
  • Monsters in the Resident Evil series can mutate to extravagant sizes, posing a formidable challenge to heroes.
  • Encountering towering creatures like Del Lago and Uroboros Aheri showcases Capcom's unique monster designs.
  • From a giant housefly to a massive parasitic worm, these sizeable enemies provide intense boss battles for players.

The Resident Evil series is full of terrifying monsters who appear in an attempt to stop the heroes in their tracks. Sometimes, these creatures can be the same size as a human, or just a little bit bigger, but there have also been a few occasions where these behemoths grow to extravagant proportions, making them a true force to be reckoned with given their size.

Every Resident Evil Remake, Ranked

Capcom has generally delivered awesome Resident Evil remakes, but some are better than others.

When a person starts mutating in Resident Evil after succumbing to a virus or parasite, there's no telling how big they will become, so it's truly a horrifying sight when they grow large enough that they can easily tower over the main characters. Despite how many gigantic creatures have been featured throughout the series, there's a select few that Capcom really went above and beyond with their designs to ensure they were as gigantic, and intimidating, as possible.

7 Del Lago

A Mutated Water-Based Creature Over 65 Feet

Leon aiming a harpoon at Del Lago
Resident Evil 4 Remake

PC , PS4 , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
March 24, 2023
Survival Horror

Believe it or not, the menacing mutated creature that Leon encounters while passing over the lake in Resident Evil 4 was once nothing more than a tiny salamander. After becoming infected with the Las Plagas, which had spread across the entire village, it didn't take long for the creature to grow enormous in size, becoming the guardian of the lake who would feast on anyone who dared trespass its territory.

It's even shown in a secret cutscene while approaching the lake that the villagers need to continuously feed Del Lago to keep the beast happy and fed, otherwise, it could cause some real chaos if it doesn't get its way. It's a miracle that Leon manages to make it out of his encounter with Del Lago in one piece, but it's without a doubt one of the biggest and most formidable enemies he's ever faced.

6 Derek Simmons (Housefly)

A Giant Housefly, At Least 70 Foot

Simmons in his fly mutated form
Resident Evil 6

PS3 , PS4 , Xbox 360 , Xbox One , PC , Switch
October 2, 2012
Third-Person Shooter

Simmons, the main villain of Resident Evil 6, has several forms that he cycles through when he's confronted by Leon and Helena at the end of the game. After turning into a small armored tiger-like creature and then a literal T.rex dinosaur, he reveals his final form, which resembles a giant housefly that gains its power through absorbing zombies. The random nature of these mutations has made Simmons somewhat of a meme among the community, but there's still no denying that the sheer size of his final appearance does make him quite intimidating.

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Resident Evil 4 is a fantastic game in its own right, but modders have made it even better. Here are some of the best mods available.

Seeing what looks like a housefly being blown up to this gigantic size is also an incredibly creepy visual that lingers in the brain long after the game has been put down. This fight can be pretty tough given just how massive the radius of Simmons' attacks is, but by using the lightning rods to deal damage, Leon and Helena manage to take him down to end his tirade once and for all.

5 Eveline

A Mold Creation Over 70 Foot In Size

Ethan shooting at Eveline
Resident Evil 7: Biohazard

January 24, 2017
Survival Horror

In the first few hours of Resident Evil 7, it seems as though the Baker Family would be the main antagonists of the game, and though this is partly true, it turns out that the real villain is none other than a small girl called Eveline. Upon being taken in by the Baker family after being found lifeless in the middle of a storm, Eveline began to corrupt each of them one by one in an attempt to create her own family. After Ethan defeats nearly every member of the family though, ruining Eveline's hopes and dreams, she begins mutating and merges herself with the Mold substance that had been scattered around the Baker estate.

This causes her to transform into a giant mold-based creature who towers over Ethan during their final encounter. In truth, Ethan stood no chance against the colossal mutant, and in the end, it took the assistance of Blue Umbrella and their group of helicopters to defeat her once and for all, along with a few shots from the Albert-01 magnum. It's shocking how a little girl could mutate into one of the biggest monsters in the entire series, but it also showcases the underlying power that Eveline possessed all along.

4 V-Complex

A Merging Mutant, Over 82 Foot

V-Complex monster being shot at by Leon
Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles

PS3 , Wii
November 17, 2009
Capcom , Cavia

The V-Complex is a B.O.W. that appeared during Operation Javier in the Darkside Chronicles spin-off game. After Leon and Krauser manage to catch up to the drug cartel leader known as Javier, in a final attempt to save himself, Javier merges himself with the Veronica Flower, resulting in a sudden mutation that balloons out of control. As the giant spider-like monstrosity moves around and slashes at Leon and Krauser, players must try to shoot at the small fleshy sacks that can be seen in between its claws, but doing this is easier said than done given how massive the creature is.

11 Weakest Resident Evil Bosses, Ranked

Not all monsters are made equal, and these are the easiest boss fights from the Resident Evil franchise.

The V-Complex is even capable of releasing deadly spores to poison its victims, and can burrow its long tentacles underground to get the drop on its enemies. The first-person view of Darkside Chronicles does an excellent job of highlighting the magnificent stature of this creature, resulting in an epic final boss battle that feels incredibly intense to be a part of.

3 Uroboros Aheri

An Absorbing Mass, Possibly Over 150 Feet Tall

Uroboros Aries from Resident Evil 5
Resident Evil 5

PS3 , PS4 , Xbox 360 , Xbox One , PC , Switch
March 5, 2009
Survival Horror

Throughout Resident Evil 5, there are several examples showcasing the sheer power possessed by Uroboros. Early on in the game, Chris and Sheva come up against a massive Uroboros B.O.W which can only be taken out using fire, making for one of the game's trickiest boss encounters. While they at least had a fighting chance with that enemy though, this wasn't initially the case for Uroboros Aheri, the mutated form of the witty researcher known as Excella.

After Wesker turned his back on her, Excella was injected with Uroboros and sent out to begin the transformation while surrounded by corpses. As the mutation's tentacles begin scooping up the bodies one by one, it becomes far too large for Chris and Sheva to deal with, causing them to run away. In fact, the only way they were even capable of dealing damage to Aheri was by using satellite lasers, and even then, it took a while before the monster was down for good.


A Monster Still Developing, It Stands Over 200 Feet Tall

Haos and Chris

HAOS is an octopus-like B.O.W which can only be encountered during Chris' campaign in Resident Evil 6. After traveling deeper into a mysterious underwater Chinese facility, the two BSAA soldiers are surprised to find a creature so big that it could easily topple entire skyscrapers if it managed to escape its imprisonment. The truth is, that HAOS was created as a vessel to spread the C-Virus across the world, and as a result, it needed to be big enough to achieve this without getting killed too easily.

It's even implied that HAOS was supposed to be even bigger than this since Carla and Neo-Umbrella were still in the middle of developing it by the time Chris and Piers saw it up close and personal for themselves. Though it already looks gigantic in the flesh, HAOS' body is so big that a lot of it is hidden since its torso stretches so far down into the facility. Most of the time, the heroes of a Resident Evil game are able to deal with any kind of B.O.W no matter how big they might be, but this was barely the case with HAOS since Piers was forced to inject himself with the C-Virus to even slow the thing down, resulting in his death not long after.

1 Malacoda

250 Foot, & Growing

Jill and Chris shooting Gatling guns at Malacoda
Resident Evil: Revelations

PS4 , PS3 , Xbox One , Xbox 360 , Nintendo Wii U , PC , 3DS , Switch
January 26, 2012
Survival Horror

Both Jill and Chris have come across some terrifying creatures during their many adventures, but nothing could have prepared them for the colossal parasitic worm known as Malacoda. This terrifying B.O.W. shows up as the final boss of Resident Evil Revelations, and due to its enormous size, players are forced to use numerous powerful weapons to even cause a dent in the creature's armor.

It's implied that the Malacoda is even bigger than the Queen Zenobia itself, which is the ship that most of the game takes place on. Even after firing the rocket launcher at the Malacoda, which in most games would finish an enemy off in one shot, the beast still had the strength to pursue Chris and Jill, causing them to pump it full of Gatling gun rounds before it finally gave up. If this worm-like parasite had somehow reached the surface, it could have easily flattened entire cities with its size, so it's a good thing the BSAA took it out when they did.

Best Resident Evil Game On Every PlayStation Console

From PlayStation's Resident Evil 3: Nemesis to PlayStation 5's Resident Evil 4 Remake, we've picked the best series release for each Sony system.