Updated 01/17/2017

With its renewed focus on horror, Resident Evil 7 is one of the most anticipated games of 2017, and here is everything you need to know about the upcoming game.

One of the biggest surprises of Sony's E3 2016 press conference was the announcement of Resident Evil VII. Not only did the announcement of the game shock the gaming world, but so did the many changes Capcom is bringing to the franchise with this latest installment, like its switch to a first-person viewpoint, and its renewed focus on horror.

For some, it may be difficult to keep track of all the changes in Resident Evil VII. So for those looking to find all of the changes and other relevant information on Resident Evil VII, we've compiled everything you need to know in one convenient location.

Story and Characters

Set an unspecified time after the apocalyptic events of Resident Evil 6, Resident Evil VII features an all-new cast of characters. Instead of playing as one of the heroes from the previous games, players instead take control of Ethan, a man searching for his missing wife. Ethan's investigation leads him to the Baker family's dilapidated plantation, and that is when the horror truly begins.

Lacking the combat prowess of a Leon S. Kennedy or a Chris Redfield, Ethan is helpless against the seemingly supernatural abilities of Jack, Marguerite, and Lucas Baker. Ethan will have to do his best to avoid the dynamic encounters with these intimidating foes while scouring the area for information on his wife's mysterious disappearance.

Someone that may have more information on Ethan's wife and the secrets of the Baker family is the person, or people, that call him throughout the course of the game. We're not sure who is behind these mysterious phone calls, but fans have surmised that it could be Sheva Alomar from Resident Evil 5 or even series antihero Ada Wong.

So far, this is all the information Capcom has shared in regards to Resident Evil VII's story. However, a photograph that can be found in the game's Beginning Hour demo features a helicopter owned by the Umbrella Corporation, teasing that the plot will somehow tie into the franchise's overarching lore at some point during the game.


Resident Evil VII is a departure from other main series Resident Evil games in that it is played entirely from a first-person perspective. Seemingly inspired by recent horror games like P.T. and Outlast, Resident Evil VII also tones down the guns-blazing approach of Resident Evil 5 and 6, replacing it with a focus on exploration and puzzle-solving.

That's not to say that players will be completely defenseless in Resident Evil VII. On the contrary, weapons like pistols, shotguns, and axes have all been confirmed for the game. Besides the Baker clan, we know that players will also be using these weapons against zombie-like creatures in addition to horrific fanged monsters that were failed Baker family experiments.

Other classic Resident Evil items are returning for Resident Evil VII as well. Players will be able to heal themselves using green herbs and first-aid sprays, for example, which should help it feel more like a Resident Evil game, despite the first-person viewpoint. Ink ribbons aren't making a comeback, but players will have to save their progress at specified tape recorders scattered throughout the game. And on the Madhouse difficulty setting, there will even be a limited number of cassette tapes players can use to save, similarly to how ink ribbons worked in the classic Resident Evil titles.

As for new gameplay features, one of the most significant additions are VHS tapes that players will find scattered throughout the plantation. These VHS tapes allow players to access special flashbacks that give them clues how to solve puzzles in present-time.

Beginning Hour

Anyone interested in trying out Resident Evil VII's gameplay ahead of the game's scheduled January 24th release is in luck. Capcom has released a demo for Resident Evil VII on PC, PS4, and Xbox One called Beginning Hour, which features an area that won't be in the final version of the game, and has recently been updated to include even more content.

The Beginning Hour demo is full of clues as to what Resident Evil VII is really about, a number of head-scratching unsolved mysteries, and key items with apparently no purpose. Gamers are free to check out the Beginning Hour demo and attempt to solve its conundrums to their heart's content, as well as get a taste of what to expect once Resident Evil VII hits store shelves early next year.


Resident Evil VII is scheduled to release on January 24th, 2017 for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. Even though it's multiplatform, the definitive Resident Evil VII experience definitely appears to be on PlayStation 4.

Not only did PlayStation 4 owners have timed-exclusive access to the Beginning Hour demo, but they also have timed-exclusivity for the game's virtual reality feature. For 12 months after Resident Evil VII is available, PlayStation VR will be the only way to play the game in virtual reality, with the possibility of it expanding to Oculus Rift and HTC Vive in the future. Resident Evil VII will also have enhanced graphics on PlayStation 4 Pro, so that's something else potential consumers should keep in mind.

So, those that want the definitive experience of Resident Evil VII should consider picking it up for PS4. However, they may also want to look into the Collector's Edition. Retailing for $180, the Collector's Edition for Resident Evil VII includes a music box modeled after the Baker family mansion, a USB drive in the shape of the infamous dummy finger, a box that looks like a VHS tape, a metal case, a Baker family lithograph, a "creepy note," and the game itself.

In addition to the game's collector's edition, Capcom has also revealed Resident Evil VII's pre-order bonuses, which include some healing items, handgun ammo, and incendiary weapons. These items should make playing through Resident Evil VII a bit easier for anyone that decides to pre-order the game. Additionally, fans that pre-order the game in North America will receive a digital code for the film Resident Evil: Retribution when they pre-order the game at participating retailers.

With less than a month to go until the game's release, Capcom is likely to reveal plenty more when it comes to Resident Evil VII.  Fans can expect Capcom to pull the curtain back a little more over the next few weeks, but we suspect most answers will have to wait until gamers can actually get their hands on the game at the end of this month.

Resident Evil VII will be available on January 24, 2017 for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.