Back in June 2023, a Twitter user by the name of Chris Marx gained some attention for claiming to know some major details about the still-unannounced Resident Evil 9. Along with stating that it's expected to release at some point in 2024, Marx also claimed that Resident Evil 9 will revolve around Chris Redfield, who will act as the main playable protagonist of the sequel. While the return of a legacy character like Chris Redfield is certainly an exciting notion, if there's any truth to this rumor, then Capcom needs to make sure it isn't just playing things safe.

It's been quite some time since Chris Redfield was a primary playable character in the Resident Evil franchise, and seeing him return in Resident Evil 9 would be a nice spot of fan-service, but it's a decision that could easily end up backfiring. There's a real possibility that putting Chris Redfield back in the main protagonist role could make Resident Evil 9 feel too familiar, but there's one intriguing way in which Capcom could keep things fresh, and that would be by throwing Chris Redfield into a situation he's never been in before.

Resident Evil's Jill Valentine is Due for a Comeback, But the Timing Needs to Be Right

Jill Valentine is one of the few Resident Evil legacy characters left to make a proper comeback, but her return shouldn't just be for the sake of it.

A Fantasy Theme Could Shake Things Up For Resident Evil 9's Chris Redfield

Chris Redfield Has Already Fought Some Terrifying, But Grounded Foes

First introduced all the way back in 1996 with the release of the very first Resident Evil, Chris Redfield has had a long history of disrupting evil plans and blasting away bad guys, many of which have been utterly horrifying. In just the first game alone, Chris Redfield faces off against mutant spiders, sharks, snakes, and the hulking Tyrant bio-weapon, and that's not even mentioning the hordes of zombie humans and dogs fought along the way.

As the Resident Evil franchise has evolved over the years, the enemy designs have gotten a little more far-fetched, resulting in some more out-there Chris Redfield combat encounters. With the Uroboros virus on his side, Resident Evil 5 antagonist Albert Wesker is able to create some truly horrific monsters, including the Mkono and Aheri, two tentacled, gooey monsters unlike anything Chris Redfield had faced up until that point. But regardless of how grotesque or otherworldly these threats have looked, they've always had some kind of scientific explanation, and no matter how hand-wave-y that explanation has been, it's been enough to keep Chris Redfield's adventures feeling grounded.

Chris Redfield Would Be Out of His Element Fighting Fantastical Foes

Resident Evil 9 could really shake things up by putting Chris Redfield in front of an enemy that he's never seen before, and one that doesn't have an immediate explanation. A while ago, it was rumored that Resident Evil 9 might be dipping into some folklore for its new enemy designs, with specific reference to a new type of enemy called a Wendigo, a carnivorous and murderous being that can imitate human speech. This enemy type would be perfect for a new Chris Redfield-led Resident Evil adventure, giving the protagonist something completely new to fight.

Shaking up the usual formula for a Chris Redfield-led Resident Evil game will be especially important for Resident Evil 9 if the long-rumored Resident Evil 5 remake is also on the way soon.

New enemy types should also be paired with a new fantasy setting for Resident Evil 9, thus throwing Chris Redfield into the deep end entirely. While Chris Redfield was briefly playable during Resident Evil Village's final set piece, the hero has spent the vast majority of his time exploring grounded locations like laboratories, mansions, and towns. Dropping Chris Redfield in the middle of a fantasy-themed world filled with castles, dungeons, forests, and unexplainable otherworldly threats would go a long way in ensuring the hero's next journey is a completely different one from those before it.