Tricell is a multinational corporation in the Resident Evil series involved in various forms of biotechnology research. This includes the development and distribution of the T-virus, which is responsible for creating many of the game's zombies and other mutated monsters. Tricell appears in several of the later games in the series, including Resident Evil 5 and Resident Evil: Revelations 2. Its ultimate goal is typically to gain power and wealth through bioweapons and other unethical means.

Whether Tricell is worse than Umbrella is a matter of perspective, as both corporations were involved in developing dangerous viruses and bio-weapons that led to death and destruction. However, Tricell's involvement with the Uroboros virus, which caused a widespread mutation in Resident Evil 5, can be seen as particularly heinous. Ultimately, both corporations are portrayed as unethical and dangerous in the RE universe. Here are a few ways, though, that Tricell could be seen as worse.

6 It Founded BSAA, But Used It In Its Own Interests

BSAA Resident Evil 5

Following the fall of Umbrella after the Raccoon City incident, Tricell redeemed itself by becoming one of the major contributors to the Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance, or BSAA. However, they still had a major interest in the growing industry of bioweapons.

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Tricell used operatives Jessica Sherawat and Raymond Vester, who infiltrated BSAA in order to acquire a sample of the t-Abyss Virus. This suggests that Tricell was using the BSAA to advance its own interests and goals, rather than working towards a safer and more secure world.

5 They Continued Umbrella’s Research

Umbrella Corporation Resident Evil

Tricell's unethical activities extended beyond merely continuing Umbrella's research. In fact, Tricell expanded on Umbrella's work, developing even more deadly and advanced bioweapons, which they sought to sell to the highest bidder. Additionally, they often experimented on unwilling human test subjects, causing untold suffering and death. Tricell's leader, Excella, was complicit in these atrocities, eagerly pursuing her own goals of wealth and power at any cost.

Furthermore, Tricell's disregard for human life was demonstrated in their willingness to use bioweapons against civilian populations, as seen in their plot to unleash the Uroboros virus on innocent people around the world. Tricell's actions were driven purely by greed and desire for power, with little regard for the consequences of their actions.

4 Tricell’s CEO Was Corrupt And Ruthless

Excella Gionne Tricell Resident Evil

Excella Gionne played a pivotal role in Tricell's bio-weapons research and development, particularly in their African division. She was ruthless in her pursuit of power and had no qualms about using her subordinates as pawns in her schemes. Excella's willingness to betray her own colleagues was evident in her decision to inject Ricardo Irving with the Uroboros virus. This not only demonstrated her lack of empathy and loyalty, but also showed the lengths she was willing to go to achieve her goals.

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Excella's pursuit of power and disregard for human life was further exemplified when she allowed herself to be infected with the Uroboros virus, hoping to become the perfect partner for Wesker and achieve ultimate power. Her actions make it clear that Tricell's leadership was corrupt and willing to sacrifice anyone for their own gain.

3 Agreed With Wesker’s Idea To Brainwash Jill

Jill Valentine Brainwashed By Wesker Resident Evil 5

As the director of Tricell's African base, Excella Gionne was fully on board with Wesker's plans and didn't raise any questions when he began using a brainwashed Jill Valentine to do his dirty work. Excella agreed to keep hostage a former member of S.T.A.R.S. and eventually provided the necessary technology and resources to carry out the experiment.

Excella didn't miss any opportunity to show her willingness to do whatever it takes to achieve her and Wesker's goals, even if it involved experimenting on an American Special Operations Agent. This demonstrates the extent of Tricell's moral depravity.

2 Their Partnership With Albert Wester

close up of Albert Wesker in sunglasses from Resident Evil

Tricell's decision to forge a partnership with Albert Wesker, who had a long history of using bio-weapons to further his own goals, was ultimately a fatal mistake. Despite the danger it posed to humanity, Tricell's CEO Excella Gionne agreed to support Wesker's plan to mutate humanity by infecting them with the Uroboros virus. Gionne was willing to overlook the death and destruction that would result from the plan, as she believed it would cement her place as a major player in the world of bioweapons research.

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In the end, this partnership proved disastrous. Wesker ultimately betrayed Excella and planned to use the virus to create a new world order where he was the undisputed ruler. Tricell's involvement in this plan was a dark chapter in the company's history, one that would ultimately lead to its downfall.

1 Killed Countless Kijuju Residents In West Africa

Resident Evil 5

Tricell played a significant role in the tragic events that took place in Kijuju, West Africa, which led to the deaths of countless residents. As part of their bioweapons research, Tricell created the parasites that infected the population of Kijuju and turned them into violent Majini.

Tricell's presence in West Africa only caused chaos and destruction. Their actions not only led to the deaths of innocent people, but also resulted in the destabilization of the entire region. The devastating aftermath of Tricell's experiments destroyed a once-peaceful community that Sheva fought to save. This only proves that Tricell wasn't going to stop at anything, and it's only a small percent of what would have happened around the globe if Chris and Sheva hadn't stopped Wesker.

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