Returnal is another recent game in the ongoing roguelite/roguelike trend, but it thrived among its peers as a beloved science-fiction title with fantastic gunplay, special effects, and visuals. Trying to decipher what happened in protagonist Selene’s past, as well as understanding the composition of the alien planet she inhabits, makes each cycle rewarding with myriad options for exploration in order to optimize each run.

Returnal’s Ascension update released recently, enabling co-op and a new game mode called the Tower of Sisyphus. This update was highly anticipated as fans were eager to see more from Returnal and developer Housemarque. Now, attention has shifted to what Housemarque is working on next, which was previously confirmed to be a new IP. It may be awhile before that project is announced or revealed. In the meantime, the case can be made for Housemarque to eventually develop a sequel to Returnal.

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Returnal 2 Could Be a Direct Sequel


Returnal’s conclusion offered a bit more clarity on Selene’s tragic circumstances, but it was not necessarily an "end" to her story. There is a wide spectrum of interpretation that come from both of Returnal’s endings, such as whether she was finally able to escape the cycle or not.

Selene is an interesting protagonist who approaches each biome in the cycle with scientific wit, attempting to comprehend the unfamiliar environment and escape the cycle. If Returnal 2 was just a direct sequel with Selene returning as its protagonist, though, it would seemingly confirm that she still has not escaped canonically, or that she is trapped within another loop of some other making. That said, Returnal does conclude with more of Selene’s past uncovered, and it may be strange to pick up where Returnal ends off to perpetuate her cycle needlessly. Unless her story has more that Housemarque could reveal, it seems like this is the less likely option.

Returnal’s narrative is full of Greek myth and figurative imagery, which marries literal and metaphorical language through its environmental storytelling. This could be compounded further in a direct sequel with more tribulations for Selene to exhume, but it may be a fresher start if Housemarque instead featured a new protagonist to torment in Returnal 2.

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Returnal’s Sequel Could Establish an Anthology or New Protagonist


Like Silent Hill, Resident Evil, and many other popular franchises, Returnal would not necessarily have to feature the same protagonist for each installment. Instead, Returnal could feature an iteration of the same hostile alien planet in unique settings, perhaps something different from science-fiction, for example, but maintain the same roguelite or roguelike mechanics tied to a poignant narrative.

Speaking of Silent Hill, Returnal’s Atropos behaves similarly to that foggy, supernatural realm where characters face their inner demons and guilt. This could be a concept that is better explored through sequels with their own protagonists who have unique stories and pasts to uncover, rather than reprising Selene over-and-over. Returnal 2 could be set in the same universe or cycle system as Returnal, but it would not have to connect narratively to Selene’s experiences. Returnal 2 could also employ another mythology to its storytelling as the original game did with Greek myths.

Otherwise, it is entirely possible that Housemarque has chosen to leave the IP with a single entry, especially since it is working on a new IP under PlayStation instead of capitalizing on Returnal’s success straight away. If this is the case, Returnal is still great as its own individual package. But there are many other stories that Housemarque could tell under the gameplay umbrella of a science-fiction roguelite with narratives of trauma and self-discovery, so it would be a shame to completely abandon the IP.

Returnal is available now on PS5.

MORE: Returnal Co-Op is a Game-Changer