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After a lengthy combat-intensive opening, the second area in the story DLC for Resident Evil Village takes a slower pace to focus on horror and puzzles. Players who played the main story of Resident Evil Village will recognize the second area, as it takes place in the basement of the infamous House Beneviento.

One of the puzzles that Resident Evil Village players will come across early on is a cabinet that is secured with a combination lock similar to the one encountered in the main RE Village story. Here is how players can unlock the cabinet and get the item inside it.

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On the Back of the Drawing


Before entering the room with the locked cabinet, Resident Evil Village players will go through a small hallway with a series of creepy drawings along the walls that add to the horror atmosphere.

One of the pictures can be picked up and examined. The picture depicts a teddy bear with a large gash in its stomach with a pair of scissors in the middle of the illustration. Players can turn the picture over, and there will be a message on the back, which reads as follows.

"The stuffed locker, the picture on the bookshelf, the desk covered in stuff."

While it may not be clear at first what this means, Resident Evil Village tends to provide hints for all the puzzles players come across, and that is exactly what this message is. There are three separate spots where, if Resident Evil Village players look closely, they will see numbers drawn in blood.

The Stuffed Locker


In the corner of the room next to the door that is rusted shut, there is a locker that is haphazardly filled with jars. Above the jars, players will see the numbers "02." These are the first two numbers needed for the lock.

The Picture on the Bookshelf


Next, Resident Evil Village players will want to look for a bookshelf along the wall. On one of the shelves is a framed picture, but it is unclear what is depicted. When players examine it, they can turn the frame over, and they will see "44" written on the back.

The Desk Covered in Stuff


The final two numbers needed for the lock can be found on the desk covered in books. While the clue implies that it is on the desk, that is not the case. If players look at the space on the floor between the chair and the desk, they will see '66' written there.

Enter the Code


Once Resident Evil Village players have found all the numbers, they will be able to unlock the cabinet. However, in order to remove the lock, players will need to input the numbers in the correct order. The order was provided in the hint above. The combination for the lock is 024466. Once the lock has been removed, players will be able to open the cabinet and take the scissors that are inside of it. The scissors are needed for another puzzle.

Resident Evil Village: Shadows of Rose is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.


Q: What's the Cabinet Locker code combination in Shadows of Rose?

The combination for the lock is 024466.