Resident Evil 4 is often labeled as one of the best games of all time in the eyes of many Capcom and survival horror fans. After previous remakes of Resident Evil2 and 3, fans have discussed whether there will be a complete change in terms of gameplay features and controls. New players to the original 2005 game are met an unusual set of controls and a third-person view, unlike the early Resident Evil titles, which featured a fixed set of camera angles. This was also present within the early beta build of the game, referred to as "Resident Evil 3.5" by fans.

RELATED: Capcom's Early Build Of Resident Evil 4

With the highly-anticipated remake on the horizon, players will expect a vast amount of improvements to those controls, mechanics, and the tone within the game to elevate this re-imagined title above its predecessor.

7 More Aggressive Enemies

Resident Evil Ganado

If there is anything Resident Evil 4 is most famous for, it's the opening Village scene where Leon Kennedy first stumbles upon a group of villagers. This includes the terrifying chainsaw man, known as Dr. Salvador, who chases the player down in a relentless effort to execute them. The fear and anxiety of being alone in a foreign location without any sort of help gave the game the platform to heighten the player's levels of the unknown.

With the remake, a greater variety and a larger number of aggressive enemies will help Capcom achieve its goal of keeping the essence of the original game but also provide a fresh feeling. Not only will it help shift the tone to a much darker and more serious one, but it will also keep fans on the edge of their seat, wondering what the next turn will entail.

6 Scarcity Of Resources

Resource Box

Taking the nature of the Resident Evil series and the central survival horror aspect into the equation, lowering the amount of ammo and herbs for healing will leave players forced to be much more careful and decisive in conserving ammo when coming up against enemies. This will also create an immense amount of tension in every encounter with the Ganados throughout the Village sequence and the rest of the game.

While this is very much required to produce a frightening experience, it is also vital that Capcom maintain a balance between its horror and action, as that is one of the reasons why fans hold the original in such high regard.

5 Stalker Enemy Done Right

Leon stumbles upon Regenerator in Island Section

Both Resident Evil 2 and 3 featured stalker roles, with Mr. X and Nemesis hunting players down. Given the plethora of enemy types and bosses within Resident Evil 4, Capcom has a chance to create a stalker enemy or enemies that are more terrifying than ever before.

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From Dr. Salvador, Chief Mendez "Big Cheese," to the Regenerators within the Island section of the game, the remake could give players another reason to fear what is to come in their search for Ashley Graham.

4 More Jump Scares

Enemy jumps out at player unexpectedly

Since Capcom has made their tonal shift clear, the remake will benefit from a substantial increase in jump scares. Doing this will make players who have already experienced the original game, along with fans who are familiar with each of its stages, much more cautious in their approach.

The unpredictable nature of the Las Plagas gives Capcom the freedom to incorporate new enemy designs or the ones present within early concept art. It is important for the jump scares to have meaning and have previous suspenseful moments in order to justify the scares or build players up for an obvious one to only be left with silence. Tools as such will capture the true survival horror feel fans are expecting.

3 More Camera Freedom

Leon and Ashley fend off enemies

Many fans have often made complaints in regard to the controls in Resident Evil 4, as players are only able to stand and aim along with the camera resetting its positioning after each prompt. The remake will allow Capcom to provide a more accessible feel to the game and give players a greater opportunity to gather a feel of their surroundings.

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While doing so, it also means more emphasis will be laid on the horror factor and the fierce nature of enemies, keeping players on their toes and staying alert.

2 Slower Pace

Resident Evil 4 Village

The pacing within the original title was often a mixture of both fast and slow within different locations and sections throughout the game. Given fans' experience of fast-paced action sections, some will be looking forward to a complete shift towards a slower pace in this remake.

Not only will this change the style of gameplay to give a new feel, but it will give time for plot points and particular characters to be fleshed out, adding more to what fans already know. Capcom has the potential to give players a greater sense of exploration by slowing down the pace of the game, and this will juxtapose the intention of not knowing what lies ahead. This will be beneficial for replayability and speed runs, which fans will be prepared for.

1 More Time Playing As Ashley Graham

Resident Evil 4 Remake's Ashley Graham

If there is any scenario that could provide a truly anxiety-driven experience, it would be playing as Ashley Graham. While this is present within the original game, it does not last long, as players are back in control of Leon after just one puzzle.

Leaving the player in control of Ashley for an extended period of time, with a lack of firepower or resources, could set the wheels of survival horror in motion, given the amount of vulnerability within that scenario. After the negative reception gained from Ashley's original presence within the game, this could transition to one of praise with Capcom elevating the playing experience with this character.

The Resident Evil 4 remake is set to release on March 24, 2023, on Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5, and PC.

MORE: Reasons Why New Players Will Love Resident Evil 4