Resident Evil games tend to be on the shorter side, and so Capcom has traditionally gave them replay value through unlockable content. Oftentimes this comes in the form of tougher difficulty settings, like the challenging Ethan Must Die mode from Resident Evil 7. As one might have guessed, it seems Resident Evil Village will have an unlockable difficulty mode of its own for fans to conquer when the game launches next month.

This information comes from AestheticGamer, who has accurately leaked Resident Evil news in the past. Even so, fans should take this information with a grain of salt until Capcom makes an official announcement. In any case, it seems that Resident Evil Village will have an unlockable game mode that apparently originated as "Ethan Must Die 2.0." The mode will make Resident Evil Village a "more open" experience with randomized enemy encounters and item placements. Assuming AestheticGamer's information is correct, Resident Evil fans can expect the mode to be "extremely difficult."

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If this mode does exist, it's possible Capcom will wait for fans to discover it by playing through the game at launch. Alternatively, it's possible Capcom will announce it ahead of Resident Evil Village's May 7 release date. If Capcom does plan on revealing the unlockable Resident Evil Village game mode, a big opportunity to do so is right around the corner.

Resident Evil 7 Guide: How to Beat 'Ethan Must Die' Mode - Ethan Must Die title screen

Capcom will be hosting another Resident Evil showcase this week, taking place Thursday, April 15 at 3:00pm PT. Details on what exactly this showcase will entail will remain secret until April 15, but Capcom has confirmed that it will focus primarily on Resident Evil Village. Considering this, it wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility that Capcom reveals the unlockable difficulty mode during the April 15 event.

There are some other rumors about what fans may be able to expect from the Resident Evil showcase on April 15. One of the big rumors is that the event will coincide with the launch of a new Resident Evil Village demo. In contrast to the previously released Maiden demo, the second Resident Evil Village demo is said to feature gameplay from the final game, and it will be available for more platforms than just the PlayStation 5. Whether or not there's any truth to that remains to be seen, but fans should find out later this week.

Meanwhile, it's possible that the Resident Evil showcase will focus on other Resident Evil projects besides just Resident Evil Village. The previous showcase also touched on the Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness Netflix series, so maybe that will get some attention on April 15 as well. Resident Evil fans will just have to tune in to find out.

Resident Evil Village launches May 7 for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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Source: AestheticGamer - Twitter