
  • The Resident Evil 5 and Resident Evil 6 remakes face a challenge in implementing a co-op feature, as co-op has not been present in modern Resident Evil titles.
  • Developing a co-op mechanic for the remakes could detract from Capcom's efforts to align the tone and narrative with the remake series' strengths. It could also be something that is not worth the efforts, as it would likely only be used in RE5 and RE6 remakes.
  • While the usefulness of the co-op mechanic may be limited to the remakes, there is a chance that its implementation could pave the way for future titles to include co-op elements, either in campaigns or cooperative modes. Still, RE9 and beyond will likely remain singleplayer, so the work required to restore co-op may not be worth it.

The Resident Evil series has cemented itself as one of the greatest horror franchises of all time. However, there was a brief period in history when the Resident Evil game series diverted from the path and attempted to ingrain itself in the realm of action-adventure shooters. Resident Evil 5 and Resident Evil 6 were released at this time, boasting thrilling action set-pieces, a rapid pace, and, most favorably, a solid co-op feature. Though the series has since returned to its roots, developer Capcom's remake series has now caught up to Resident Evil 5, leading fans, and the gaming world at large, to question how RE5 and RE6 will implement their co-op gameplay. With no current co-op system in place, the effort required to provide this feature in the RE5 and RE6 remakes could prove a short-lived endeavor.

In 2024, the Resident Evil series is back in the spotlight. The mainline series is ushering in a new first-person era, while the remakes reintroduce fans to what made the classics so acclaimed. The Resident Evil 5 remake therefore provides quite a challenging scenario, as it must maintain the remake series' momentum while capturing the essence of the franchise's action-adventure era. Co-op provides a compelling opportunity, as it has yet to reappear in modern Resident Evil titles, and could provide a solid platform from which the RE5 and RE6 remakes could be made all the more terrifying. However, this will be a lot of work for a feature that may only be used in these two remakes.

Resident Evil: Every Iteration of Jill Valentine, Ranked

Jill Valentine has had a few very different iterations throughout the Resident Evil series, with some being much better than others.

A Resident Evil Remake Co-Op Feature Is All Work, Little Reward

The Resident Evil remake series has rebuilt some of horror gaming's best experiences from the ground up, taking full advantage of the RE Engine. However, no title has yet to feature a co-op mechanic, let alone a fully implemented co-op campaign. With a Resident Evil 5 remake seemingly right around the corner, developer Capcom faces the monumental challenge of creating a co-op feature from scratch and building two full titles around it. The problem is that the follow-up to these titles is already set in stone, and history saw the series leave co-op far behind.

Creating a co-op mechanic is essential to capturing the core qualities of Resident Evil 5 and Resident Evil 6, but offers a rather short-lived reward. Additionally, it runs the risk of detracting from Capcom's efforts to course-correct the tone and narrative elements of both titles to better align with the remake series' tone and newfound strengths. Capcom may use this brand-new co-op system as inspiration to introduce an original mode or challenge for the RE5 and RE6 remakes, to stretch the feature's usefulness. Still, given how well Resident Evil 7 and Resident Evil Village were received, Resident Evil 9 would be unlikely to have this co-op feature, meaning that Capcom would have to rebuild a co-op system for only two remakes.

Though Unlikely, RE5 and RE6 Co-op Could Mean Big Things for The Series’ Future

While the usefulness of a new co-op mechanic is likely to remain limited in the Resident Evil remake series, the efforts to create it could give rise to a bold vision for the series’ future. The monumental effort required to create a modern co-op mechanic in the RE Engine would likely prove a waste if only done for two remakes. As such, if the RE5 and RE6 remakes do feature co-op and are well received, it stands to reason that the feature could be implemented in future titles as well. Whether that would apply to future titles’ campaigns or revamped cooperative modes is a different debate altogether.

The Resident Evil 5 remake is assumed to be one of the series' next major releases, with only Resident Evil 9 possibly arriving earlier. With Capcom seemingly in the process of designing or implementing co-op for the remake, it stands to reason that a co-op element could be featured in RE9 as well, if for no other reason than to capitalize on the efforts to create one. It remains to be seen if the RE5 and RE6 remakes will even feature co-op, with neither title having been officially confirmed as "in-development." However, the feature is essential to recapturing each title's respective strengths, and, should revamped co-op be featured, the reward for Capcom's efforts will prove short-lived if the feature does not see application in future Resident Evil titles.

Resident Evil

Resident Evil is a long-running survival horror franchise developed by Capcom. Spread across numerous mainline and spin-off entries, the series is known for it’s third and first-person action horror, zombie-related monsters and references, and challenging puzzles.