Developer Housemarque's sci-fi/horror game Returnal has been on many players' radars due to it being one of the first major games to release solely on next-generation consoles. Following an astronaut who crashes on an alien-infested planet while in a time loop, Returnal shouldn't be headed into lightly. It may have only been released recently, but the game has already gotten a reputation for being quite difficult.

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While this is partly because of the game's lack of a save system, it's also due to the game's enemies and bosses. Returnal notably separates its boss fights into three phases, making it more difficult with each phase. There aren't many bosses in Returnal, but the few that do make an appearance should provide a rightful challenge for players up to the challenge.

Updated on October 10, 2021, by Jason Van Duine:Even though Returnal's bosses may be an intimidating challenge, that doesn't mean defeating them is impossible. With careful precision and understanding of each boss, players can learn what it takes to take each of them down.

Being prepared with the knowledge of an upcoming boss, or finding hints to defeat a current one, can go a long way to help players reach the end of the game. Since every boss has different mechanics and attack patterns, players will benefit from knowing how to adjust to each encounter.

5 Phrike

The boss Phrike from Returnal

Phrike is the first boss that players will encounter on Atropos and is likely the easiest, but that certainly doesn't mean that it won't pose a threat. Found at the bottom of the foggy chasm Overgrown Ruins, defeating Phrike can mean the difference between players completing Returnal or getting stuck in the opening levels. Phrike begins with firing projectiles that home in on the player. In the first two phases, Phrike will also shoot projectiles that fall slowly from above.

In all three phases, Phrike can travel underground, though the player can keep track of his location by keeping an eye on the glow below. Phrike will also summon a laser circle that expands, as well as laser beams that appear either horizontally or vertically. In his last phase, Phrike will unleash a melee attack on the player as well as a bullet hell pattern. Phrike may seem difficult at first, but really his fight is more of an introduction as to what players can expect from enemies later in the game.

Tips On Defeating Phrike

Returnal phrike boss fight (1)

Phrike's weak point is his head; while any part of his body can be damaged, shooting his head is the best option for optimal damage. Players should strafe left or right to avoid his red projectiles, and dash to avoid his laser beam.

When Phrike enters the fog below, players should keep a close eye on where the orange glow is and be sure not to be standing over the spot Phrike chooses to emerge from. Phrike can sometimes be seen charging his lightning attack; players should run backward when this happens. Dodging can prevent his charge attacks. When Phrike emits red rings to jump over, he'll sometimes charge the player, so players should keep an eye on him when jumping.

4 Ixion

The boss Ixiom from Returnal

Ixion is a flying creature based on fast movement and firing "bullet-hell" patterns at the player. In Ixion's first phase, he'll fire blue projectiles at the player while flying around the arena. In-between phases, Ixion launches himself into the air and then crases right in the middle of the arena. This doesn't mean that he poses any less of a threat, however. Here he'll expel waves of energy and projectiles at the player.

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Afterward, Ixion will get up and zoom across the arena, leaving behind a trail of projectiles and energy waves for the player to avoid. Like Phrike, Ixion will begin unleashing melee attacks that send out shockwaves. He'll also slam his fists on the ground, which sends out even more shockwaves. Ixion isn't too different from Phrike in his attack style, at least when compared to the game's other bosses. Even still, his presence ramps up the difficulty slightly from the previous boss.

Tips On Defeating Ixion

Returnal Ixion boss fight (1)

Like Phrike, players will do the most damage to Ixion by shooting him in the head. Since he moves around a lot, players can often get more damage by running and gunning while strafing or dodging to avoid projectiles.

Players should also use Alt-Fire when he recharges. In his second phase, most of his attacks are difficult to avoid, so players should focus on avoiding his attacks, reserving dodges for homing projectiles. One of his moves has him still in mid-air, firing blue projectiles. These are relatively easy to avoid, so players can do the most damage here. Using consumables and the overload ability are also recommended.

3 Ophion

The boss Ophion from Returnal

Appearing at the underwater nightmare biome that is Abyssal Scar, Ophion is a nearly stationary boss that still provides a good fight for the player. The last boss to defeat before reaching the ending, Ophion begins by shooting green projectiles at the player. These move slowly, but players shouldn't underestimate their threat due to the sheer number of them. Players will also have to avoid purple shockwaves, yellow bullet patterns, and fast blue projectiles.

Ophion will slam his fists down much like Ixion in the second phase, which also sends out shockwaves. Along with more of the same attacks from the first phase, Ophion fires vertical laser beams and more bullet-hell patterns. His third phase amps up the difficulty of the attacks from the second, along with projectiles in a swirling pattern. Part of the reason for Ophion's increased difficulty isn't just his attacks but also his weakness. It can be incredibly easy for players to miss how to defeat Ophion by assuming that they just need to shoot directly at him.

Tips on Defeating Ophion

Returnal Ophion boss fight

Begin the fight by shooting at the blue orb above Ophion. Shooting at the blue orbs surrounding Ophion will reveal his weak points. Players should remember that Ophion's laser beams can't be dashed through. While the last phase may seem daunting, most of the projectiles move relatively slow. His purple lasers in the last phase can also be jumped through with the right timing.

2 Hyperion

The boss Hyperion from Returnal

Hidden in Echoing Ruins, Hyperion is a strange boss obsessed with his organ. Hyperion's boss fight starts off simple, with firing blue homing projectiles, followed by a red projectile that causes a shockwave and then some yellow bullets. The real trouble begins when he decides to fire all three of the above at once. He'll also fire a pink laser beam to avoid and more blue projectiles afterward. Hyperion will even include his precious organ into the mix, with projectiles raining down from its pipes.

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In the second phase, vines will begin shooting out from the ground and they can be difficult for the player to avoid. Alongside more projectiles, Hyperion also shoots a cross-shaped laser for players to avoid. He'll also cover himself with dangerous spikes if players get too close. The third phase is more of the same but at a newfound intensity. He'll also bring up thorns on either side of the player that funnel projectiles directly at them. Unlike the previous bosses, Hyperion provides a mixture of crazy and inventive attacks that already begin at a high difficulty, only to rank up from there.

Tips on Defeating Hyperion

Returnal Hyperion boss fight (1)

Be sure to dodge Hyperion's first attack; getting hit will cause Selene's suit to malfunction. Players can strafe left or right to avoid his initial attacks, carefully planning their landings to avoid projectiles close to the ground. During the final part of the first phase, players can avoid the attacks by staying mobile and dashing when appropriate.

If Hyperion's arms turn blue, run to the side to avoid damage. During the final phase, Hyperion will sometimes try to predict where the player will go and send an attack that way. Players should change direction as fast as possible when this happens. Move away when Hyperion bends over to avoid his vine attacks. During his final attacks, players should stay as close to him as possible in order to avoid his vines.

1 Nemesis

Selene facing down Nemesis in Returnal

Waiting at the top of Derelict Citadel, "Nemesis" is a perfect word to describe this beast. At first, he'll simply fire three different kinds of projectiles. The first basic, then homing, and finally curved. Unlike the other bosses, however, Nemesis isn't fighting alone. Floating allies beside him will also shoot lasers at the players. And unlike Nemesis, these guys can't be damaged. Allies also shoot at the ground, which will cause shockwaves for the player.

During the second phase, Nemesis will relocate, with the boss fight proceeding as normal but at an increased difficulty. It's phase three that really shakes things up. At this point, Nemesis will shoot the player away from the arena, forcing them to climb their way back up. In the meantime, players will have to avoid projectiles from Nemesis, as well as attacks from his friends. Like Ophion, players can't damage Nemesis by attacking him directly. This adds to his difficulty since players may not realize where to (or where not to) be aiming at.

Tips on Defeating Nemesis

Returnal Nemesis boss fight (1)

Focus on shooting at Nemesis's eye to do damage. It's best to stay as mobile as possible when fighting Nemesis. Players can predict which turret will shoot next since Nemesis will pull that turret closer to the platform. Turrets also shoot in a straight line.

For phases two and three, players should use the Icarian Grapnel to get from platform to platform. In phase three, players can usually stand in place and focus on shooting Nemesis, using the Icarian Grapnel to move when his projectiles get too close.

Returnal was released on April 30, 2021, and is available on PlayStation 5.

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