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Of all the bosses in Resident Evil Village, Moreau is likely the most sympathetic. But players might not be feeling bad for him as much as they could with his deadly traps, environmental hazards, and awesome powers.

RELATED: Most Gruesome Deaths in Resident Evil Village

Gamers who are looking to get through the story of Resident Evil Village should start here. This guide is purely to get through the main story; completionists who are looking for all the secrets and collectibles will want to explore a bit in each area.

For gamers that haven't reached this area yet, please consider starting with the walkthrough for the last section.

Ambush And Village Area

Resident Evil Village Shooting The Varcolac Alfa

As soon Ethan opens the door to the village, he'll be greeted by a cutscene that introduced Varcolac Alfa, a mini-boss. After the cutscene, Ethan will be inside of a house, just outside of its reach. Shoot him with the heaviest ammo available while running from his grasp.

Resident Evil Village Following The Infected River

This is technically the village, but it's sectioned off from the rest of the village. Follow the green river away from the entrance.

Resident Evil Village Smashing Through A Barrier Of Mucus

After crossing over a bridge, turn right and smash throw a wall of mucus to continue.

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Continue along the only path available, this time on dry land. The way forward will still be marked by green pustules.

Resident Evil Village Green Pustules Covering A Ladder

Another barrier blocks the way to a yellow ladder. Blast them away and climb up.

Resident Evil Village Shack Leading To The Reservoir

Enter the shack right in front of the top of the ladder. Follow the only path forward, down the stairs, pull the yellow-taped lever to activate the elevator, and continue until reaching a mineshaft.

Resident Evil Village Taking The Tracks To Find Moreau

Upon hitting this open space, turn right, then look for the railway tracks on the left. Follow those into the mine. At the end, use the stairs and reach another cutscene. During this scene, Ethan will acquire yet another bottle.

Resident Evil Village Turning Right At The Second Exit In The Mineshaft

Exit the way Ethan came in, all the way back to the end of the tracks at the mineshaft. Hug the left wall and find a second exit. However, do not take it all the way down, find a staircase on the right side that leads up and go that way.

Resident Evil Village Shooting The Yellow Wood In The Mineshaft

At various points, there will be gaps in the bridge that Ethan can't jump over. There will be wood planks above these sections, help up by some yellow-taped wedges. Shoot them to complete the bridge and run across. There is an exit on the left side, ignore it for now and go forward, down a ladder, and onto a pathway.

Resident Evil Village Grabbing The Boat Key

Keep going down the path, winding up at a gnarled underground tree, surrounded by enemies. Before reaching the tree, look right and spot a small shack. On a key hook just inside the entrance, grab the Boat Key. Exit this room the same way Ethan came in, up the ladder and over the bridge that he filled in.

Resident Evil Village Alternative Exit To The Mineshaft

This time, take the exit on the right that Ethan passed by earlier. This leads outside.

Resident Evil Village Finding The Boat For The First Time

At the end of the road is a dock with a boat next to it. Sure enough, the Boat Key activates this boat. Hop in and progress down the cave.

Resident Evil Village Exiting The Boat After Going Down The Path

After a brief trek, even another cave and find a dock to park the boat. Exit and head deeper into the cave.

Resident Evil Village Entering The Canopy To A Tent

There is a white tent with a canopy for a front door. Head inside to start another cutscene.

The Reservoir

Resident Evil Village Shooting The Tower next To The Windmill

A brief chase sequence will ensue, ending with Ethan jumping to safety onto the side of a cliff. From here, turn directly around and shoot the creaky tower in front of the windmill. This will be useful later.

Resident Evil Village Entering The Gatehouse

For now, turn back around and head toward a concrete building on the right side of the path. There is an aluminum sign, marking it as the Gatehouse.

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Stay indoors, following the path until another door blocks the way. Exit to go back outside.

Resident Evil Village Entering A Windmill

Enter the blueish windmill and follow the path around, through a large drop to get to the bottom floor.

Resident Evil Village First Place To Cross The Water

Eventually, Ethan will come across a hole that goes back outside. Now at water level, take the makeshift bridge to the right. Ethan will have to shoot yellow planks and wait for the boss to knock some wood loose, but this path is viable.

Resident Evil Village Pushing A Wooden Minecart Into The Water For A Platform

After going up some wooden stairs, there will be a wooden minecart. Push the cart into the water for a makeshift platform to jump across. But don't jump to the other side yet.

Resident Evil Village Pulling A Level In The Reservoir

Hop down one level and pull the lever inside of a metal box.

Resident Evil Village Blue-Taped Lever

This raises up a section previously underwater, just behind the box. Cross over it and pull the blue lever. This will begin a sequence involving timed bridges rising up out of the water. If players don't get the timing right, back up and start over.

Resident Evil Village Orange-Taped Lever

Cross the bridge raised by the blue button and pull the lever with orange tape.

Resident Evil Village Underwater Platform With Blue-Taped Lever Rising Up

This lifts the platform to the right, which has another blue-taped level on it. Pull it.

Resident Evil Village Pulling The White-Taped Lever

Continue onto the next platform, past another blue-taped lever, and orange-taped lever, and find a white-taped lever. Pull this one, turn directly around, use the orange-taped lever, and then use the blue-taped level by the bridge used to get to this area.

Resident Evil Village All Three Segments Of Bridge Up At The Same Time

Cross back over from where Ethan came from, stopping only briefly to hit the orange lever. This will raise all three segments of the bridge at the same time on the right side. Cross at this moment.

Resident Evil Village Pushing The Second Cart Into The Reservoir

Follow the path across, once again pausing for the sea monster to knock some boards loose. It ends at another cart. Push this second cart into the lake as well. Hop across, go up the stairs, then push a third cart into the lake.

Resident Evil Village Another Mucus Barrier

Hop across, go up some stairs, and reach another mucus barrier. Destroy it, then climb the ladder that goes up a level. Pull the yellow level at the top of this structure.

Resident Evil Village Path Across From The Submerged Boat

This will lift a boat from the depths of the reservoir. Use it to exit right, careful of the mucus barrier that grows as Ethan approaches it.

Resident Evil Village Shooting A Ladder Down

Go forward and into the base of a windmill. Shoot the yellow latch to lower the ladder and use it to climb up a level.

Resident Evil Village Grabbing The Crank From The Windmill

Exit to the exterior and find some gears on the outside. Take the broken Crank from them, then use the newly-discovered regular Crank on the same gears (seems counter-intuitive, but that's how it goes). Ethan will turn the Crank a few times to get the windmill blades going.

Resident Evil Village Climbing Onto A Windmill Paddle

One of the blades has fallen apart and allows Ethan to grab on. Use it to go up a level.

Resident Evil Village Using A Makeshift Zipline

From here, loop around to the other side of the windmill and interact with the makeshift zipline to cross the reservoir.

Resident Evil Village Second Set Of Gear For The Crank

Use the Crank again on the set of gears painted yellow, directly in front of Ethan's landing location.

Resident Evil Village Entering The Newly Powered Area

A message will pop up stating that the sluice gate is now opened. With some moderate electronics restored, head down the hill and into a building with a wooden door.

Resident Evil Village Reservoir Puzzle Solution

Go down a brief hallway and turn right. Here, there is a puzzle with the solution right next to it. However, gamers will have to imagine the sheet is rotated clockwise 90 degrees. For those who aren't in the mood for spacial-awareness tests, this picture contains the solution. Pull the lever after the correct colors are entered.

Boss Fight And Escape

Resident Evil Village Shooting Moreau As He Leaves The Water

This forces Moreau onto the land for a direct confrontation. Exit this building and watch as the lumbering monster waddles by toward the outskirts of the village. Defeating Moreau can start early, as the shots placed here, while he's not attacking, do indeed count toward his overall damage taken.

Resident Evil Village Shooting Moreau As He Exits The Creature's Mouth

For the boss fight, the biggest key is knowing that a "headshot" is hitting Moreau in the head. But that's not the creature's head that he's inside of, it needs to be his own head. He will, at various times, expose himself out of the creature's mouth. This is when he's most vulnerable.

Resident Evil Village Exiting Back Up The Ramp After Defeating Moreau

After a cutscene, Ethan will be in front of a dirt ramp leading toward a mineshaft. Go up and in.

Resident Evil Village Going Left By The Double Doors After Moreau

Eventually, Ethan will run into some double doors. Before using them, head left.

Resident Evil Village Finding Another Piece Of The Winged Key

Find another piece of the Winged Key on a table in this room. A cutscene will play after picking it up. Exit and now use those aforementioned double doors, opening them with the Six-Winged Unborn Key.

Resident Evil Village Heading Straight Through The Second Mineshaft

Go dead ahead, ignoring the side tunnels, and into an area with a lightbulb. Pull the lever on the side and have some patience during a long elevator ride upward.

Resident Evil Village Exiting The Pig Sty

This finally exists out of a windmill Ethan entered into early, the one with the pigs in the front. Look left and spot a latched door. Unlatch it and go on through. Note that the green pustules from earlier are now cleansed from the area.

Resident Evil Village Signs Directing Ethan Where To Go

Retrace the path back up the river. If lost, note the new signs now directing Ethan "This Way!" Follow them.

Resident Evil Village Entry To The Stronghold

At the end of these signs, Ethan will find the entrance to the Stronghold. Use the key and get ready for the next section.

Resident Evil Village is available now for PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5.

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