Despite a lengthy and troubled development history, Resident Evil 4 took the gaming industry by storm when it hit the GameCube in early 2005. Considered a revolutionary third person action horror experience, Resident Evil 4 went on to influence other similar entries in the genre for years to come. This success was a big win for Nintendo, as Resident Evil 4 was at the time, part of a deal known as the "Capcom Five". This deal granted Nintendo exclusivity to five big titles from Capcom, which would only be available on the GameCube, with Resident Evil 4 being the most notable of the bunch.

However, after its record breaking success and impressive sales numbers, Capcom wanted to further capitalize on Resident Evil 4 by making it available on other consoles. It shortly thereafter received a release on the PlayStation 2, the most popular console from that generation. Despite the PS2 being graphically inferior to the GameCube, Capcom made up for this by adding extra content into the PS2 version of Resident Evil 4. The standout inclusions was a brand new side story called "Separate Ways" starring Ada Wong, which would fill in narrative gaps and provide more information on the Resident Evil universe.

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Resident Evil 4 - Ada's Journey

resident evil darkside collectibles statue

A quick summary of the plot of Resident Evil 4 is as follows: Leon Kennedy is tasked with venturing into a rural part of Europe to search for the President's missing daughter. In his search, he discovers a cult, new biological virus, and more horror than he could have possibly imagined. During the game, players occasionally cross paths with Ada Wong, a mysterious spy who is on a mission of her own. Details aren't made completely clear in the base game, but Ada is after a sampel of the Las Plagas virus, which she will return to an unknown third party.

Separate Ways was an appealing addition to Resident Evil 4, because now players could have more clarity on just what Ada was up to. It turns out, Ada was working for Albert Wesker, a longtime antagonist in the franchise. Under Wesker's orders, Ada was to locate and retrieve samples of the Las Plagas for Wesker, which he would weaponize and use for his own nefarious agenda. Ada travels to many of the same locations that Leon does in the main game, but there are interesting spins on previous scenarios to still keep fans on their toes.

Separate Ways - A New Perspective

Screenshot from Resident Evil 4 showing Leon Kennedy about to show a group of Castle Ganado enemies.

As stated above, the most enjoyable aspect of Separate Ways is being able to revisit iconic moments from the main game but from a different perspective. For example, in the infamous opening village set piece, while controlling Ada, players can see Leon Kennedy running away from Ganados in the background. This also happens later on in Saddler's castle, showing that Ada was never far behind Leon during the course of the adventure.

While it's a shorter experience than Resident Evil 4's main campaign, Separate Ways does include a few extra goodies to reward players and keep them coming back for more. Upon completion, new content is added to "Ada's Report", a list of documents that provide further insight into her true motives and place in the overall story. Furthermore, the Chicago Typewriter weapon is unlocked to wreak absolute havoc on the enemies in game. Last but not least, some extra costumes are available for Leon and Ashley for another playthrough of the main game.

All in all, between a short and sweet adventure, new weapons, and more bonus unlockables, Separate Ways is a solid inclusion to the Resident Evil 4 experience. Because of its warm reception, Capcom has since included this mode in every subsequent remaster and port of Resident Evil 4 that has come out in the years since.

Resident Evil 4 is available now for GameCube, PC, PS2, PS3, PS4, PC, Switch, Wii, Xbox 360, and Xbox One, as well as Android and iOS mobile devices.

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