When the whole world is falling apart from the numerous ground zeroes of zombie apocalypses in every city, a bad hair day would be the least of anyone's concerns. That doesn't stop the main characters of the Resident Evil series from hoarding the hairspray and the organic shampoos. Almost all of them look like they walked out of the hair salon straight into a zombie apocalypse.

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In fact, there's an unofficial term for people in Resident Evil with plain hair; they're called inconsequential NPCs. That's how players know that they're controlling (or killing) the real deal. Because it's not enough to save the world (or destroy it); one also has to do it in style according to these Resident Evil characters.

8 Leon Kennedy

what is leon kennedy doing during resident evil village

If he hadn't been a cop, then Leon Kennedy would have made a killing as the sixth member of the Backstreet Boys back in the late 1990s. That's around the same time Resident Evil 2 was released. Back then, the game's blocky graphics didn't do Leon's hair much justice.

Thanks to the 2019 Resident Evil 2 Remake, Capcom finally gave us a glimpse of why Leon was worthy of Ada Wong and Claire Redfield's attention. That fine and shiny mid-split straight from the 1990s is quite hard to pull off these days, what with the hot weather and higher conditioner prices.

7 Albert Wesker

Albert Wesker as depicted in Resident Evil 5

As proof that even villains in Resident Evil have good fashion sense as well, here's Albert Wesker in his usual slicked-back Matrix agent hairstyle. It's not as loud or as elegant as the other hair on this roster. But one has to give props to Wesker for taking the time of the day to grease, comb and set his hair before going on his merry way to further the zombie apocalypse.

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Apparently, Wesker is also an elite perfectionist and one of the most accomplished virologists who worked with the numerous viruses that wreaked havoc on the game's mythos. So one can imagine just how meticulous he is when it comes to the little details and aspects of his life, hair included.

6 Raymond Vester

raymond vester in resident evil

He first appeared in Resident Evil: Revelations, and at first glance, one likely wouldn't expect Raymond to be a soldier and a spy. Because with that hair, he could easily be mistaken for a Conan O'Brien cameo in Resident Evil (which isn't exactly unlikely). He has been crowned by many fans as one of the worst character designs in Resident Evil.

Still, that doesn't diminish his impact one bit. Raymond is certainly one of the most memorable characters in the game (in a bad way) due to his out-of-place hair, and by definition, it's spectacular. He's mostly a minor character in Resident Evil: Revelations and most games, which is alright since it's hard to imagine this guy being a capable fighter.

5 Rachel Foley

Rachel Foley in resident evil

And here's another one from Resident Evil: Revelations. It seems that the game is intent on taking bold directions for its character designs since Rachael Foley is unapologetically dripping with style. Look at those bangs! They're full-size and she doesn't care whether they impede her in combat or any most other military activities.

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Sadly, Rachel Foley didn't last long as an operative and was turned into an abomination of a boss. She wasn't really as effective as the main characters; that's what happens when one refuses to sacrifice their hair for their vision. That, or the developers must have gotten too lazy to animate and design Rachel's eyes.

4 Morpheus Duvall

Morpheus_D._Duvall in resident evil

Someone on the design team probably played too much Final Fantasy 7 when they thought up a design for Morpheus Duvall. Because this silver-haired villain looks like a Sephiroth "at home," according to "mom." If the main inspiration wasn't obvious enough, they also put black leather and clothing on him, as well as tar-black gloves.

Morpheus first appeared in Resident Evil: Dead Aim, and he also died there, which was probably for the better. Near the end of the game, Morpheus turned into a female T-G Virus monster and served as the final boss. He/she still kept their fabulous flowing white hair after the transformation, but too bad they could keep their life.

3 Carlos Oliveira

Carlos in re

Carlos Oliveira had one heck of a makeover. His original appearance in the old Resident Evil 3 was not much different from Leon Kennedy's. The two of them could even form their own zombie apocalypse boy band. Thankfully, Resident Evil 3 Remake differentiated Carlos and opted to scrap his Backstreet Boy appearance.

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Instead, they gave him a grungy and greasy, unkempt look that's arguably better. He went from boy-next-door to a tough-as-nails soldier of fortune who still sees his hairdresser every six months or so. Needless to say, the Remake did Carlos good by making his appearance neither out-of-place nor ridiculous. It's just right, and by all means, spectacular and memorable.

2 Manuela Hidalgo

Manuela Hidalgo in resident evil

Manuela Hidalgo is one of the VIP damsels in distress that Leon Kennedy keeps saving and babysitting throughout his Resident Evil games. And between those young girls, we have to give it to Manuela for having the most stylish and most intricate hairstyle. It's actually hard to understand the general idea of her hair.

It looks like an experimental way to combat or take advantage of split ends, as the back is a lot shorter than the tied sides which extend down to her collar bone. This gives Manuela both an innocent and disoriented appearance like she's always spacing out or clueless. Well, given what Manuela went through with the t-Virus, that's understandable, and her hair reflects that ordeal.

1 Lady Dimitrescu

Close up image of Resident Evil 8's Lady Dimitrescu on a black background.

Last and certainly not least, we have here the latest Resident Evil craze, Lady Dimitrescu. She's probably the most powerful woman in the game, being a nine-foot-tall vampire lady with a high ranking in the hierarchy. She mostly wears a hat, though, which covers the top part of her hair.

However, this hat doesn't hide some of her most distinct aesthetics; those mommy curls seamlessly flow out of the hat, ensnaring mere mortals with mommy issues like a moth to a flame. She doesn't even need to use her claws; one look of frustrated disappointment and the dismissive bounce of those curls from her turning head is enough to kill.

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