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If there is one reoccurring villain in Resident Evil Village, it's Urias. Many don't even know of his name outside of the achievements linked to killing him, and still more don't know his name because they can't kill him at all. And that's a shame because if anybody deserves a little revenge killing on Urias, it's Ethan Winters.

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As the commander of a zombie horde, Urias leads an expedition that reduces Ethan to food, treats Ethan's neck like a tee-ball stand, and puts a gigantic hammer through Ethan so hard that it breaks the solid stone bridge underneath him. When it's finally time for a final confrontation, players might be eager for revenge, but without some tips and guidance, it's rather likely that players will meet yet another vicious end underneath his icy mallet.

Killing Urias... The First Time?

Resident Evil Village Taking On Urias With A Knife

It's actually possible to kill Urias in the very first encounter with him (there's even an achievement for doing so), but it requires a great deal of game mastery. After beating the game once, players can play the game again with the inventory they ended their last campaign with. Doing this will help, especially for those who have gotten the grenade launcher and/or magnum with full upgrades.

Resident Evil Village Facing Urias At The End Of The First Encounter

However, even this is often not enough with a life pool like his. Most players who have gotten this achievement have also unlocked infinite ammo and applied it to this new run. It will take a non-stop barrage of very powerful attacks to take Urias down on the first go, but those who have already beaten the game will find that this is a creative way to end him sooner rather than later.

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Fighting Urias

Resident Evil Village Urias Raising His Hammer Above His Head

Later on, Urias will appear again, and this time it's a fight to the death. Unfortunately, the space is cramped and his hammer has a wide swing, so it's not always possible to get out unscathed.

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The best opportunity to attack will come when Urias lifts his hammer over his head. Approach him until he starts to swing downward, then back away. He'll be stuck in position for a few seconds, giving Ethan plenty of time to fire off lots of attacks without him being able to move.

Resident Evil Village Blocking Urias During His Spin Attack

If he has his hammer to the side, he'll swing horizontally. The best way to avoid a horizontal swing is to run by his side and behind him. Sometimes he'll start to spin like a top toward Ethan. Although it completely defies all common sense, use the block move to counter the spin. The damage is greatly reduced this way and it can give Ethan enough time to sneak by without taking too much damage.

Resident Evil Village Using A Pillar To Stop Urias From Throwing A Pillar

The last move Urias has in his arsenal involves the pillars in this area. He'll pick one up and throw it at Ethan. This pillar toss can be blocked easily by standing slightly behind another pillar. He throws the pillar sideways, so don't feel the need to go completely behind another pillar, use the chance to keep shooting at him while he's making this slow attack.

Resident Evil Village Urias Jumping Through The Air

Don't get too far away from Urias. If Ethan is on the opposite side of the middle structure, Urias will climb it and perform an unblockable attack with a radius too large to run out of. Getting this far away from Urias is unhelpful from the practical standpoint that if he's out of sight, he can't be shot and he will keep summoning zombies so long as he is alive.

Keep firing and eventually, he'll go down. Nice work on getting some well-earned vengeance!

NEXT: Resident Evil Village Complete Guide - Secrets, Tips, Guides, And Help