Resident Evil is commonly known for its diverse range of outlandish enemies and distorted characteristics. So, of course, when you cross said monstrosities with cosplaying, you can probably expect the challenges that spawn alongside it. For some, the thrill of the reaction is what makes those countless hours crafting that perfect outfit all the more worthwhile.

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Cosplay has always been a major counterpart to many gamer’s lives. Resident Evil is no exception, as it’s made a considerable impact in the world of horror gaming. So, by putting the two together, we’re able to formulate a collective group of talented artists who have undeniably caught our wandering eye on more than one occasion.

10 Leon Kennedy

Launching the topic with one of the most recognizable faces of the franchise, Leon Kennedy. Admittedly, Leon isn’t the most terrifying face of the Resident Evil brand, but, being able to pull off a striking resemblance to the hero can often be terrifyingly accurate in itself. Take this charming cosplayer, for example—now there’s an uncanny match to the zombie-slaying rookie officer.

It’s fair to say that both make-up and wavy locks go hand in hand with the biker jacket and extremely tight denim jeans. That’s what makes Leon, in this case portrayed by cosplayer Leon Chiro. And, from what we’ve seen, this particular model definitely checks the criteria for portraying one of our most cherished heroes. Now, it would only be more accurate if he was jumping out of a window.

9 Chris Redfield

One thing you’ll need to crush the Redfield appearance is the oversized muscles and puffed out chest. For a select few, this look can be flawlessly replicated. Then, by adding the BSAA patch and cutthroat blade to the fist, you’re able to recreate Chris Redfield in reality. So, for this one particular model, the Resident Evil cosplay seemed to be a walk in the park.

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Chris Redfield screams “manliness” in multiple ways, and is always a character many of us admire when slugging through various hordes of infected creatures. Some of us will never truly “feel” like Redfield, but, for Maicou Maniezzo, Redfield is a second skin.

8 Nemesis

Nemesis, in general, is a terrifying creature that most fans will squirm over as he spontaneously breaks through walls when we least expect it. But, thanks to the safety of computer screens, players feel safe in their cozy abodes when encountering this monstrosity. Until now, that is. Now he’s become worryingly realistic.

This talented cosplayer has taken the extra heart and soul required to create something so wildly in-depth. And, unsurprisingly, it looks as if it paid off on all areas. From mini-gun to latex skin – Nemesis has been resurrected under the hands of some very talented artist(s).

7 Licker

The licker is undeniably a sinister invention forged under the hands of Umbrella. But, similar to Nemesis, we’ve only ever had to face our fears from the comfort of a sofa. However, thanks to Yumaki Monster Studio and their passion for building nightmares, those fears were brought to life with this horrifying creation.

Picture this. You’re waking up to a fresh new day in your hometown, about to start the morning ritual, of brewing the coffee, drawing back the curtains far and wide. About to take a sip and gaze out of the window, basking in the morning sun. And then, in a split-second, you freeze as this creature is waltzing down the road. Would you stop and freak out? No doubt about it, everyone would!

6 Chainsaw Ganado

One thing that has filled gamers with dread during the later Resident Evil titles is, of course, the Ganado enemies wielding chainsaws. These sequences, in particular, are enough to make any veteran horror fan wince and cower without question. Perhaps it’s due to the abrupt swings of the revving saw, or maybe it’s the sinister spit of the sparks during a chase scene.

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Well, this maniac has been brought to life thanks to this cosplayer. From bracers to blood splatters, this Capcom fan has taken the Ganado fandom to the next level. Thanks for the bad memories.

5 Executioner

The Executioner, again, is an enemy that fills gamers once again with panic as we brush shoulders with this giant during the early scenes of Resident Evil 5. But, thankfully, it’s an enemy that we’ve tackled once and never had to see again. Until now, of course. Now the Executioner returns in the most powerful comeback ever seen in the horror cosplay sphere.

Dressed in the barbaric wears and wielding the mighty ax that could easily level a house, this worryingly accurate cosplay captures the grisly enemy in its rawest form. Plus, the many nails jarring out of his shoulders is downright hair-raising alone.

4 Merchant

There honestly isn’t enough time devoted to the smaller roles of the horror world. Take the mysterious Merchant, for example. Where his intriguing backstory lies, we’ll never honestly know. But, frequent gamers and Capcom fans will forever be grateful for the figure and his amazing catchphrase. Oh, also, his many, many lifelines for sale.

It’s clear to see that the one hidden behind the iconic purple bandana, Marivel87, put massive amounts of thought into the Merchant’s appearance. From shotgun rounds to first aid spray, this cosplayer has narrowed the Merchant down to a finely crafted tee. Perhaps not overly terrifying, but a fantastic representation nonetheless.

3 Umbrella Corporation

Having the patience to piece together one outfit is impressive, but creating an entire cast to represent the Umbrella Corporation as a whole? Now, that’s truly a remarkable accomplishment. From the iconic patches on the arms to the diagonally spliced red dress on Alice, these experienced cosplayers have built an instantly recognizable squad rather beautifully.

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However, let’s not draw our eye from the elephant in the room, as it isn’t only the S.T.A.R.S who’s gathering the crowd from all angles. Nemesis, can we say, is looking more heinous than ever. This monster truly completes the family portrait and sets the bar high for the cosplay crew to beat.

2 Jill Valentine & Zombies

Jill Valentine is the hardcore slayer every zombie-flick needs and more. She’s been with us from the very beginning of the Resident Evil timeline. From the mansion incident to the later years of the African warfare between the BSAA and Umbrella Corporation. And now, thanks to this Julia Voth, who is the character model, and face model for Jill Valentine has decided to cosplay as herself. Which makes sense as she is Jill Valentine and Jill Valentine is her.

What would Resident Evil be without an army of flesh-tearing zombies? Well, here are some of the finest ones we’ve captured on the web, Jill Valentine and all.

1 Dr. Birkin

They say it takes roughly a thousand hours to perfect something. Well, the same goes for this Dr. Birkin cosplay—both stages one and two of his mutated form. Thanks to this Japanese artist, the reincarnation of Dr. Birkin was brought to life.

Now, this truly is the staple of horror cosplays and undeniably a milestone that many aspiring artists will be thriving to aim towards. But, of course, cosplay takes both devotion to the craft and a whole heap of persistence. This extraordinary individual appears to check every box with the flick of a wrist.

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