
  • RimWorld is a mechanically rich game that can be visually enhanced with graphics mods, creating a more pleasant aesthetic without sacrificing gameplay.
  • Mods like GreenRim increase vegetation, Vanilla Furniture Expanded adds more props, and Better Ground Textures? improves the color palette, making the game look more immersive and appealing.
  • Mods like Vanilla Hair Retextured and Retextured Apparel improve the textures of hair and apparel, making pawns stand out more and adding a modern feel to the game.

RimWorld is a mechanically rich game full of depth that keeps players hooked for countless hours. Players can make RimWorld look prettier and fresher while maintaining its excellent gameplay. Graphics mods for RimWorld are limited as to what they can do, but using a few together does create a noticeable difference.

RimWorld: 6 Fun Colony Roleplay Ideas

These six colony roleplay ideas are perfect for those looking to spice up their RimWorld experience.

Tweaking the games' textures and graphics gives the game a more pleasant aesthetic while players fight off an enemy raid or fend off starvation. Combining a few texture mods will create a unique-looking RimWorld that is more pleasant to look at while maintaining the core gameplay. Adding too many graphics mods may lead to performance issues, but a few will not hurt.

1 GreenRim

Steam Score: 5 Stars with 427 Ratings

Green Rim Cropped
  • Created & Screenshot by: Brunin

Brown is a frequent color in RimWorld alongside the gray stone color, leading to a monotonous color palette. Different biomes have different vegetation. Tropical rainforests are lush in flora, while tundras are sparse.

GreenRim increases the vegetation for each region to give a lively feel to the planet and make it more immersive for players. Growth speeds are bolstered and make the local grass and plants feel alive. Extreme deserts, ice sheets, sea ice, and swamps are unaffected as their regional difficulties would be affected.

In RimWorld, one frequent piece of beginner advice is to choose particular biomes that are easier to survive in. However, in GreenRim, players can choose any biome without worrying about it seeming too bland.

2 Vanilla Furniture Expanded

Steam Score: 5 Stars with 2,767 Ratings

Vanilla props expanded

Many bases in RimWorld look similar, and the game lacks enough furniture to give each base a unique feel. Vanilla Furniture Expanded adds around 350 hand-drawn props that match the vanilla feel of RimWorld and adds color options for most props.

RimWorld: Room Size Guide

Room size is important to understanding how to manage the moods of players' pawns in Rimworld, and here is how it works.

The props are merely decorative and are not interactive. This furniture mod is excellent for filling in any gaps in a base to make it feel more cozy and lifelike. Players can add a sink, shelf, and even pickup trucks. Props provide a +1 beauty to incentivize players to place them around their base. Keeping the mood high is essential to keep colonists productive.

3 Better Ground Textures?

Steam Score: 5 Stars with 325 Ratings

better ground textures Cropped

The ground textures of vanilla RimWorld struggle to use various colors and textures. The ground outdoors generally looks uninteresting and is ignored. Better Ground Textures? reworks all the ground textures of soil, rich soil, stony soil, lichen-covered soil, mud, and marshy soil.

The changes are noticeable and a vast improvement over the usual brown color tone most of the map has in the game. This mod affects a large portion of the textures in RimWorld, and the modder has done a great job at keeping the vanilla feel while improving the color palette. When players are stressed dealing with raiders, the prettier ground textures will help calm them down.

4 Better Walls And Floors

Steam Score: 5 Stars with 278 Ratings

Better wakks and floors Cropped

One of the best ways to make screenshots of a base stand out is by using different textures for walls and floors. Changing the textures significantly affects the feel of a base. Better Walls and Floors redesigns these textures to replace the vanilla ones.

The new textures give a darker RPG feel to RimWorld by using darker colors and detailed textures. These textures blend well together and transform any base to a more serious look compared to the cartoonish art style used by vanilla RimWorld.

Players can focus on base building while knowing their base will look better with the replaced textures. This mod also replaces all the floors in the game but it no longer keeps the vanilla RimWorld feel.

5 Vanilla Hair Retextured

Steam Score: 5 Stars with 554 Ratings

vanilla hair retextured Cropped

Players will normally see a colonist's hair as the most detailed part of their design. Pawns in vanilla have default hairstyles that are okay but can be improved. Vanilla Hair Retextured improves the hair textures to give RimWorld a modern feel by updating the hair textures.

All hair textures are given a higher resolution and slight tweaks to make them aesthetically pleasing for endless hours. Pawns will stand out more, and players will have an easier time differentiating between them. Gamers will have an easier time remembering pawn-specific traits and always keep an eye on pyromaniacs from stirring trouble.

6 Retextured Apparel

Steam Score: 5 Stars with 340 Ratings

threads thing Cropped

Keeping with the theme of updating vanilla textures, Retextured Apparel updates the vanilla apparel textures and makes them sharper. Body and face textures are also refined and improved. This mod targets many of the clothes in the game. Tribal wear, flak jackets and vests, t-shirts, dusters, parkas, and other base game apparel are enhanced and look fancier while respecting the vanilla feel.

RimWorld: Best Armor

Staying safe isn't easy in Rimworld, but having the right armor gives colonists a fighting chance.

This mod does an excellent overhaul of the vanilla apparel by removing the blur in textures and improving the base game pawns.

7 Scattered Flames

Steam Score: 5 Stars with 1,240 Ratings

Scattered Flames Cropped

Flame textures are the ultimate test of any game's graphics, but RimWorld isn't about looking fancy. Still, the base game fire textures can be improved by using Scattered Flames. The mod creator aimed to recreate the flame graphics and make them feel organic and random.

The gameplay aspects of fires remain the same, but flames will now emit smoke and faint particle effects. Players can pick between several options to find what flame option best suits them. Players can toggle particle effects, optimize shadows, and even turn on a high-performance mode.


PC , PS4 , Xbox One
October 17, 2018
Ludeon Studios