Since 1996 Capcom has redefined the survival horror genre with Resident Evil. Along the way, they've dipped their toes into many different genres with varying amounts of success. With the recent release of Resident Evil RE:Verse, Capcom has once again attempted to give the horror franchise a chance to succeed in the competitive multiplayer space. As it stands the overall sentiment towards the game, at least according to steam, is "mixed' with much of the criticism being leveed towards the lack of content in the game. With no clear roadmap of upcoming content or updates, this leaves the player base concerned about the longevity of the title.

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Thankfully what Resident Evil RE:Verse lacks in traditional content it can salvage with its easter eggs. Capcom is no stranger to leaving references to older games within their newer titles in a franchise and Resident Evil is no different. In the past this has ranged from alternate costumes to music, to even entire locations being callbacks to previous entries. No doubt the game has many easy-to-find easter eggs, but Capcom is always good about leaving some only the most hardcore of fans will truly appreciate.

4 Hee-Hee-Hee Thank You! (Resident Evil 4)

Resident Evil RE_Verse

The fourth entry in the franchise, Resident Evil 4, would reinvent the genre and series further, reaching height's that the developers likely didn't expect. With the added focus on action set-pieces, the return of fan-favorite characters, the addition of new characters, unique locations, and the innovation of 3rd-person shooter mechanics, Resident Evil 4 is widely regarded as the most influential game in the franchise.

With Resident Evil 4 being as influential as it was it makes sense to reference it whenever possible. In Resident Evil RE:Verse an easter egg can be found in the form of an achievement when the player spends 10,000 RP of in-game currency. This achievement's icon is the merchant from Resident Evil 4 with one of his famous lines of dialogue being the name of the achievement itself.

3 "Lava Lover" Skin (Resident Evil 5)

Resident Evil 5 "Lava Lover" Skin

After the universal acclaim Resident Evil 4 received there was much anticipation around its inevitable sequel Resident Evil 5. No doubt it would be very difficult for the game to live up to the insane expectations set by its predecessor, but Resident Evil 5 would go on to be the best-selling game in the franchise. With veteran Chris Redfield, Jill Valentine, and newcomer Sheva Alomar leading the story, the game was a welcome entry into the series despite the initial controversies surrounding it.

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Weapon skins are nothing new to modern gaming and are a great way to personalize your experience in-game. Naturally, it would make sense to release skins that reference different aspects of the series and no better example is the "Lava Lover" weapon skin. On said skin, the Resident Evil 5 logo is visible and stylized nearly identical to how it appears on the game's Main Menu screen with lava and molten rock surrounding it. This is easter egg is a direct reference to the location of the final battle against Albert Wesker taking place in an active volcano.

2 "Still Kicking" Ada (Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles)

Ada Wong RE:Verse "Still Kicking" costume

Within the fandom, the Resident Evil franchise of games is split into two categories: "Major titles" and "Non-Major Titles." The "Major Titles" consist of the mainline and/or numbered entries in the series that will usually revolve around one or more of the many main characters. Entries here include Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil: Revelations 2 just to name a few. On the other side are the "Non-Major" or "Spin-offs" games, which are the none numbered entries and usually focus on the many side characters in the series. Some of these include Resident Evil: Dead Aim, Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City, and the one that will be the focus of this entry, Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles.

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Released back in 2012 on the Wii, Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles is an often forgotten entry in the series with its story taking place at several points in the Resident Evil timeline. What is notable about this game is that you play as an "injured" Ada Wong as she attempts to escape the Raccoon City outbreak during the events of Resident Evil 2.

Ada's outfit in the game is directly referenced as an easter egg in her "Still Kicking" costume that was recently released with the second update to Resident Evil RE:Verse. Unfortunately, some of the events in the game are no longer considered canon to the main story, but that does not diminish the importance of the game to the franchise.

1 Chris vs. Leon Standoff (Resident Evil 6)

Chris vs Leon Standoff from RE6 remade in RE:Verse

Despite Resident Evil being known as a franchise that has revolutionized the gaming industry multiple times, not all its games have been widely well-received. Resident Evil 6 is a game that may often come up as one of the series' worst titles for a multitude of reasons, some of which may be difficult to explain. Regardless of that, the game has many memorable moments such as Sherry's reunion with Leon, Pier's sacrifice for Chris, and of course the Chris vs Leon standoff.

Within the announcement of the second update to Resident Evil RE:Verse, Capcom headlined this with an in-game screenshot of Chris and Leon remaking their famous standoff scene from Resident Evil 6. What makes this all the more special is that it was done with the new character designs for Chris and Leon hinting at the potential for their Resident Evil 6 costumes to be added to the game in the future.

Resident Evil Re:Verse is available on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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