Being rich isn't a requirement for achieving great things, both in life and in movies. However, it can be a superpower, as Bruce Wayne himself pointed out when Barry Allen asked him what his special power was. Rich movie characters have to face fewer obstacles than their poorer counterparts and can focus on doing whatever they want.

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This can include fighting crime, enjoying their life to the fullest, and taking care of their families...the possibilities are almost endless. Rich movie characters aren't limited to a single genre, they appear in all types of movies, and some of them are so absurdly rich and popular among the fans that they stand out from the rest.

Source for wealth estimate: Forbes and infoplease

5 Richie Rich

Richie Rich

Richie Rich is very rich if it wasn't obvious from his name. Yet his story is a good example that even all the money in the world can't buy happiness if the hero is lonely. Richie has no friends, so when he gets the chance to meet new people his age and befriend them, he makes sure that they like him for who he is, not for his money. That's a refreshingly adult approach for someone so young. While the money isn't what's really important in this story, they still allow Richie to have a lot of fun in the end.

As one of the youngest movie billionaires, Richie Rich stands out because he's one of the few rich children figures that younger viewers can relate to. Macaulay Culkin gives another solid performance after the Home Alone movie series, and it's easy to wish him luck.

4 Bruce Wayne

Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne in The Dark Knight Rises

There's no denying that Bruce has learned how to fight and built his superhero career thanks to his intelligence and determination. Yet the fact that he inherited a lot of money and also had a company that helped him create new inventions, tools, and gadgets Batman could use played in his favor. Batman is much more than Bruce Wayne's money but the fact that Bruce is rich helped finance his superhero endeavors and make Gotham a better place. On the other hand, the wealth of Bruce's family led to the tragic death of his parents, something Bruce never dealt with and what inspired him to become Batman.

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Being rich also had a negative impact on Bruce's personal life because he could never be sure who was after his money and who simply liked him. Overall, the upsides won over the downsides in this case, as thanks to his money, Batman also had a place where to store his equipment and he could take care of those who needed it, such as Dick Grayson, who was orphaned at a young age, similar to Bruce.

3 Charles Foster Kane

Unlike Bruce Wayne or Richie Rich, Charles Foster Kane was one of the billionaires for whom money brought no semblance of happiness. He died lonely in his big mansion, and as the movie's finale revealed, his last thoughts were aimed at his lost childhood. While Kane could have helped many people thanks to his wealth, he chose to wallow in misery instead.

Orson Welles directed the movie as his highly successful debut and also portrayed the leading role in Citizen Kane (1941), a movie that has aged well and works today just like it did 81 years ago. Kane might not be the most sympathetic movie protagonist, but that makes his journey even more fascinating for the viewers to watch and to guess how he got where he ended up.

2 Tony Stark

Robert Downey Jr as Tony Stark in the original Iron Man movie

Tony Stark is another superhero who's rich. So is T'Challa, aka Black Panther, but the MCU put more emphasis on Tony's wealth and status in his solo as well as team Avengers movies. Unlike tortured billionaires, Tony doesn't mind he's wealthy, in fact, he's enjoying the lifestyle it brings. Even when he turns things around and starts helping people instead of making weapons, his money serves him well. He's generous with them, to the point he makes a young superhero an expensive suit just to help protect him - and is, naturally, shocked when the superhero's best friend hacks the multi-billion dollar suit.

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Tony Stark's journey to heroism in the movies is an excellent example that it isn't money that makes him a hero, but they certainly help as long as Tony uses them for the right purpose. Being wealthy is a part of his personality, so much so that Tony doesn't mind characterizing himself as a billionaire playboy philanthropist, and even Natasha Romanoff herself was willing to admit the description was accurate.

1 Carlisle Cullen

Carlisle Cullen

Some billionaires don't want to change the world or become even richer, they just want to help people and take care of their families. Carlisle Cullen had an unfair advantage as opposed to other billionaires mentioned since he had over four centuries to accumulate his wealth.

Despite the fact that he could easily relax all day and do nothing, Carlisle chose to work as a doctor and save people, which makes him one of the good guys, even though he's a vampire. Carlisle's two main interests seem to be his work and taking care of his extensive family, and he isn't one to flaunt his wealth. Instead, he uses it for what he perceives as good.

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