Now that the remake of Resident Evil 4 has been out for a bit, fans have had a chance to reflect on things and compare it to the original, and a discussion has begun about things players don't miss about the 2005 entry. Looking at recent and upcoming releases, 2023 is shaping up to be a fine year for horror gaming. With remakes of Dead Space and the aforementioned RE title, as well as new entries in the Layers of Fear and Alan Wake franchises, the genre seems to be going from strength to strength.

Of course, when an older game gets reimagined for the modern era, there are bound to be some things that get altered. The Resident Evil 4 remake brings about several changes, and not just in terms of visuals. Most of these are for the betterment of the new release, stripping away what is unlikely to work in this day and age. While there are a few things fans miss about the original RE4, there are a number of aspects that some are glad didn't make it into the new iteration of the iconic game.

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In a post on Reddit, user IndyThang asks other Resident Evil 4 fans what they don't miss about the 2005 version, with several commenters weighing in on the discussion. Currently, the top post comes from JenovaProjekt who is glad the bulldozer section didn't get into the remake, while several users have said they are pleased that the QTE boulder segments are no longer present. The OP shared an image of the moment in the original when the cage drops on Leon, and to go along with this, user Damianos97 says they were "relieved" when that part in the remake wasn't as intense as the OG version.

A bit further down, MaxKorben says they are glad that the boss fight with U-3 didn't make it into the remake. While Capcom hasn't really given a reason why, Resident Evil 4's U-3 monster was cut from the recent remake. However, it could have been because fans just didn't think it fit into the game overall. In any case, removing it seemed like a good move on the developer's part.

With Resident Evil 4 selling millions in its first two days, the future of the franchise is looking pretty good. Although it started life in the mid 1990s, its stance as one of the most influential survival horror series in gaming history has helped keep it in the gaming limelight. It's going to be interesting to see where Capcom takes things from here.

Resident Evil 4 is out now for PC, PS4, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

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