Returnal, a recent rogue-lite on the PS5, is like many other games in the genre, offering upgrades and items which players can use to extend their current run or enhance their next go around. In a game so involved with death, surviving is important, especially when trying to discover all the secrets of the Returnal narrative. There's a lot of time and mind-bending nonsense, and the quick and untimely deaths only make it harder to understand

One of the key items that players can use in the game are artifacts. These artifacts are run-specific and reset after every death. Some have general uses, while others are niche and only shine in specific scenarios. However, any rogue-lite player knows that an artifact can be worth their weight in gold. Getting the right artifacts can be the deciding outcome between a long and successful run, and a short trip to the River Styx.

10 Unfed Pod

Returnal Unfed Pod-1

The Unfed Pod is a great artifact for those who like to balance scales and play via the parasitic pathways that the game provides. If a gamer likes to trade for more power and be more aggressive with their resources, then the Unfed Pod may be a good option.

The Pod tips the trading scales in the player's favor by increasing the staggering power of their weapons by 20% per parasite equipped. This leads to easier combat encounters with the formidable enemies that litter the map. Obviously, the artifact has its downsides, with a heavy reliance on parasites and their corresponding drawbacks.

9 Progenitor Egg & Pulsating Mass

Parasite Artifacts Returnal

Similar to the Unfed Pod, the Progenitor Egg and Pulsating Mass revolve around equipping parasites. These artifacts are great because they can potentially increase the protagonist's integrity, at the cost of a parasite's drawbacks.

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These artifacts are situational and may not be for beginner Returnal players, as the downsides for the parasites have to be carefully monitored. There are other artifacts in the game that players may be lucky to acquire in the same run that can lessen the impact of a parasite's negative effects; however, this is an artifact akin to Icarus's Wings. Players shouldn't fly to close to the proverbial sun.

8 Wound Seekers

Returnal Wound Seeker

Unlike other damage buffs such as the Golden Coil, Wound Seekers have more specific parameters to use. However, the buff is greater and the player does not have to meet a certain threshold for it engage. This artifact is fitting for the player who prefers an aggressive play style.

Passively, this artifact provides a 30% damage buff when targeting enemies with low health. This effect can grow more impressive when used in conjunction with other damage buffs, and is useful when getting to the pinnacle of difficult boss fights, when every point of damage counts.

7 Blade Balancer

Returnal Atropian Blade And Blade Balancer

This artifact will not appear until the player unlocks a new permanent weapon: The Atropian Sword. This sword lets players break barriers and attack enemies in close quarters. This weapon helps with arsenal and combat versatility; however, the Blade Balancer artifact greatly increases its damage potential.

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The Blade Balancer is a subjective artifact, becoming far more useful during the final biome where the enemy's constitution grows substantially. However, the blade is great for one-shotting in close combat earlier in the game too.

6 Resinous Shield

Returnal Resinous Shield

Defense serves as a kind of pseudo-healing in Returnal. If players cannot recover from their injuries, then they can prevent or mitigate the damage received. In Returnal, there is useful resource called Silphium Resin that acts similarly to heath upgrades (think hearts in The Legend of Zelda).

If the player has the Resinous Shield artifact, any resin collected adds a nullifying point, which prevents incoming damage from depleting the protagonist's integrity. The player will find resin at a decent clip, so this can help beginners survive until they become more proficient at the game's mechanics.

5 Music Box

Returnal Music Box Artifact

Players will unlock this artifact during the second house run, once they have defeated Phriker for the first time. It is a worthy reward for defeating the boss, starting a run in the Overgrown Ruin biome, and finding the house again.

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The Music Box helps players to discover secrets on their run, as it plays a melody in the background when the player draws close to a hidden items or places. This artifact is particularly useful for those still getting to grips with game, who may not know where to find the secrets during their attempts.

4 Phantom Limb

Returnal Phantom Limb Artifact

In rogue-lite games, there may be times when players do not react (or act) fast enough during combat and are punished for their lack of vigilance. Paying that price might mean anything from resetting a whole run, to dropping the protagonist's integrity. As such, healing artifacts can be invaluable.

The Phantom Limb provides players with a boon whereby upon killing an enemy, there is a 10% chance to heal. The percentage may seem pitiful; however, at the rate the game introduces enemies, there is a good chance that this could get players out of a tight spot.

3 Spaceship Model

Returnal Spaceship Model

This special artifact is unlocked only in the fourth house sequence, where players will see things from an altered perspective. Upon acquiring this artifact, dodges become far stronger and more useful in the game's fast-paced combat system.

With this artifact, dashing through an enemy deals damage to any foe. This provides a chance to deal lethal damage while using the dodging movement, making close-quarters combat more effective in potentially dangerous moments.

2 Damaged Robot

returnal boss fight-1

With the waves of enemies heading the player's way and the final evolution into third-person bullet hell, death becomes an old friend that one will greet frequently. However, the game is generous (in some ways) to provide leeways during these combat moments. That is where the game offers i-frames (invincibility frames) when the protagonist is hit. The second-best artifact in the game can extend this vital time window.

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The Damaged Robot can sway fights. Sure, the protagonist is hearty enough to take a few knocks on the chin; however, the health pool can last significantly longer with this robot as it allows more damage to be temporarily negated.

1 Astronaut Figurine & Child's Watch

Returnal Astronaut Figurine And Death Animation

When death is dealt around every corner, these two artifacts are the best in the game. Depending on what house of runs the player is on, the Astronaut Figurine and Child's Watch fulfill the same purpose and are applicable in every run and every situation.

These artifacts provide a second life upon death animation. Players will find this extremely helpful when getting past a cluster of difficult enemies or tackling the bosses within the game. It will give them a second chance to have a successful run (and cut down on the frustration if they have reached far into their current attempt).

Returnal is out now on the PS5 and Microsoft Windows.

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