RimWorld, the hit colony-management sim from Ludeon Studios, revived the spirit of the cult classic Dwarf Fortress. Players must protect a group of colonists stranded in a remote world and guide them into building a safe and happy colony. RimWorld is full of dangers for colonists to overcome, everything from starvation to madness, pirates to insectoid swarms.

The life of a colonist in RimWorld is tough, but the life of a naked colonist is even tougher. It's for this reason that Cloth is one of Rimworld's most important crafting materials, allowing players to not only clothe their colonists but also provide them with comfort and relaxation. However, Cloth is not a material that spawns naturally on the map, and players may have some difficulty acquiring it.

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How to Get Cloth in RimWorld

RimWorld fields of Cotton and Cloth

By far, the easiest way to get Cloth in RimWorld is to grow it by planting Cotton Plants. These plants require ground with a minimum fertility of 70%, as well as a safe growing temperature of between 10C (50F) and 42C (107F). On temperate maps, it's recommended for players to at least plant a small section of Cotton when they first plant their food crops at the beginning of the game. Having RimWorld colonists with the best Traits and a high Growing skill will allow players to plant more without consuming too much of their colonist's time with agriculture.

Cotton Plants take around 14 days to grow, taking into account resting time at night, and a fully mature plant will produce 10 Cloth when harvested. While this is a good amount of Cloth to receive from each plant, not all colonies will be able to support a Cotton farm. In colonies that lack fertile soil or good Growing skills, the only way to get Cloth is to buy it from a trader. Trade caravans will regularly visit a colony, offering both raw materials like Cloth and rare items like the best ranged weapons in RimWorld. After players have unlocked the Comms Console, they'll also be able to trade with the ships in orbit.

What to do with Cloth in RimWorld

RimWorld: Tips For Managing Needs

The most important use for Cloth in RimWorld is in making clothing. Most colonists take a major penalty to mood in RimWorld from being naked, on top of the dangers of hypothermia or heatstroke. The only colonists who are happy to be naked are those with the Nudist trait, and even they will suffer more from the effects of heat and cold while unclothed. Cloth can also be used to make Flak armor, offering some of the best protection in the game.

Apart from clothing, Cloth is also an ingredient for several items that boost colonist's comfort and recreation needs in RimWorld. This includes the Billiards and Poker tables, two furniture items that can quickly satisfy recreation, as well as comfortable Armchairs for colonists to relax in, and Rugs to raise a room's beauty.

RimWorld is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

MORE: RimWorld: How to Get Medicine