The Resident Evil franchise has had its fair share of surprises through the years, but protagonist Ethan's twist in Resident Evil Village was one of the biggest yet. Resident Evil introduced one of its most unique chapters with Village, and the big reveal revolving around Ethan Winters was a jaw-dropping moment that explained a lot of events leading up to that moment.

Near the end of Village, it is revealed that Ethan has been dead all along, beginning with the events at the Baker house in Resident Evil 7. Thanks to his exposure to the mold at the beginning of Resident Evil 7, Ethan gained regenerative abilities that keep him from actually dying. A game-changing twist this big could be a new trend in the franchise that might have players paying extra close attention.

Rumor: Resident Evil 9 May Be Open-World

A well-known Capcom leaker claims that Resident Evil 9 will be an open-world game, adding that Dragon's Dogma 2 is partially to thank for that.

Resident Evil 9 Will Be Examined Closer Than Ever

Before Ethan's regenerative powers were revealed, his seemingly nonchalant ability to just reattach his hand or heal from fatal wounds was an ongoing joke among many players. However, the big reveal of his powers in Village made all previous events involving Ethan getting hurt take on a whole new meaning. Whoever stars in Resident Evil 9 will have many players thoroughly examining the game to see if another twist could be on its way.

Resident Evil 9's Protagonist

As of now, the next protagonist set to head Resident Evil 9's story is a complete mystery. Whether it's a classic character already known in Resident Evil's story or another all-new protagonist, many players will be scanning for any potential clues that could lead up to another big reveal. Ethan's twist was truly a game-changer in every sense of the phrase. For players who are now aware of Ethan's powers, revisiting Resident Evil 7 has an all new layer to it. Ethan's powers give an entirely different tone to the game compared to what it felt like to play when left in the dark about his abilities.

Looking back, all the signs were there. Of course, it was impossible for a normal person to reattach limbs and survive such life-threatening injuries. However, this was something many players went along with, assuming it was simply a strange choice made by developers. Ethan's fate in Resident Evil brings an entirely new feeling to Resident Evil 7 and Village once players replay the story. It's a really brilliant way to completely change a game's energy the second time around. Resident Evil 9's protagonist will have many wondering if there's another trick up the franchise's sleeve.

The Ethan Winters Storyline Set A New High Bar

The story of Ethan Winters and his family has set a new high bar for the franchise to reach in terms of surprises. Although the future of Resident Evil is a mystery, it will be difficult to top Resident Evil 7 and Village. The two games were a welcome return to survival horror, and no matter what direction the series chooses to go in, it may be challenging to repeat another twist as shocking as the reveal of Ethan's powers.

If the franchise chooses to pull another trick on players, it needs to be something completely different, yet equally unexpected. With some players likely examining the next protagonist even closer than Ethan Winters, this will be difficult to pull off. However, there is still the possibility that Resident Evil 9 has something completely unpredictable on the way that could prove to be just as much of a game changer as Ethan's story.