
  • Ada Wong is a resourceful and graceful secret agent with a flair for style and iconic haircut. She often provides Leon Kennedy with the necessary tools to defeat the final boss in his games.
  • Ada's interesting lines in the franchise reveal her wisdom and intelligence, even though she often keeps her true intentions hidden. Her quotes showcase her adaptability and ability to take advantage of any situation.
  • Ada's sarcastic and charming one-liners, along with her fashionable light of hope, make her a fan favorite character in the face of insurmountable odds. She is known for her quips and always having an ace up her sleeve.

Compared to other protagonists in the Resident Evil franchise, Ada Wong has this grace and resourcefulness that matches her allure as a secret agent. Even when faced with deadly zombies, Ada Wong has something up her sleeve. In fact, Ada is often the one giving Leon Kennedy the rocket launcher he needs to finish off the last boss of his games.

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However, aside from her iconic haircut and flair for style, Ada Wong has some of the most interesting lines in the Resident Evil franchise. Usually keeping to herself and keeping mum about her true intentions, whenever Ada speaks, she usually shares quite useful information. However, which of her lines in the franchise are considered her best quotes?

10 “It Is Important To Remain Calm And Collected” (The Umbrella Chronicles)

Ada in the Umbrella Chronicles scenario

Players get a glimpse of how Ada survived the 1998 Raccoon City Destruction Incident in TheUmbrella Chronicles, starting with an update for her employer, series antagonist Albert Wesker. However, she begins her scenario with this line, “It’s important to remain calm and collected, even in the most extreme situations.” She elaborates further that meeting Leon made her forget this wisdom, but now an injured Ada must use it again to escape the city.

While the phrase itself seems like an ordinary proverb, it characterizes Ada’s design philosophy. Among the series characters, Ada is built not to be resilient but rather adaptable. 2007’s The Umbrella Chronicles being an on-rails shooter fails to showcase this skillset, but Ada’s scenario in RE6 captures her capability to take advantage of any situation.

9 “What Would Happen If The G-Virus Got Out?” (The Umbrella Chronicles)

Ada in the Umbrella Chronicles cutscene

When Ada shows a disappointed Wesker a G-Virus tissue sample from RE2 antagonist Dr. William Birkin, the antagonist finally shows approval towards his agent. This scene in The Umbrella Chronicles leads to two revelations: first, Ada has to locate an Umbrella Corporation chopper she could use to escape the city. Secondly, Wesker unlocks a briefcase that contains her signature Hook Gun.

After acquiring the armament, Ada looks out the window and onto the surrounding hellscape of Raccoon City. She then says, “If the T-Virus did this, what would happen if the G-Virus got out?” This quote may have prompted Ada to start asking questions about the bigger-picture impact of her bioweapons-related missions, revealing that she’s much smarter than she seems to be.

8 “This Is Getting Old” (Resident Evil 2 Remake)

Ada saved Leon twice in Resident Evil 2

When Leon finds his way to the Raccoon City Police Department basement during the events of Resident Evil 2 Remake, the Tyrant T-00 emerges and attempts to choke him. Ada bursts into the scene with an armored truck and pins the T-00 to the wall. A recovering Leon stands up as Ada gets out of the vehicle, irritably snapping at Leon, “This is getting old… saving your ass. That’s twice.”

This is a direct reference to an earlier encounter in the same location, where Ada meets Leon for the first time after she shoots a Cerberus attempting to bite him. While her conversations with Leon have been short and succinct, this extended encounter reveals a sarcastic attitude that is quite a refreshing take for the character.

7 “Nobody Remembered To Roll Out My Red Carpet” (Resident Evil 4)

Ada before meeting Leon in Resident Evil 4

Throughout the events of Resident Evil 4, players eventually learn that Albert Wesker is the mastermind behind Ada Wong and Jack Krauser’s plans of stealing a sample of the Las Plagas. In a flashback sequence, Ada reports to Wesker about her arrival in the village, stating “But nobody remembered to roll out my red carpet.”

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While Ada’s short stay in RE2 proved her to be a somewhat alluring character, this line in RE4 affirms Ada’s status as a femme fatale. On top of flashy displays of acrobatics with a rather stylish dress, she cements her status as a fan favorite with these rather charming one-liners. In the face of insurmountable odds, Ada is a fashionable light of hope as the spy has a quip and an ace up her sleeve.

6 “What About You? Trying To Save The World?” (Resident Evil 2 Remake)

Ada Wong introducing herself as an FBI Agent-1

After Ada and Leon make it out of the RCPD during the starting hours of the Raccoon City Destruction Incident, they end up walking in the streets under the rain. This is where Ada, under the guise of an FBI Agent, tells Leon that she’s here to “stop” the people responsible for “this mess.” It’s her subsequent line in this street walk cutscene that encapsulates her view of Leon: “What about you? Trying to save the world?”

Ada’s line brings to light Leon’s difference as a protagonist compared to Chris Redfield. While both victims of circumstance, Leon’s nature as a rookie agent reveals a naive desire to always help everyone. This ties perfectly to Leon’s eventual depression in 2014 (Resident Evil: Vendetta) as a way to combat the trauma of always fighting bioweapons that seem to never stop.

5 “But You’re A Cheap Knockoff. At Best” (Resident Evil 6)

Ada encounters Carla

Thanks to Resident Evil 6’s story, fans finally get a deeper look into Ada’s personality as she gets her own scenario that acts as both a prologue and explanation for in-game events. In it, she discovers that Derek Simmons, her employer, plans on framing her for an upcoming global viral outbreak. She learns that he plans on doing this through an Ada clone manufactured from the body of Carla Ramades, a research assistant infatuated with Simmons.

It’s eventually learned that it’s this “Ada” that the game’s protagonists have interacted with, and Ada personally settles the score with her impostor. After Carla-Ada is shot in Chris’s scenario, Ada shows up and laments her demise before the former revives into a mass of C-Virus liquid. Before her boss fight, Ada confidently remarks, “Hate to break it to you, but you’re nothing but a cheap knockoff. At best.”

4 “That’s What You Get For Trusting Ada Wong” (Resident Evil 6)

Ada Wong in her campaign in Resident Evil 6

In what Ada herself describes as a “Raccoon City Reunion,” the events of Resident Evil 6 will have most characters of the franchise’s first trilogy to stop the C-Virus. During the story mission of Leon and series newcomer Helena Harper, a mutating Derek Simmons angrily scolds Ada for “disobeying him” and enhancing the C-Virus without his consent. Ada, confidently aboard an attack helicopter, simply tells him “That’s what you get for trusting Ada Wong.”

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Story-wise, Simmons’ anger should be directed to Carla Ramades, who disobeyed Simmons and created a more volatile C-Virus out of revenge. The quote was ironic from Simmons’ perspective, as Carla-Ada may have adapted Ada’s rebellious personality. The line itself is a hilarious self-actualized metaphor encapsulating Ada’s tendency to double-cross her employers.

3 "I Really Wanted To Escape With You" (Resident Evil 2)

Ada before she falls in Resident Evil 2

When Leon acquires the G-Virus inside NEST, an injured Ada confronts him on the bridge asking for the G-Virus sample. In their confrontation, a dying Annette shoots Ada and causes her to go off-balance, almost falling off the bridge had Leon not caught her. Before Ada lets go and falls to her presumed death, she tells Leon, "I really wanted to escape with you... escape from everything. Goodbye."

This line is one of the few in Resident Evil 2’s story that reveals what Ada truly thinks of her current circumstances. Ada’s voice almost breaking as she says this gives a hint of regret, as though there’s no way she can leave her double life and live peacefully with Leon even if she survives the bridge fall.

2 “Ada. Ada Wong.” (Resident Evil 2)

Ada introducecs herself

After Leon encounters the T-00 and the mutated Birkin for the first time near the STARS Office, a woman in red clothing shoots at the floor near Leon’s foot. When she realizes Leon isn’t a zombie, she lowers her weapon immediately and nonchalantly walks past him. Leon asks who she is, to which she turns and says, “Ada. Ada Wong.”

Ada’s short black hair and stylized clothing make her an immediate person of interest, especially compared to the more civilian Claire. Voice actress Sally Cahill’s deep and mature take on her voice, on top of the accompanying piano that starts playing as she says her name, makes for quite an impactful first impression. Despite this line being a mere name declaration, her identity is the only “unchanging” aspect of the spy.

1 “Here, Use This!” (Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 4)

Ada gives Leon a rocket launcher

In both Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 4’s story, Leon ends up in a solo fight against seemingly unbeatable bosses T-00 and Osmund Saddler, respectively. Throughout their fight, Leon’s efforts will force these opponents on edge, forcing them to undergo transformations to quickly overwhelm the human protagonist.

When all hope seems lost, a familiar voice gives Leon a rocket launcher that secures the blow that finally destroys the monsters in their respective games. This event will start the rather familiar Resident Evil trope where Ada often provides Leon with the rocket launcher that defeats a game’s final boss.

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