the new FPS action provided by Riot Games' Valorant. In this tactical FPS, players get the same hero-based specializations of games such as Overwatch and Apex Legends. Additionally, Riot's new FPS also has the tactical thrill of titles such as Counter-Strike and Rainbow Six: Siege.

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Unfortunately, new Valorant players might find it tricky to adjust their playstyles whenever they switch from one character to the next. And with each character possessing unique skills and abilities, just what are must-have abilities per agent?

11 Flashpoint (Breach)

Aside from the signature Fault Line, Breach players should study Flashpoint. This ability to set charges on walls gives a lot of tactical options to Breach users. These charges become useful in defending points, as Flashpoint blinds enemies.

Moreover, as an Initiator, Breach specializes in starting team clashes to disrupt the opposing squad. His Flashpoint complements his signature Fault Line to daze enemies within a line. Moreover, he can pin opponents with Aftershock that blasts through walls, and (Ult) Rolling Thunder that can stun enemies after being blinded by Flashpoint.

10 Incendiary (Brimstone)

While the Sky Smoke signature blocks off sections of the map, Incendiary gives Brimstone the ability to control crucial map points. Triggering the incendiary grenade can generate a fire zone that can discourage combatants from approaching bomb sites or other crucial chokepoints.

As a Controller, Brimstone has various utility perks that give him a degree of control over the battlefield. His rapid-fire stim beacons, smokescreens, and incendiary grenades enable the squad to gain control of firefights quickly, making him very useful in team fights.

9 Trapwire (Cypher)

Trapwire serves as a great deterrent when trying to stop enemy combatants from reaching certain points on the map. Whereas Cypher can look into various points of the map with Spycam, Trapwire makes use of this information to delay enemies grouped together in a path. When triggered, the Trapwire dazes, reveals, and tethers enemies for a short time.

Additionally, as a Sentinel, Cypher makes use of traps and surveillance gadgets to reveal the location of enemies on the map. Cypher users in a squad can tap into this information to ambush enemies and end matches quickly.

8 Updraft (Jett)

Updraft propels Jett high in the air, perfect for reaching the higher ground or descending for an assault, all for a rather cheap 100 Creds. This skill, combined with Jett's Tailwind, enables her to zig-zag around the battlefield and wreak havoc to enemy formations. In the right hands, Updraft can give Jett the ability to ambush enemies and escape just as fast.

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As a Duelist, Jett loves skirmishes and quick battles. Thanks to her speed and grace, Jett can dart around the battlefield quickly and finish opponents. Thanks to Updraft, she can face enemies head-on, distract them with her Cloudburst, and use Blade Storm to secure the kill.

7 Paranoia (Omen)

While Dark Cover obstructs enemy vision in an area, it's a well-placed Paranoia that makes Omen extremely deadly before and during team fights. Omen stalking enemies and hitting them with Paranoia greatly decreases accuracy. Moreover, since Paranoia passes through walls, well-placed shots can disrupt enemy defenses before Omen's team begins an assault.

Unlike combat-oriented Brimstone, Omen controls the battlefield with teleportation and vision-obstruction. Thanks to the scary efficiency of Paranoia, Omen can Shrouded Step into areas with Paranoia-debuffed enemies and ambush them. Moreover, Paranoia with (Ult) From The Shadows can secure Omen's escape if need be.

6 Blaze (Phoenix)

A team fight can easily tip to Phoenix's advantage with the Blaze firewall. Aside from providing vision-obstruction and constant AOE, Phoenix can use Blaze to have the team reposition as he makes an assault. This factor makes Blaze very useful in big areas, as Phoenix can trigger Blaze to feign an assault and have the squad flank opponents.

Moreover, Blaze complements other Phoenix skills. Hot Hands after using Blaze can disrupt an enemy's counter-assault thanks to its fire zone. Lastly, (Ult) Run It Back makes Blaze a useful feign, as the Ult essentially grants Phoenix free rez.

5 Boom Bot (Raze)

Other Raze players might hate Boom Bot, as it takes a long time to deploy. However, Raze players should look at Boom Bot as more of a zoning tool, as the bot immediately chases opponents that meet its cone range, revealing lurkers.

Moreover, Raze can position her Paint Shells to the Boom Bot's direction, which can scatter AOE damage. Meanwhile, she can also use Boom Bot to lure opponents to her Blast Pack charges. Lastly, Raze can use Boom Bot to force enemies to be in the range of her (Ult) Showstopper, which can end clashes with the right hit.

4 Leer (Reyna)

New character Reyna can capitalize on Leer to disrupt enemy attackers, making them vulnerable to Reyna's other attacks or her allies'. Since looking at the Leer grants Nearsight, opponents can't spot Reyna and other distant characters, making them prone to other traps.

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Moreover, Leer can be a great precursor to her other skills. Nearsighted enemies can't see Reyna enjoy the healing benefits of Devour, the escape benefits of Dismiss, or even introduce a devastating (Ult) Empress frenzy mode.

3 Barrier Orb (Sage)

Of Sage's abilities, perhaps Barrier Orb offers the most flexibility. Its ability to create a solid wall will let Sova secure defensive points easily while her team regroups. Moreover, Sage can position Barrier Orb to block an exit while the Slow Orb slows enemies down to get plowed by her allies.

Additionally, this skill can work in tandem with Sage's signature Healing Orb, as the barrier gives her enough room to heal allies. Players can apply the same principle to (Ult) Resurrection, which can be difficult to do when there are shooting enemies nearby.

2 Recon Bolt (Sova)

Sova's Recon Bolt serves as a great reconnaissance tool that conserves her mobility. Unlike other scouting abilities, Sova only sees enemies within her bolt's line of sight, meaning she can immediately know if her destination holds any risk.

Moreover, Sova can take advantage of Recon Bolt to position herself better for the offensive. For instance, Sova can pinpoint enemies with Recon Bolt and hit their destination with Shock Bolt just as they arrive. Moreover, she can anticipate their arrival with (Ult) Hunter's Fury, which can damage enemies through walls, hitting them even before they exit doorways and corners.

1 Poison Cloud (Viper)

Viper specializes in long-lasting poison attacks that disrupt the movement of enemies. Of these abilities, Poison Cloud remains throughout the match, making it a great protective cover to contested zones or areas of ambush. However, Viper can also position the Poison Cloud opposite ambush zones, so players can be misdirected into going the wrong way.

Poison Cloud works in tandem with her signature Toxic Screen or even Snake Bite, which can lure opponents to bad positions. Lastly, (Ult) Viper's Pit can wreck entire squads when used in a Poison Cloud.

NEXT: Valorant: 5 Biggest Fixes It Still Needs (& 5 Things We Hope Riot Games Add)