A couple of years ago, some fake promotional art teased that Capcom's famous survival-horror franchise Resident Evilwould be coming to Netflix as a TV series. Those rumors proved to be false, and the art in question turned out to be little more than an edited poster for Disney's The Haunted Mansion. However, it now seems that a Netflix adaptation of Resident Evil is actually in the works.

This comes from an exclusive report by Deadline, which claims that the Resident Evil Netflix series will be produced by Constantin Film, the same production company behind the divisive film adaptations. The series will reportedly "expand the Resident Evil universe" and "deepen the exciting mythology." The Umbrella Corporation and the "new world order" caused by the T-Virus outbreak will be featured in the series.

While this language certainly makes it sound as though the Resident Evil Netflix series is set in the same universe as the film franchise, that has yet to be confirmed. So far, the show is still lacking a showrunner and is apparently in the early stages of development, so concrete details are understandably scarce at the time of this writing.


Some Resident Evil fans may be disappointed if the Resident Evil TV series is based on the films instead of the video game franchise. Despite being box office successes, the Resident Evil movies have consistently been lambasted by critics, and have only loosely followed the stories and characters of the video games. Considering the massive sales success of the Resident Evil video game franchise though, it seems safe to say that a faithful adaptation of the games would have a rather sizable audience.

Luckily for Resident Evil fans who want a more faithful adaptation, it sounds like the Resident Evil movie reboot that's also in the works will deliver on that front. Early reports on that project indicate that the Resident Evil movie reboot will be inspired by Resident Evil 7, meaning fans may very well be able to look forward to an appearance by the creepy Baker family.

Both the Resident Evil movie reboot and the Netflix TV series are still in the early stages of development, and a lot can change between now and when filming actually starts. It will be interesting to see how the projects turn out, and if they are able to avoid the mistakes of the previous film series.

Resident Evil is reportedly in development at Netflix.

Source: Deadline