It is no secret that video game remakes have recently grown in popularity. Often, video game remakes make the most sense when it is done to an already iconic game trapped in an old platform, which is why Resident Evil remakes are so popular. It is worth noting that most entries in Resident Evil's classic era were released for the PlayStation. While these games were revolutionary, they no longer hold up to today's standards.

While some criticize remakes as a way for developers to milk an old game for profits, others see them as a way to revisit an old favorite with better graphics, improved gameplay, and an overall fresh experience. But, of course, while the success of video game remakes varies, one can't deny that Capcom's remakes of its Resident Evil games have set the standard when it comes to what makes a good remake.

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Resident Evil Sets The Standard of What a Faithful Remake Should Be


In 1996, Capcom released the first Resident Evil, which is widely considered then to be the culmination of video game technology. However, it is worth noting that while Resident Evil was a smash hit, it was an experimental game for Capcom. Due to the limitations of the PlayStation, Resident Evil creator Shinji Mikami admitted that compromises were made, especially since the team was basically inventing the techniques used to develop the game.

Five years later, Capcom decided to remake Resident Evil, allowing Mikami and his team to develop the game the way they wanted to. One crucial thing the remake of Resident Evil addressed first is to fix existing issues such as the clunky controls, voice acting, dialogue, and graphics. While most developers would stop after addressing glaring issues, Capcom took the remake to a new level by adding cut storylines, enemies such as Lisa Trevor, and locations, offering veteran players a fresh experience of the classic game. However, what made the Resident EvilRemake good is its faithfulness to the source material. Despite the changes, Resident Evil Remake is essentially the same game but much better.

Resident Evil 2 Shows That Re-Imaginings Aren't Necessarily Bad

resident evil 2 leon and claire

It would take Capcom 18 years before it developed a remake of a mainline Resident Evil game from scratch. However, while the long wait may have been painful for Resident Evil fans, in many ways, it turned out to be for the better. Enter 2019's Resident Evil 2 Remake, which Capcom approached differently than Resident Evil Remake. Instead of doing a shot-for-shot recreation of Resident Evil 2, Capcom introduced significant changes in the Resident Evil 2 Remake by expanding the roles of other characters such as Robert Kendo and Marvin Branagh.

In addition, while the layout of the iconic Raccoon Police Department resembles the original, other areas were reworked from the ground up. Despite not being 100% faithful to the original game, reception for Resident Evil 2 Remake was positive, especially since the changes Capcom implemented resulted in players having a fresh experience of the game.

Resident Evil 3 is a Perfect Example of What Not To Do in a Remake


Of course, no video game developer is perfect. While Capcom was able to successfully remake the first two Resident Evil games, its streak was broken by the Resident Evil 3 Remake. It is worth noting that similar to the Resident Evil 2 Remake, the remake of Resident Evil 3 is also considered a re-imagining, given that it is not a shot-for-shot recreation of the original. Unfortunately, instead of adding new elements similar to Resident Evil and Resident Evil 2,Capcom cut iconic locations and moments in Resident Evil 3 Remake, such as the Clock Tower and Brad's death under the hands of Nemesis.

Speaking of Nemesis, Resident Evil fans weren't happy with how the iconic monster was programmed, especially after the warm reception received by Resident Evil 2's Mr. X. Instead, encounters with Nemesis were mostly scripted, taking away the element of surprise that made him an iconic villain in the original Resident Evil 3. However, despite the heavy criticism, Capcom claims that Resident Evil 3 Remake still exceeded the studio's sales expectations.

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What's In Store for Resident Evil 4?

Resident Evil 4 Leon

After years of waiting, Capcom finally confirmed the remake of Resident Evil 4 last June. However, it remains to be seen whether Resident Evil 4 would take the path Resident Evil laid out by being faithful to the source material or if it would follow in Resident Evil 2's footsteps. Looking at the teaser trailer alone, it appears that Capcom will be making significant changes to Resident Evil 4, given the darker tone prevalent in the teaser.

It is worth noting that while Resident Evil 4 is a beloved game, it was the game that started Resident Evil's path to veering away from survival horror in favor of more action-oriented gameplay. Hopefully, the studio will implement what made Resident Evil and Resident Evil 2 Remakes a success in Resident Evil 4, with the company also being sure to avoid the pitfalls suffered by Resident Evil 3. In the end, while Capcom may have misread fan expectations with Resident Evil 3, one can't deny how the studio was able to set the gold standards that make video game remakes worthwhile.

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