Fans clamoring for an update on Metroid Prime 4 might also have a brand-new title to anticipate from developer Retro Studios. The acclaimed developer has been quiet on the Metroid front since taking over the project in 2019, and a recent job posting may suggest it's gearing up for – or already working on – a separate project in the 3D action-adventure space.

Retro Studios was founded in 1998 to develop games for the Nintendo GameCube and is most well-known for reinventing Nintendo's Metroid franchise as a first-person shooter with the Metroid Prime trilogy. The saga went on hiatus after a bundled release on the Wii in 2009, until Nintendo announced Metroid Prime 4 at E3 all the way back in 2017. The project was initially in development under Bandai Namco Studios, until Nintendo became dissatisfied with its direction and restarted with Retro Studios back at the helm. More than four years later, fans are desperate for an update on how the far-flung sequel is progressing, though myriad job listings at Retro Studios assure that it's still in the works.

RELATED: Ex Retro Studios Devs Speak About Metroid Prime 4

Currently, there are 12 production-related job listings on the developer's Careers page, 11 of which feature the following identifier: "Announced by Nintendo in January 2019, Retro Studios is currently in the midst of developing Metroid Prime 4 for the Nintendo Switch." However, one listing makes no mention of Metroid Prime at all and seeks applicants proficient at conceiving "original gameplay and AI concepts" and developing them "for a 3-D action-adventure title," which doesn't exactly sound like working on a famous title that's been gestating as long as Metroid Prime 4 has. Also listed are expectations to "construct fun, playable prototypes" and "partner with narrative designers and artists to identify opportunities to enhance storytelling through gameplay and visual design."

metroid prime 4 logo

Of course, the open position still could be related to Metroid Prime 4, but it's unclear why Retro Studios would forgo the standardized verbiage that's included in all the other job listings. Plus, under "Summary of Requirements" the studio notes that it's seeking someone with a "passion for Nintendo and Retro titles." This clouds the question further, as it could either suggest that this is indeed Metroid Prime 4 or that Retro Games is planning a new spin on another Nintendo franchise it tackled previously, like Donkey Kong Country. Or maybe Retro Studios just wants applicants who are already familiar with its work.

Like most possible Metroid Prime 4 developments, this could be good news or bad news. Perhaps it means that the company is gaining enough ground on development of the Metroid sequel that it's finally embarking on its next project. Even with several job listings clearly linked to Metroid Prime 4, it takes enough people to make a video game that Retro could still be winding down on the title while prepping another. Or perhaps the developer simply neglected to add the standardized line about Metroid Prime 4 and fans are in for an even longer wait – possibly until the release of the Switch 2.

Metroid Prime 4 is in development for Nintendo Switch.

MORE: 8 Things That Should Be Included In Metroid Prime 4