RimWorld is full of endless story possibilities that will captivate attention and leave players with grand tales to tell. Creating epic tales of success will require lots of experience and knowledge of RimWorld. Player colonies that survive for long periods will form an attachment and keep gamers at the edge of their seats awaiting what RimWorld has in store for them. Colonies that defy the odds will always be treasured memory and may hold funny stories to tell to friends.

RELATED: Fun Colony Roleplay IdeasSkilled players can also experiment more with the game and find fun ways to play the game through role-playing. Playing on a higher difficulty will keep the game exciting and keep players vigilant.

7 Drug Production

drug production

Producing drugs is an excellent way to get a steady source of income in RimWorld. Traders will allow players to sell drugs at great prices and allow colonies to flourish financially. Players need to carefully store drugs and limit their use, as drug addictions will negatively affect any colony. Players need to limit drug use to prevent mental state breakdowns.

Selling drugs will provide players with lots of silver and allow them to purchase rare items from traders. Purchasing medicine is a great way to keep a colony's hospital well-stocked and prepared for the worst. Players can also purchase Glitterworld medicine as it cannot be crafted and is superior to normal medicine.

6 Improving Base Building

late game base developed

Getting better at building bases is the best way to improve at the game. There are many ways to get better at base building and they are all easy to learn. Picking a good location near fertile land will help during the early game. Creating effective freezers and storage rooms will allow players to store items confidently.

Building dedicated workshops will improve productivity and allow colonies to become more organized. Managing prisoners is another aspect players need to learn and manage in their colony. Adding decorations will boost a colonist's mood and keep them productive. Building the colony's base one part at a time and connecting them later on is an ideal method compared to attempting a massive building early into a save.

5 Raising Animals

animals in wild in RimWorld

One crucial mechanic many players overlook is managing animals. Animals provide a consistent source of food and materials that are essential for the survival of a colony. Learning how to raise animals requires a skilled colonist and lots of food. Taming and raising animals is expensive but will yield profits fast and improve your chances of survival.

RELATED: How To Get KibbleKibble is an excellent resource to feed animals in RimWorld and as a bonus, players do not need to refrigerate kibble to preserve it. Intelligent animals are able to learn tasks such as attacking enemies, hauling supplies, and even rescuing wounded colonists.

4 Treating Prisoners

prisoner ward

Building a prison ward is a simple task, but it is vital to create a comfortable stay. One of the fastest ways to expand a colony is through managing prisoners and recruiting them. Treating prison cells as a normal bedroom is a great way to boost prisoner morale, and providing lavish meals is another great way.

Higher morale results in quicker recruitment and lower chances of escape. Having a fast turnover for prisoners is beneficial as prisoners spend less time hogging food resources without contributing to the colony.

3 Hydroponics

hydroponics farm

Hydroponics should not be ignored after the early game as they provide an excellent source of food and materials. Sun lamps consume a hefty amount of electricity and should only be used once a colony has advanced power generation. For a hydroponic room to properly function, players need to manage temperatures by using heaters to keep the room warm for crops to grow.

One downside to hydroponics is their dependency on a backup power source that is separate from the main power source. Keeping the backup battery unconnected to the power system for when disaster strikes is essential. Hydroponic crops are quick to die when not connected to power.

2 Assigning Zones

zones menu ui

Learning how to manage zones will provide players with more control over their colonists and animals. Players can access zones in the Architect menu and are able to create new areas and edit pre-existing ones. Players are able to restrict colonists from certain areas. Creating zones during toxic fallout is essential as colonists and pets must stay indoors.

RELATED: How To Rename AnimalsSpecial zones can be created such as a hospital zone. This allows injured colonists to be restricted to the hospital ward. Zones can also be created for animals and are helpful in keeping animals from dirtying specific areas of a base.

1 Traits

traits colonist menu

Colonist traits are a key factor as to what makes them unique and playing around them is important. Many traits provide positive benefits to a colonist and allow them to perform better than their peers. Quick sleeper is among the best traits in the game as it allows colonists to sleep less and be more productive. Other traits will bring down a colonist and turn them into a liability.

Players that have a pyromaniac colonist must do their best to avoid a mental state, otherwise the colony will be set ablaze. Other traits will prevent colonists from engaging in certain activities such as cleaning or hauling.

RimWorld is available now on PC, macOS, Linux, PS4, and Xbox One.

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