When it comes to the Smith family punchlines in Rick and Morty, Jerry might as well be a punching bag. He's usually the butt-end of the jokes in the series throughout all five seasons and there are only a couple of moments where he catches a break or gets put in a situation he prefers. Based on how Rick and Morty treat him, Jerry Smith is far from an ideal protagonist material.

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He's too simple and his activities are too uneventful to be considered exciting. Even so, Rick Sanchez could learn a thing or nine about him. Rick's own son-in-law can be a good example of what he can view as a standard when it comes to restaining or limiting himself. Don't believe it? Then check out what Rick could have learned from Jerry long ago if he wanted to be a better grandparent to Morty or be a better father to Beth.

9 Jerry's Optimism


Whereas both Rick and even Morty can be prone to mental breakdowns in the face of overwhelming hopelessness, Jerry can remain composed. In fact, he's been placed in several life-threatening situations before and he has managed to look on the bright side.

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Whether being imprisoned by sentient dogs or being threatened by his demi-god of a father-in-law, Jerry doesn't seem to panic or despair too much. That could be due to his slow processing of some repercussions and consequences, but in Jerry's case, it's one of his most useful traits.

8 Old School Values


Jerry being of average intelligence (or maybe below average, as the show implies), believes in values that are commonly outdated. One example is working hard instead of working smart. Jerry is an industrious man, for that matter, and believes in abiding by the law and earning one's keep and success the good old-fashioned American way.

Rick, by comparison, always cuts corners or outright cheats his way into victory. For that, he has earned the ire of countless governments and lawful entities. Rick has no honorand would happily exploit a mini-universe into slavery if it meant he wouldn't have to change his car battery the conventional way. That's not something Jerry wouldn't do—most vile capitalist stuff wouldn't cross his mind.

7 His Sincere Love For Beth

jerry grimace in rick and morty

Here's where Jerry always seems to defeat Rick. One of Jerry's most persistent characteristics is his undying love for Beth. Even after they have gone through a divorce and even after Jerry found an ideal rebound woman, he maintained his love for Beth.

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Jerry's solid attachment to Beth is something Beth wished her father had. There never did have any doubts about sticking with Beth whereas Rick always had one foot out the door when it comes to staying there for her daughter. It's no wonder she has some deep-seated abandonment issues which Jerry tends to alleviate.

6 The Capacity To Maintain Long Relationships


Since Jerry has more old-school values compared to Rick and his lawless, egotistic, and Machiavellian demeanor, he doesn't really have any problems sticking with one person. Jerry can compromise and sacrifice for his loved ones in order to keep the peace or sate all parties involved in personal conflicts.

With Rick, there's no compromise, hence he's not mentally fit for any long-term romantic (or even familial) relationship. He even admitted it himself: he's partly just bonding with Morty for the boy's utility. With Rick, everything must happen or proceed to his advantage. With Jerry, there's little to no pretense or manipulation, resulting in more longer-lasting relationships.

5 Relatively Responsible Parenting

jerry parenting morty in rick and morty

While both Beth and Jerry are far from being ideal parents, they're at least there for their children. Jerry even recognizes Morty's need for traditional schooling as it can help Morty learn socialization and cooperation. Meanwhile, he always tries to understand Summer, snobby puberty, and all.

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Jerry even gave some experienced parenting tips to Morty when the latter had to raise his own Gazorpazorpian son. Then there's Rick who has plenty of experience in nonchalantly abandoning his daughter or grandchildren all based on his whims. All in all, Jerry's a better family man.

4 Awareness About Rick's Toxicity

jerry and rick in rick and morty

Due to his narcissistic nature, Rick has a problem recognizing what kind of monster he has become. Rick notably has low emotional intelligence and can't cope with anything that annoys him or reveals his shortcomings. For that matter, if viewers had a dollar for every episode that Rick displays his issues, they'd all be joining the egocentric billionaire space race by now.

In fact, there are many episodes dedicated to Rick's toxic traits. Jerry recognizes them well and would always try to warn both Morty and Beth about Rick's transgressiveness whether out of his insecurity or genuine concern. Even Rick would do well to listen to Jerry's criticisms about him.

3 A Fondness For Calmer And Simpler Hobbies

jerry breakfast in rick and morty

Being a near-omnipotent scientist and inventor, Rick's hobbies usually involve jumping from dimension to dimension in an amphetamine-fuelled hookup binge with female aliens or participating in interdimensional wars. To make matters worse, he brings both Morty and Summer with him in these destructive adventures.

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Why can't just Morty, Summer, or even Rick enjoy some simple activities with Jerry? Jerry loves bee-keeping which is helpful for the environment and can be therapeutic. He also loves camping and other down-to-Earth stuff such as fishing. That kind of contentment is something most stressed adults could strive for these days.

2 Jerry's Humility & Lack of Judgement

jerry and doofus rick in rick and morty

Rick's abnormally high intelligence is also his weakness as it makes him a pretentious snob. Rick's nothing but a bully most times and will even impulsively judge individuals based on their taste or appearance. Truth be told, that condescending behavior is starting to rub off on both Morty and Summer.

All three of them need to take their cues from Jerry. Jerry won't belittle or judge a person based on shallow, superficial traits or values. He's always genuinely polite or interested with most people he meets. The Smith patriarch has no compulsion to always boast or "peacock" himself, making him the most agreeable person in the Smith family.

1 Blissful Ignorance


Rick's biggest weakness because of his intelligence is his tendency to be dissatisfied or even depressed. He's always discontent about something; his idea of fulfillment is cloudy and too complex but ultimately revolves around his own ego.

Meanwhile, fulfillment for Jerry is Beth's love as well as a family that for whom he can provide. Jerry has no notions of grandeur or dominating everyone or everything. He keeps himself content and happy with the people closest to him and understands the fulfillment need not be a complicated plot to vandalize the multiverse with your reluctant grandson.

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