Resident Evil 4 is celebrated for a number of reasons, such as its astonishing ability to blend campy horror with exciting action sequences. None of that atmosphere is relinquished for how modern and refurbished the remake is, either, making Resident Evil 4’s reimagining even more impressive this time around. Important sequences are all accounted for aside from Resident Evil 4’s divisive U-3 boss fight, and other sequences that have been changed are improved with more of an emphasis on exploration or elaboration on narrative-rich lore.

One of the most iconic elements of Resident Evil 4 is its attache case. Resident Evil has abandoned the Tetris-esque inventory management since the original Resident Evil 4 in favor of returning to limited inventory slots, but the attache case returns in the Resident Evil 4 remake with all that made it special beforehand. Players have an outlet for their organizational impulses again as they can rotate and shuffle their items into the case as they prefer. While the original Resident Evil delivered tenfold on this gratifying design, the remake improves that satisfaction further with even more items to sort.

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Resident Evil 4 Remake Has Many More Items to Consider

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Item hoarding becomes a real issue in Resident Evil 4 because of the lack of space players have in their rectangular inventory grid. There are eventually upgrades to the attache case players can purchase to increase the case’s dimensions, but until then they must work with what little space they have. The case may not seem terribly small when players start the game, but with every new weapon players find or purchase they need the allotted space necessary to accommodate it. The handgun is relatively small, followed by increasing longer and wider weapon assortments in the shotgun, rifle, and more.

However, the Resident Evil 4 remake has even more items to worry about when hoarding becomes problematic. Players may want to hold onto all their resources, gunpowder, and grenades for as long as they can, especially if they are attempting to save up to a certain amount of gunpowder in order to craft better items. These items are small and only take up one to three slots each, though many can quickly occupy any remaining space left in the player’s case.

Resident Evil 4 Remake’s Trade-Ins Help Supplement a Lack of Pesetas

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Treasures are still thankfully preserved in their own menu screen, where players can inlay an assortment of colored gemstones into particular treasures in order to increase their selling price. The original game featured spinels as additional treasures that players could sell if they were retrieved in-game, but in the remake spinels are a bit different.

Spinels are now a specific currency used for trade-ins with the Merchant. Trade-ins are how players can get a hold of the Resident Evil 4 remake’s treasure maps for each area, for example, extra weapons such as the Matilda, and the Black and Leather attache cases. This is helpful for when players are lacking pesetas, though this has no effect on how much space a player will have in their inventory at any given moment.

This encourages players to combine resources with gunpowder often in order to supplement the fact that they might be liberally firing ammunition from however many weapons they currently have, let alone lobbing flash grenades at Plaga Mandibula zealots whose heads have been replaced by massive mandibles. Knives are a huge part of the player’s inventory management now as well, although a bunch of knives in the player’s case will rarely ever last a long time if players are busy parrying attacks.

Resident Evil 4 is out now for PC, PS4, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

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