
  • Chris Redfield isn't immune to bad decisions; confronting Jake at the wrong time led to a tense showdown.
  • Not running after Enrico's murderer might've revealed the traitor sooner; never split up in horror games!
  • Instead of leaving all the work to Ethan, Chris could've used the Albert-01 himself in RE7 ; teamwork is key.

Horror game characters need both brains and brawn to survive in the harsh world they're subjected to; be caught lacking just once, and it could end in a gruesome death. The Resident Evil protagonists are all iconic, and while they all have their fair share of badass hero moments, they aren't immune to making a few questionable decisions every so often.

Resident Evil Chris Redfield Tier List

Chris Redfield is like the musclebound leading man of the entire Resident Evil franchise, appearing in more games than any other character.

B.S.A.A. Agent Chris Redfield can often hold his own despite how dire his situation is, but sometimes, it seems as if his muscles start weighing on his better judgment. Here are some of the dumbest decisions Chris Redfield has made throughout the RE series.

7 Confronting Jake At The Most Inopportune Time

Couldn't This Wait For Later?

Resident Evil 6 Jake Muller Confronts Chris Redfield
Resident Evil 6

PS3 , PS4 , Xbox 360 , Xbox One , PC , Switch
October 2, 2012

After finding out that Jake was indeed the son of former S.T.A.R.S. Captain Albert Wesker, Chris immediately felt a sense of uneasiness forming between the two. Although they had already got off on the wrong foot upon their first meeting, things got even more tense after Chris found out the truth behind Jake's identity.

During the lead-up to the final battle against Haos, Chris randomly decides to drop the bomb and confront Jake about being the one who killed his estranged father. Jake (of course) doesn't react too kindly to the news and pulls his gun on Chris.

Why wouldn't Chris just wait for a more opportune time to break the news to Jake? What would Piers have done had Chris allowed Jake to shoot him right there and then? How would Haos possibly be stopped without the help of the B.S.A.A. Captain himself?

6 Not Running After Enrico's Murderer

The Truth Was Just Around The Corner

Resident Evil Enrico Gets Shot Chris Redfield
Resident Evil HD Remaster

PS4 , PS3 , Xbox 360 , Xbox One , PC
January 20, 2015

Before it was revealed that Wesker was a traitor all along, Chris ran into an injured member of the S.T.A.R.S. Bravo team, Enrico Marini. Before Enrico has the chance to tell Chris any more information about how he was wounded, he is shot by a mysterious figure in the distance.

Resident Evil: 7 Dumbest Decisions Made By Leon Kennedy

Leon may be a heroic figure in the Resident Evil franchise, but that doesn't mean he's all that smart, as these poor decisions of his demonstrate.

Of course, it's important to tend to an injured teammate, but the mysterious figure was just around the corner! Chris could have easily discovered the identity of the traitor by just running around the corner; there's no way the mysterious shadow had gotten far considering how close they were when they shot poor Enrico. The least Chris could have done for his teammate was catch his murderer red-handed!

5 Constantly Leaving Rebecca On Her Own

The Medic Can Handle Herself, Right?

Resident Evil 1 Rebecca Getting Attacked

During RE1, Chris manages to find one of the surviving members of the S.T.A.R.S. Bravo team in the Spencer Mansion, Rebecca Chambers. While Rebecca was skilled enough to be a member of S.T.A.R.S., she lacked combat experience, as she took the role of the team's medic.

There is always strength in numbers, but Chris decides to constantly go off on his own to explore, leaving poor Rebecca to survive on her own! Don't the S.T.A.R.S. members know the number one rule in every horror game or film is to stick together instead of splitting up?

4 Not Using The Albert-01 Himself

It's Always Up To Poor Ethan

Resident Evil 7 Final Boss Fight Albert-01 Gun
Resident Evil 7: Biohazard

January 24, 2017

Near the end of RE7, as Ethan is facing off against a giant, mutated version of Eveline, he finally gets the backup he had been wishing for the entire game: Chris and Blue Umbrella. However, instead of engaging in combat with Eveline directly, Chris decides to toss the special Albert-01 gun to Ethan, letting him finish her off once and for all.

There wasn't any real reason Chris couldn't just fire the gun at Eveline from the helicopter he was in; he even had a more advantageous position! What if the gun had fallen somewhere Ethan couldn't reach? What if the gun had somehow jammed or broken upon impact, leaving Ethan helpless? Ethan was already at a disadvantage considering the size of his opponent. The least Chris could have done was get his hands a little dirty instead of leaving all the work to Ethan.

3 Trusting Wesker

Could Anyone Be More Suspicious?

Albert Wesker Resident Evil 1 - Resident Evil Albert Wesker Facts

Albert Wesker has been the face of evil in the world of RE for so long that many people forget he was once Chris and Jill's teammate. Wesker already seemed incredibly shifty right from the beginning of the game, but once there was word of a traitor among the S.T.A.R.S. members, there was no question about who it could possibly be.

8 Most Obvious Traitors In Games

These games might have thrown out a twist, but these traitors were obvious from the start.

Despite the members all being separated, Wesker constantly kept his cool (way too easily) and always seemed more interested in exploring the mansion rather than showing any concern for the whereabouts of his teammates. Chris didn't seem even the slightest bit suspicious about Wesker's motives until it was far too late.

2 Punching A Boulder To Death

The Making Of A Meathead

Resident Evil 5 Chris Redfield punches boulder
Resident Evil 5

PS3 , PS4 , Xbox 360 , Xbox One , PC , Switch
March 5, 2009

Every RE fan knows about the infamous "boulder-punching" scene near the end of RE5. While it is definitely one of Chris Redfield's most iconic (and hilarious) moments, no one talks about how dumb of an idea it was to punch a boulder out of the way in the first place.

Any normal person would immediately try to just push an impeding boulder out of the way with their shoulder, leaning in with all their weight. Not the amazing Chris Redfield. While Chris is fairly competent throughout the series, the moment he decided that using his fists was the best way to move a boulder truly solidified his status as a bonafide meathead.

1 Not Telling Ethan About Mother Miranda

Some Secrets Are Better Off Being Shared!

Resident Evil Village

May 7, 2021

It was clear that Capcom wanted to fool fans into thinking that Chris was finally playing the role of the bad guy in RE Village, and purposely made him deceive Ethan in order to keep the story interesting. However, from Chris's point of view, his only reason for keeping secrets from Ethan was because he feared that Ethan would try to take matters into his own hands had he known about Mother Miranda and her plans for kidnapping baby Rose. At this point, Ethan had already undergone combat and firearm training, making him fit to join Chris's team; Ethan had already survived the Baker house on his own after all.

Even if Chris didn't want Ethan to rescue Rose on his own, he could have (at the very least) told Ethan that the Mia he had shot wasn't actually Ethan's wife, but Mother Miranda in disguise. There was no reason for Chris to make Ethan go through the horror/grief of watching his (supposed) wife die in front of his eyes! Have a heart, Chris!

Resident Evil: Every Version Of Chris Redfield, Ranked

Capcom have tinkered around with Chris' character quite a lot throughout the Resident Evil series, but which version is considered the very best?