Resident Evil Re:Verse is a game with a very divisive public opinion. On Steam it has overwhelmingly "Mixed" reviews as of November 1st, 2022, and that's not likely to change anytime soon. While the game does feature a wide cast of characters from all across the franchise battling it out in a free-for-all, there's a lot that needs to be fixed if that player count is going to start rising again. The word "fix", of course, can mean many things such as an update that corrects bugs, a patch that fixes some exploit, or even an attempt by the devs in a content update to "fix" parts of the game that were lacking.

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So, let's go over some of the biggest complaints so far in Resident Evil Re:Verse from the fanbase, what specific changes they're asking for, and why they feel these changes are needed.

8 More Maps & Modes

Resident Evil ReVerse - The Two Maps Side By Side

First and foremost, the base game just needs more content. As things stand there are only two maps with the Baker House and R.P.D as well as only one 5-minute deathmatch mode. For a game that was announced alongside RE: Village and yet came out more than a year later (after being delayed twice), that's not exactly a lot of content on release.

And, to make matters worse, in the release trailer for the game they show off a bunch of characters, gadgets, and mechanics that aren't at all in the version currently out. This is by far the loudest complaint for the game and the one that's the most warranted.

7 Matchmaking With Friends Or Team-Based Mode

Resident Evil ReVerse - Leon And Claire Staring Each Other Down

These days, nothing cuts the life span of a multiplayer game short more than a lack of party play. Even the newest releases see a lot of blowback even just for bugs that make party play more difficult. All these people got this game "for free" with their purchase of Resident Evil: Village and are now just finding out that they can't at all queue up with their friends who also got the game for free.

Of course in a free-for-all deathmatch game, it makes sense that people can't party up as that would be absolutely unfair, but that's no excuse. Capcom should have absolutely had a Team Deathmatch or similar mode ready on launch so that the massive portion of the player base that want to play with their friends at least had something to grab onto.

6 In-Game Manual Or Codex Of Terms & Mechanics

Resident Evil ReVerse - Tutorial Showing Player How To Dodge

There's a lot about this game that players don't really figure out through the tutorial such as how brutal knockdowns are, how Bioweapons can get people stuck in melee combos, or even just that a lot of Skills naturally lead to easy kill lineups. This is where an in-game Codex can be huge, as it works as a dictionary of game terms and mechanics that players can read up on when they so choose instead of forcing them to learn about it all in a tutorial. Not only does this incentivize players to understand the game they're playing more but it helps prevent the hundreds of posts on forums and discussion boards asking the same basic questions.

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Take another game that was released around the same time as RE:Verse, Dragon Ball: The Breakers, for example. This game has a lot of small mechanics in it, so they put an in-game NPC, the Manual Robo, that players can interact with to read up on every single mechanic in the game.

5 Less Cosmetic & Gameplay Rewards Tied To The BattlePass

Resident Evil ReVerse - Example Of Latter Parts Of BattlePass Being Unlocked

As things are right now, RE:Verse is very "grindy". Players have to spend a lot of time in matches to get enough RP currency to buy the cosmetics they want or unlock the things they actually care about from the free BattlePass. Not only that but there are RE Coin rewards in the BattlePass such as the Creature Standard Attack Booster Coin, which quite literally means that something that impacts gameplay is tied to how much someone grinds the game.

Thankfully there aren't any Coins in the Premium BattlePass so there's not much of a "pay to win" argument to be had, but the lack of many enjoyable early-hour rewards in this game is not doing much for its lifespan as a whole outside of the dedicated few who love to grind for these sorts of things.

4 More Skins & Cosmetics For Players To Work Toward

Resident Evil Re_Verse - Previewing Ada Wongs Spring Breauty Emote In-Game

Speaking of Cosmetics, one of the biggest "fixes" this game needs is more of them. As things stand, there are two skins max for every gun, one skin (two at most) for each character, a bunch of Weapon Charms, and a slew of Emotes. But let's be frank, the skins are pretty basic for the most part, nobody really uses Emotes, and all of the Weapon Skins are just the same Lava Lover, Tribal Silver, or Pool Party skins pasted onto different guns.

The Resident Evil franchise has a huge demographic of fans that will do just about anything or buy any game if it means they can play as characters like Claire, Ada, or Leon in a cool costume, but this game just isn't capitalizing on that very well. Fans aren't suggesting that Capcom goes crazy with their cosmetics to the level of something like Fall Guys, but right now it's just very barebones.

3 Ranked Mode

Resident Evil ReVerse - Example Of High MMR Player Needing Their Own Ranked Mode

This is a fix that almost any game without it needs, and that's ranked mode. Right now, RE:Verse just has Standard Matches and Passcode Matches (their version of Private Matches), and that's it. There's nothing to separate the players that have put 30+ hours into the game from the ones who just downloaded it. Usually, MMR would help do this naturally, but because the player count is low for the game, the matchmaking isn't quite working as intended in that respect.

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And, while giving beginners this spartan-esque training against the pros may help them get better quickly, it can also have the opposite effect and cause them to bounce off the game entirely like a lot of players did for MultiVersus. So, this game needs a Ranked Mode so that players who want to try as hard as they can to grind their MMR have a mode specifically for them.

2 A More Thorough Anti-Cheat System

Resident Evil ReVerse - Example Of Cheater Giving Themselves Infinite Invincibility

This game is getting a lot of posts about cheaters so far. Granted, every game has that period of time, post-launch, where people love to attribute their loss to cheaters as if that's the only way they could ever lose. But, there's a lot of validity to the cheating claims in RE: Verse as the game has no anti-cheating software or protection tools of any kind. Yes, this means that modding is pretty easy, but it also means cheating is easy too. So far players have reported speed hacks, damage hacks, and even a hack where the player is invincible as if they've just spawned for the entire match.

Thankfully, it seems like most of the cheating is happening in high MMR matches primarily, so at least new players aren't being exposed to it constantly and causing more people to bounce off the game. Capcom doesn't need to come up with some "ingenious" solution or anything, but any anti-cheat effort is better than none at all.

1 Punishments For Players Leaving Or Ragequitting

Resident Evil ReVerse - Matchmaking Waiting

And finally, let's talk about the "leaver" or "ragequitter" problem this game currently has. As of November 1st, 2022, there are a lot of games that just have people leaving as soon as the scoreboard starts not looking too good for them or they're quitting after losing a single confrontation. Now, normally that would be slightly aggravating but not the end of the world.

But, because this game works on a peer-to-peer system instead of a server-based one, a lot of times the one leaving is the host and the lobby just falls apart rewarding the ones who are left with almost nothing to show for it in terms of RP. When there are no systems in place to punish people for quitting out, then of course there's always going to be a percentage of players taking advantage of it.

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