The recently released Resident Evil 4 Remake takes almost every element that made the original so terrifyingly iconic, and expands upon them in some major ways. New enemy types, completely overhauled boss design, reworked level design, and altered spawn positions are all just a few of the key elements that make Resident Evil 4 Remake a consistently scary game to play, keeping even the most die-hard fans on the edge of their seat at all times.

One of the best new additions in the Resident Evil 4 Remake is its slew of side missions, referred to as Blue Request Notes. These challenges range from finding and shooting a set amount of Blue Medallions, to selling a certain amount of one particular item. But by far some of the most compelling Blue Request Notes are those that task the player with hunting down a "Strong Threat," a mini-boss that poses a significant challenge, and one of the game's earliest Strong Threats is also one of its most terrifying.

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Resident Evil 4 Remake's Colmillos Quest Derives Terror from False Safety

Fighting a Colmillo in the Resident Evil 4 remake

After rescuing Ashley from the church and defeating the ambush outside, players will soon find themselves back in the comforting arms of Resident Evil 4 Remake's Merchant. Here, players will notice a Blue Request Note hanging from a post beside the shopkeeper. This note, titled "Strong Threat - Savage Mutt," is the first of its kind in the game, and newcomers are likely to feel a sudden rush of fear go through them. At this point in the story, players have probably only encountered one or two infected dogs, known as Colmillos, and they may have posed a bit of a challenge already due to their penchant for evasion. So, naturally, the idea of fighting an even stronger version of this enemy could be daunting.

But where there's risk there's always reward in Resident Evil 4 Remake, and players are likely to set off to find the ravenous beast. The note tells players to head to the Village Chief's Mansion, and as soon as players reach the seemingly abandoned house, the vibes are immediately off. While players have ventured here before, the time of day has since changed, and so has the atmosphere of the game. The feeling of being hunted is now more prominent than ever, and the darkness of the night is just starting to creep in, making the mansion appear much scarier than it was before.

As players make their way through the house all they can hear is the creaking of floorboards. With no enemies in sight, the fear of the unknown only continues to grow. Eventually, the player will stumble upon a secret attic room in the mansion, and if horror movies and games have taught players anything it's that something's waiting for them up there. But Resident Evil 4 Remake flips the genre on its head in this moment, and chooses not to deliver any scares. Instead, all players find in the attic are some old photos and some journal entries from years ago. At this moment, players are likely to feel a sudden release of tension.

But that sense of security is soon twisted, and revealed to be false. As players walk outside the mansion, they're confronted with a set of two glowing red eyes, staring at the player from behind a gate. These eyes soon dart away, and the player gives chase. With the player not being able to get a proper look at the enemy, the fear of the unknown once again begins to ramp up, and by the time the player reaches the village, their heart is probably already pounding. At the perfect moment, the Savage Mutt ambushes the player, giving them a pretty tough fight if they weren't properly prepared for it. This side mission is a masterclass in building tension before an encounter, delivering a false sense of security and pulling the rug from the player's feet at the perfect moment.

Resident Evil 4 is out now for PC, PS4, PS5, and Xbox Series X.

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