
  • Respawn is expanding its Star Wars Jedi franchise as well as working on a Star Wars FPS and a Star Wars strategy game.
  • The upcoming FPS game from Respawn will satisfy fans' shooter cravings with a single-player experience, filling the void left by the cancelation of Star Wars Battlefront 3.
  • Respawn's proven ability to create engaging narratives within the Star Wars universe and its expertise in gunplay could make its Star Wars FPS game exciting and innovative.

If there’s any firm testament to how well Respawn’s Star Wars Jedi franchise reinvigorated the IP in games, there’s no need to look any further than the confirmation that Respawn is working on not only a third Star Wars Jedi game, but also developing a Star Wars FPS and producing a Star Wars strategy game. Lots of faith is being put in Respawn’s hands at this point and for good reason considering how well-received Fallen Order and Survivor were, and its currently untitled FPS game will even be a return to form with gameplay that the Apex Legends and Titanfall developer is more than familiar with designing.

It’s going to be a while until this FPS comes out since it doesn’t have an announced title yet and there’s a chance Respawn and EA decide to fast-track Survivor’s sequel depending on how advantageous they predict it to be. Unfortunately, the gap in time between now and then won’t include a Star Wars Battlefront launch like it could have if the third entry hadn’t been kneecapped. Star Wars shooters deserve a bit of a break lately anyhow, but Respawn’s FPS will hopefully be able to satisfy fans’ shooter cravings in a single-player experience instead with no future Battlefront game to look forward to at the moment in a galaxy far, far away.

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Star Wars Battlefront 3’s Cancelation Leaves the Shooter Genre Unfulfilled

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Star Wars Battlefront scratched an itch for Star Wars fans longing to find a live-service multiplayer shooter that had team tactics in their favorite science-fiction fantasy universe. Its problems didn’t arise until the latest installment decided to make a priority out of loot boxes and microtransactions, though, and the negative effect these designs had was seemingly detrimental enough to put the final nail in a sequel’s coffin. This is disappointing for several reasons, with one being how fun and interpretive the game was otherwise as an immersive way to role-play as an individual participating in one of Star Wars’ epic battles.

Star Wars Battlefront’s recent single-player story campaigns were largely forgettable as a natural byproduct of multiplayer games usually having less of an emphasis on such content, and yet Star Wars Battlefront 2 has a terrific story mode that spans generations and features a dynamic perspective. Fortunately, even if fans aren’t receiving another Battlefront story campaign in the foreseeable future, Respawn should be able to knock its own out of the park.

Respawn’s Star Wars FPS Can at Least Make Up for Its Single-Player Campaign

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Respawn has shown its ambidexterity when it comes to Star Wars and that makes any future endeavors it is involved with exciting. No details have been shared about what Respawn’s Star Wars FPS might entail, which is also an exciting thought since it could span any era in the established timeline or even offer a wholly diverse look at the IP.

The one element fans can presume will be present in this FPS is excellent gunplay and perhaps also wall-running since Titanfall and the Star Wars Jedi franchise made it a recurring trademark of Respawn. Either way, Respawn’s Star Wars Jedi was equal proof that it could carve out what felt like an original narrative within an established point of the canon and introduce a handful of characters who don’t need legacy characters to support them.

That’s an immense boon in the current era of Star Wars, which seems reliant on cameos and familiar tropes. Being an FPS makes it less likely that the protagonist could have as much face-time as Cal Kestis would in third-person, but the quality of Respawn’s storytelling is great enough that it should be able to deliver something astonishing within its gameplay roots.

Respawn reportedly has a Star Wars FPS in development.

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