Resident Evil Re:Verse might seem like a very simple third-person PvP shooter on the surface, but there's actually a decent amount of nuance just underneath the surface. Kills aren't as easy to get as they first seem, characters aren't all that cut-and-dry to play, and there's a fair bit of strategy to be had for the best results overall.

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But, because players are just assuming it's a basic "aim and shoot" sort of deathmatch game, they're making a lot of common mistakes that could easily be avoided. So, let's go through all of the important mechanics, optimal strategies, and just general information in Resident Evil Re:Verse that players might be missing out on.

8 Always Aim For The Head

Resident Evil Re_Verse - Jill Trying To Aim For Claire's Head

First and foremost, players should aim for the head whenever possible. Yes, this tip applies to just about every shooter out there, but there are some games where headshots are more important than others.

In Re:Verse, the odd little horror PvP shooter that it is, headshots do tons more damage compared to body shots, so always aim for the head. This even applies to the fight against Bioweapons as well. Additionally, there are even equippable RE Coins that increase headshot damage, increase the odds of critical hits that can stack on top of headshots, or even just increase general damage with certain guns so that all hits will deal more damage.

7 Dodging Is Important But Should Not Be Overused

Resident Evil ReVerse - Leon Rolling Animation

The dodge in Re:Verse is so incredibly useful. At first, it just seems like an easy way to get closer to someone while making them work a bit harder in aiming their shots since the average movement speed of the humans in this game is exceedingly slow. But, it's actually very versatile as it is a fantastic movement tool, a Bioweapon attack counter, and a quick reposition all-in-one.

Players can dodge other players' Skills with a well-timed roll, they can avoid Bioweapon Skills, and some characters (AKA Jill Valentine) even get buffed when rolling. That said, Stamina for rolling does not replenish quickly (usually), so make sure not to use them too haphazardly and then get caught out with no way to dodge.

6 Don't Tunnel On Revenge Kills

Resident Evil ReVerse - Jill Tunneling On A Jack Baker She Should Be Running From

This game, just like any other multiplayer shooter, can get a bit irritating at times when things get hectic. Players might feel like they should have won a confrontation but they lost, and now they've respawned as a Bioweapon with the person who killed them right there in front of them with a big skull icon over their head.

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So, it only makes sense that people are tunneling a bit too much on trying to get revenge kills chasing down their opponent to the ends of the earth, especially since the game sort of incentivizes it with the whole "Revenge Target" system. But, more often than not, these tunneling players could've just easily turned around and started hunting any other player who isn't aware of their prescence to get some easy creature kill points and help out their score overall.

5 Virus Capsules Increase Human Character Damage

Resident Evil ReVerse - Leon Staring At Virus Capsule In-Game

One of the main unique mechanics of Re:Verse is the Virus Capsules and yet somehow players are already ignoring them way too much. Not only do these Capsules impact what Bioweapon monster a human player turns into on death, but they also buff their overall damage as a human.

And not just bullet damage either, this also impacts the damage of all their Skills. Additionally, it scales based on whether one or two Capsules are currently being held. So, this might make the Virus Detector RE Coin look a bit more worthwhile since it'll help players get Capsules to dominate a lobby as the Super Tyrant (or whatever other Bioweapons they add in the future) and/or buff their damage and dominate as a human.

4 A Lot Of Skills Lead Into Free Lineups

Resident Evil ReVerse - Chris Redfield Winding Up An Exoskeleton Punch On Ada Wong

While the Skills in this game are relatively diverse and varied between the six humans and five Bioweapons, a lot of them follow the same general design concept. And that concept is that they knock down opponents so that the player can follow with a free burst of primary weapon bullets right in their face. Chris Redfield's Exoskeleton Punch, Ada Wong's Somersault Kick, and even Hunk's Assassinate can all knock opponents down with plenty of time left for the assailant to pull out their primary weapon and pelt them.

And, this doesn't just apply to humans either, as Jack Baker's Chainsaw Scissor Whirlwind naturally leads into his Welcome to the Family for an almost unstoppable guaranteed killed, and the same can be said about Hunter Gamma's Acid Spray stagger into Devour finisher.

3 Remember The Quick Turn Function

Resident Evil ReVerse - Quick Turn Menu Option On Image Of Leon Quick Turning Around With Dual Pistols

One of the iconic little mechanics of the Resident Evil franchise that just about everyone knows about is the Quick Turn. This full 360-degree turn input was originally implemented as a way of making tank controls in a fixed perspective game like RE 1, 2, and 3 much more bearable. These days, it's just a staple mechanic included in every entry in the series.

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That said, it's unique to have a quick turn in a free-for-all deathmatch, and it makes it so that players can turn around and respond to any gunfire coming at their backside almost immediately, which is great in this game specifically as the time-to-kill is incredibly low. Just thinking about all the Leon players who have immediately turned around and blasted away the opponent behind them with his W-870 Shotgun is enough to scare anyone into using the Quick Turn more often.

2 Different Humans Have Different Specialties

Resident Evil ReVerse - Showing Different Base Stats Of Different Characters Side By Side

While everyone wants to, of course, use their fan-favorite character in this game, sometimes they'd actually enjoy themselves more picking the character that fits their playstyle more than their canonical preference.

For example, Ada Wong, the super-spy female lead that she is, might be someone's favorite character overall. But, if that person can't aim incredibly well and likes tankier characters then they're going to struggle a lot playing Ada. This isn't to say that they'll never get good with her, just that it's an uphill battle. Remember that each of the playable characters has their own base stat spread of Survivability, Weapon Power, Skill Power, Transformed Survivability, and Transformed Power. Those last two stats, in particular, are an aspect that a ton of Re:Verse players are forgetting about, but thankfully they're only impacted by RE Coins so it's not character-specific.

1 Challenges & BattlePass Rewards Don't Auto-Claim

Resident Evil ReVerse - Claiming A Challenge Reward In-Game

And lastly, let's talk about a bit of a UI oversight that players are making. in most games, when challenges are completed, whatever currency, reward, or XP related to them is auto-claimed afterward on the hub menu or in whatever the game's version of a results screen is.

But, in Re:Verse players need to go into the BattlePass menu and claim each individually completed one (or all of them at once) before the next randomized challenges fill their places. There have been so many players who, after hours and hours of playing, have just realized that they have 5+ Challenges to claim and they could have been working on the challenges that would've filled those completed slots all that time.

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