
  • Resident Evil 9 could break long-standing traditions of the series, just like previous games did with elements like camera angles and episodic releases.
  • The inclusion of an underground laboratory level in RE games has become predictable and often viewed as a low point by fans, suggesting it should be scrapped in RE9.
  • RE9 has the opportunity to explore different time periods and settings, including a non-modern setting in the distant past or future, to bring a fresh and unique experience to the franchise.

Resident Evil has been enjoying years of success since what might be deemed the seminal survivor horror series' "modern era," which many point to having begun with 2017's Resident Evil 7. After RE4 revolutionized the franchise in 2005 (and general game design in the process), Resident Evil seemed poised to continue conquering the horror world. However, a large portion of fans felt it stumbled with its next two entries, RE5 and RE6, which pivoted away from classic slow-burn horror and embraced the bombastic over-the-top action trend that gripped much of the gaming landscape at the time.

Capcom then went back to the drawing board in an attempt to revitalize Resident Evil.RE7 marked a big shift back to its roots, returning to the sense of disempowerment by trimming down the scope and scale and introducing an everyman protagonist. Following that up with the excellent RE2 remake and then Village, RE's reinvention was complete. With it back at the forefront of the industry, and another title likely on the horizon, it's a good opportunity for Capcom to evolve RE yet again by flouting some longtime standards.

Although not officially confirmed, based on previous patterns, it is largely assumed Resident Evil 9 is currently in development .

5 Classic Characters Resident Evil 9 Can Bring Back That Aren't Chris Redfield

Resident Evil 9 starring Chris Redfield is a good bet at this point, but there are other characters Capcom could consider instead.

3 Big Series Traditions Resident Evil 9 Should Break

Resident Evil's Previous Tradition Breaks

Given this, it wouldn't be outside the realm of possibility for Capcom to defy expectations again in RE9. RE has already experimented with twisting its established elements, and among the most notable are:

  • RE4's adoption of an over-the-shoulder-camera angle
  • RE5's focus on a co-op/AI partner system
  • Revelations 2's episodic release structure
  • RE7 and Village's switch to a first-person view

Scrap Laboratory Levels

One of the most ubiquitous inclusions in RE games, an underground laboratory level is now basically expected. While originally it may have been a neat reveal and cool surprise to find a secret experimental lab beneath an opulent mansion or connected to a sprawling sewer system, the lab level has since become viewed by fans as often the low point of many titles.

Change Time Periods

RE plots are usually set roughly in the contemporary era of their release, taking players to urban cities or decrepit estates. But there is a wealth of untapped settings, particularly at different times, that RE9 could shift to instead. Indeed, RE Village's heavily fantasy medieval-inspired elements might be just the tip of the iceberg. Capcom could decide to run with them fully and set RE9 in the distant past or even far future. The series is no stranger to taking liberties with explaining away drastic or jarring changes, and could easily justify a non-modern setting.

Ditch Science Fiction, Embrace the Supernatural

The Umbrella Corp. has been a core component of RE since its start, and its sci-fi aspects of mutating viruses being the cause of its monsters have been central to almost every game. However, with RE Village leaning more into the dark folklore/supernatural side of horror, as well as Lovecraftian-inspired games generally being on the rise recently, RE is perfectly poised to tackle paranormal or Eldritch creatures next. This would still allow for the bizarre, unsettling enemy design and atmosphere the series is well-known for while avoiding the cliche of the same corrupt company unleashing yet another unethical science experiment gone awry.

Though there's always a fine line for any franchise between innovation and the risk of losing its identity, if some rumors about RE9 hold water, it could be shaping up to move it forward in a big way. While fans eagerly await the next RE, it will hopefully take the chance on standing out once more by continuing to iterate, while retaining the sensibilities that form its central conceits.