Few video game franchises go on as long as Resident Evil without completely rebooting the story. While gameplay has undergone several changes, the narrative continues to march on, becoming the closest thing to a video game soap opera.

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The ensemble of protagonists each has their own story and reasons for ending up in these Zombie-infested scenarios. Sadly, some faces get left in the dust. Averaging only a game a year and mainline entries coming every two or three of those, certain personalities do not show up as much as some would like. Even those who returned recently did so after a long hiatus, and generally as a remake retreading familiar events.

10 Jill Valentine

Jill Valentine Resident Evil 3 remake

Jill has only starred in two mainline entries, and has shown up in others as a supporting character. When it comes to the canon timeline, her most recent appearance was in Resident Evil 5, which was over ten years ago. Here's hoping  she shows up in Resident Evil: Village. She is as cool as ever in the Resident Evil 3 remake, so seeing this renewed image years down the road would be interesting.

9 Barry Burton

Barry Burton

Barry Burton was the dorky, gun-loving member of STARS who betrays the group for the sake of his family in the debut entry. He eventually does the right thing, so the rest of the team, and most of the players, forgive him. He was then absent from the picture - save for a cameo in one Resident Evil 3 ending - until Resident Evil Revelations 2. The spin-off helped bring the series' mojo back, and part of that was Barry's involvement.

8 Carlos Oliveira

resident evil 3 carlos

Carlos Oliveira was Jill's sidekick in Resident Evil 3. He starts out working for Umbrella but soon learns the truth behind the company and turns his back on his employer. After the events of Raccoon City, he drops off the face of the earth.

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Some theorize he went on the run, since Umbrella would likely want to hunt him down. One would think Carlos would be alongside Chris and Jill, doing his best to rid the world of B.O.W.s.

7 Sherry Birkin

resident evil movie reboot set photo raccoon city orphanage

Sherry Birkin makes her grand entrance as a little girl in Resident Evil 2. Claire helps her escape Raccoon City. Also, her parents are responsible for the outbreak and her dad is William Birkin, the main antagonist of the second entry. After the game she goes dark until Resident Evil 6. While most were happy to see her come back, many were displeased with the 2012 title, seeing it more as a generic action game than a true Resident Evil title.

6 Brad Vickers

brad vickers

While it is easy to see Brad Vickers as the cowardly helicopter pilot, one at least has to appreciate how he returns at the end of the debut Resident Evil to save Jill and Chris. For saving them all he earns is a nasty death at the hands of Nemesis in Resident Evil 3. At least he shows up as a zombie in Resident Evil 2. Maybe players do not have to control him, but he deserves more appreciation.

5 Billy Coen

resident evil billy

It is easy to understand why Billy Coen does not receive the same attention as other Resident Evil protagonists. Resident Evil 0, where players control both him and Rebecca Chambers, is one of the weaker spin-offs, especially since it came out not long after the vastly superior Resident Evil remake. Perhaps a more accessible remake could renew appreciation for the escaped convict, because playing the prequel today reveals many faults and unnecessary inconveniences.

4 Ingrid Hunnigan

Ingrid Hunnigan Resident Evil 4

Resident Evil games typically put the protagonists in unexpected situations. Resident Evil 4 was the first time a mainline entry had the character consciously going on a dangerous mission.

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Leon Kennedy is aided by Ingrid Hunnigan via walkie-talkie while trying to save the president's daughter in a small Spanish Village. After a small part in Resident Evil 6 and the first two animated films, she drops off the map. Maybe a future game could help players learn what she has been up to.

3 Sheva Alomar


Resident Evil 5 is a polarizing entry, but those who enjoy it regard the 2009 title as one of the finest linear cooperative experiences. Player one controls Chris Redfield, while their friend plays as Sheva Alomar. She unfortunately has little characterization, but one cannot help but feel connected to her if they were player two. Chris should at least give fans a line or two as to what she has been up to since Resident Evil 5.

2 Ashley Graham

Ashley from Resident Evil 4

Ashley Graham's reason for being on this list differs from the other entries. She is far from the coolest character in the series, but Ashley receives an unnecessary amount of hate. The escorting mechanics in Resident Evil 4 are not as bothersome as many make them out to be. Any half-skilled player should have no trouble protecting her. At the end of the day, far worse escort missions exist in video games.

1 Rebecca Chambers

resident evil switch leak rebecca chambers

Rebecca Chambers is a minor character in the first Resident Evil, but still manages to be a fan favorite. After a starring role in the prequel, Resident Evil 0, she dropped off the face of the earth until the animated film, Resident Evil: Vendetta. Unfortunately, in the movie she is the one in need of rescuing. Should Rebecca ever return, fans want to bust some heads open playing as her. At least make another co-op game and make her the second player.

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