While the next step in the Resident Evil franchise isn't set in stone, it's clear that the series isn't going away anytime soon. After a few stumbles in the early 2010s, Resident Evil made its triumphant return with the experimental Resident Evil 7, a much-needed hit for the long-running horror series. Then in 2019, Capcom released Resident Evil 2 Remake, another monumental hit. Now, Capcom seems to be bouncing between these two areas of the franchise, releasing one entry that furthers the timeline and then dropping a remake. Resident Evil 4 Remake is the latest in this cycle, but the series' next step isn't exactly clear.

At the end of Resident Evil 4 Remake, a post-credits scene plays. Long-time fans will recognize the imagery in the post-credits scene all too well, with it all pointing toward the events of Resident Evil 5. But regardless of whether Capcom decides to make Resident Evil 5 Remake or Resident Evil 9 next, there are a few things the next entry needs to learn from Resident Evil 4 Remake.

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What the Next Resident Evil Game Should Take From Resident Evil 4 Remake

Resident Evil 4 Remake sniping level design

Against all odds, Resident Evil 4 Remake actually lived up to its lofty expectations, bringing a plethora of improvements to the table - improvements that the next Resident Evil game should bring forward. The first of these is Resident Evil 4 Remake's combat system. The best in the franchise to date, Resident Evil 4's combat strikes the perfect balance between action and horror, making players feel just powerful enough, but throwing plenty of enemies at them that can take a hit. Every weapon feels distinct and worthwhile, and the upgrading system continuously rewards players throughout their journey.

On a similar note, the next Resident Evil game should take notes from Resident Evil 4's new treasure system. In the original 2005 version of Resident Evil 4, players could find a ton of hidden treasures across the map. Some of these treasures could be fitted with gemstones for an additional payout. Resident Evil 4 Remake takes this one step further by introducing an extra bonus system based on the gems that are put into the treasure, such as a bonus for having three gems of the same color or three gems of a different color. It's not the most complex reward system in the industry, but it works extremely well for Resident Evil's fast-paced exploration.

Side quests are also something worth revisiting in the next Resident Evil game. In the original Resident Evil 4, players would very occasionally be able to shoot some blue medallions for a special prize. In the remake, this system has again been more fleshed out. Players will often be able to find Side Orders next to the Merchant. These Side Orders task the player with completing a small side objective, such as killing a few rats hidden around the environment, catching a fish, or destroying some blue medallions. This system definitely felt a little half-baked in Resident Evil 4 Remake, but it's certainly a concept worth revisiting.

What the Next Resident Evil Game Needs to Learn From Resident Evil 4 Remake

resident evil 4 remake ada wong

Resident Evil 4 Remake is a phenomenal game, but it's by no means perfect. After rolling credits on the first playthrough, fans will likely have a few points of criticism lingering in their mind, the biggest of which is the game's inconsistent voice acting. While some of the cast is putting in a good performance, like Leon, Luis, and Ashley, some voices just don't match their characters, and the big offender is Ada Wong. There's a big disconnect between Ada's character model and her voicework, and that disconnect is even greater for those that have played Resident Evil 2 Remake. Voice acting has always been one of the franchise's weakest points, and hopefully the next game can do a little better.

Resident Evil 4 is out now for PC, PS4, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

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