
  • Leon S. Kennedy, one of Resident Evil's most beloved characters, has gained even more popularity thanks to recent remakes, making him an ideal candidate for a cameo in Resident Evil 9.
  • With his cool and collected nature, Leon Kennedy has become an iconic rookie cop action hero archetype in the series, always managing to survive terrifying threats.
  • The recent remakes have added complexity to Leon's character, making him even more compelling to play as, and ther is plenty of potential for expanding his character arc further in future games.

As far as horror gaming franchises go, there are few quite as beloved or iconic as Resident Evil. Debuting all the way back in 1996, the Resident Evil franchise essentially pioneered the survival horror genre as fans know it today, and while narrative has never been the series' strongest point, that doesn't mean that it hasn't had its fair share of memorable moments, and more importantly, its fair share of memorable characters over the years.

The Resident Evil franchise is home to a handful of protagonists who are now considered "legacy" characters. These characters come from across Resident Evil's 27-year-long history, and the vast majority of them have played the role of main protagonist more than once. A fan's favorite legacy character usually depends on which classic Resident Evil entry is their favorite, and thanks to some recent remakes, Leon S. Kennedy is sure to take that top spot for many fans, potentially paving the way for an exciting appearance in the next mainline Resident Evil game.

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It's Time for Leon Kennedy To Make A New Resident Evil Appearance

resident evil operation raccoon city leon kennedy

First appearing all the way back in 1998's Resident Evil 2, Leon S. Kennedy is one of the most beloved legacy characters in the entire franchise. A cool, calm, and collected character, Leon Kennedy is portrayed as the ultimate rookie cop action hero archetype in the original Resident Evil 2, always managing to scrape by and avoid terrifying threats by the skin of his teeth.

The recent Resident Evil 2 and 4 remakes have done a lot to cement Leon Kennedy as one of the series' best characters, adding a little more complexity to the hero. While Leon Kennedy is still definitely an all-guns-blazing action hero in the remakes, he's given a caring but rogueish quality that's somehow made him even more compelling and cool to play as. Leon Kennedy is far from being the most complex protagonist in gaming, but his added depth in the recent remakes is nice, and it sets him up nicely for any potential upcoming appearances.

Back in 2017 when Resident Evil 7 first released, fans were blown away when Chris Redfield made an appearance at the end of the story. Though his character model certainly needed work, Chris Redfield's cameo in Resident Evil 7 was not only a well-earned piece of fan-service, but also an exciting tease of things to come. Resident Evil Village put Chris Redfield front and center of the marketing, and though he only appears a few times during the game, it's time well spent. Chris Redfield may not have been Resident Evil Village's main protagonist, but he played an important role in the game's story, and it's a model that Capcom is likely going to use again for Resident Evil 9, only this time, Leon Kennedy should be the legacy character taking the spotlight.

Thanks to the Resident Evil 2 and 4 remakes, Leon Kennedy is more popular than he ever has been, and for many newcomers to the franchise, he's likely the most recognizable protagonist overall. Pair this popularity with his more layered character writing in the remakes, and Leon Kennedy is the ideal candidate for a cameo in Resident Evil 9. The last time players saw Leon Kennedy in the continuity was Resident Evil 6, meaning that it's been eight in-game years since he was last seen in action. That's a big gap for Capcom to play with, and the potential character arc and adventures Leon has gone through during that time could be really interesting to explore in a future Resident Evil game.

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