Chris Redfield has been a big player in the Resident Evil series ever since the very first game when he became tangled up in a zombie-infested mansion alongside his S.T.A.R.S colleagues. Since then, he's become one of the franchise's main protagonists who has experienced his fair share of horrific adventures, but while Chris is mostly well-known for his combat capabilities, he also has a pretty clever way with words.

Best Handheld Resident Evil Games, Ranked

Resident Evil might have debuted on consoles, but there's since been plenty of incredible entires released across handheld systems too.

Sometimes, these small lines can come as a result of Chris trying to share his wisdom with those around him, but it can also be a quote that expands upon Chris' character or even just a funny quip that he's randomly let out at some point or another. Either way, this ranking is going to cover some of the most memorable and iconic quotes that have ever been spoken by the immensely popular Resident Evil protagonist, Chris Redfield.

6 "Come On You Test Tube Freak"

Resident Evil Remake

Chris saying "Come on you test-tube freak"
Resident Evil (2002)

GameCube , Wii
April 30, 2002
Capcom Production Studio 4
Survival Horror

Though the Resident Evil series has become renowned for its tongue-in-cheek humor, the first game feels a lot darker and serious due to its environment, atmosphere, and music, compared to some future titles. Thankfully though, there are still a few funny lines sprinkled throughout the plot which help to break the tension, with one of the most iconic being this hilarious comment Chris makes after encountering the Tyrant.

By this point in the story, Chris will have faced down numerous zombies and B.O.Ws, including a giant shark, an invisible snake, and more than a few bloodthirsty Hunters. It therefore doesn't seem too out of place for Chris to be saying this, considering he would probably fancy his chances of survival a lot more than when he first stepped foot into the mansion, making for a comical quote that proved Chris still has a goofy side underneath that stoic exterior.

5 "Trust Is Built Through Actions, Not Words"

Resident Evil Revelations

Chris and Jessica on a snowy mountain in Resident Evil Revelations
Resident Evil: Revelations

PS4 , PS3 , Xbox One , Xbox 360 , Nintendo Wii U , PC , 3DS , Switch
January 26, 2012
Survival Horror

Chris is known for being someone who dearly values trust and loyalty in his companions, which is something he only came to acknowledge after his many escapades with his old partner, Jill Valentine. Not only does he want his comrades to know that they can count on him for support, but Chris also ensures he's always there for his friends when they need him most, something which he has proved time and time again through his actions.

5 Resident Evil Characters Who Have Been Through The Worst Hells

The Resident Evil franchise has some gruesome horrors, and unfortunately several characters have faced and suffered through them.

By far the biggest example of this though came from Jill herself who, in an attempt to save Chris from being killed, threw herself out of a window while grabbing Wesker, and though this didn't end up killing him, it was still a heroic act which proved just how close Jill and Chris really are. This event clearly had a big impact on Chris, and when he meets his new companion Jessica in Revelations, he makes sure to echo this sentiment, which means so much to him.

4 "As A Surviving Member Of S.T.A.R.S, I Have To Do This"

Resident Evil: Code Veronica

Chris talking to Wesker
Resident Evil CODE:Veronica

Dreamcast , GameCube , PS2 , PS3 , Xbox 360
February 29, 2000
Survival Horror

Even though Wesker betrayed all of his S.T.A.R.S allies in the original Resident Evil, the one survivor who took it to heart the most was Chris, and as a result, it forged an epic rivalry between the two which would become reignited in Code Veronica. During the two's final face-off in the game, Wesker tries to mock and belittle Chris, seeing him as nothing more than an irritable thorn in his side.

Chris however is quick to remind Wesker about his past sins by referencing how not every S.T.A.R.S member made it out of the whole Spencer Mansion fiasco in one piece. It also shows just how deeply Chris cares about taking down Wesker, while also implying that the reason he feels so dedicated to this personal vendetta is in order to avenge his fallen comrades.

3 "No One Gets Left Behind. Not On My Watch"

Resident Evil 6

Chris talking to Piers and Finn
Resident Evil 6

PS3 , PS4 , Xbox 360 , Xbox One , PC , Switch
October 2, 2012
Third-Person Shooter

A huge component of Chris' character arc throughout the games has been how he comes to accept loss, especially the deaths of those whom he fails to protect. This has happened several times, but after Piers manages to snap Chris out of his depression at the beginning of Resident Evil 6, it feels as though the once legendary S.T.A.R.S. and BSAA member was finally back on his feet. Chris says this quote to his new team during the operation in Edonia, and while it seems simple on the surface, it's a subtle form of foreshadowing, since it's not long after this that Chris loses nearly his entire team to the new C-virus.

10 Resident Evil Characters Who Don't Get Enough Love In The Franchise

There are a lot of amazing characters in the Resident Evil franchise that don't get enough love. Here are some prime examples.

In relation to the wider context of Chris as a character, this quote is a haunting reminder that no matter how hard he tries, it's not always possible for Chris to save everyone he cares about, as much as he would like to. Thankfully, he has seemed to have a little more success in Resident Evil Village with his brand new Wolf Squad, but it wouldn't be much of a surprise if these new teammates also meet their ends at some point in the future while under Chris' command.

2 "Either Way, I'm Not Gonna Stop Until I'm Dead"

Resident Evil 5

Chris aiming a pistol and saying he won't stop until he's dead
Resident Evil 5

PS3 , PS4 , Xbox 360 , Xbox One , PC , Switch
March 5, 2009
Survival Horror

Just like any human being, Chris has a lot of faults as a person. He's brash, hot-headed, and sometimes a little too stubborn for his own good, but beneath it all, is a man who genuinely cares about protecting the world from bio-terror and cleaning up the remnants of what Umbrella left behind. He doesn't actually express these underlying feelings very often, but one quote that demonstrates how far Chris is willing to go is one said when he comes face to face with Wesker at the end of Resident Evil 5.

At this point in the plot, Wesker had become hell-bent on causing mass genocide in order to create a world where only the "strong" could survive. Despite Wesker's superhuman powers and abilities, Chris shows no fear when confronting him, and even admits to himself the only time he will stop pursuing Wesker and intercepting his evil schemes will be when he's no longer alive and kicking.

1 "Goddamit, When Does It End?"

Resident Evil Village

Chris asking himself when it will end while sat in a dark car
Resident Evil Village

May 7, 2021
Survival (dupe) , Horror

This is a pretty clever quote that was inserted during the Wolf Squad Raid mission near the end of Village. During a rare moment of reflection, Chris asks a simple question to one of his colleagues, "When does it end?". Right after, he claims he's referring specifically to the missions regarding the Mold and Mother Miranda, but it also subtly hints at the fact that Chris has been fighting these sorts of monsters for much of his adult life.

It's clear the constant fighting is starting to tire him out, yet he's still fully aware that he's one of the only people on the planet with enough knowledge and experience to deal with these sorts of bio-terror threats whenever they pop up, which tends to be very often in this dangerous game universe. It could even be taken as a line that attempts to break the fourth wall, almost as if Chris is speaking directly to his creators at Capcom and asking how much more torment they can realistically put him through.

6 Resident Evil Games With The Best Music

The Resident Evil series is well-known for its haunting soundtracks, but these entries represent the very best of the franchise's OSTs.