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Resident Evil 4 remake follows Agent Leon S. Kennedy on his quest to rescue Ashley Graham, the president's daughter, from the clutches of a deranged cult. In order to find her, Leon must fight his way through countless hoards of infected villagers, but uncovering Ashley's location is only half the battle.

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Upon finding Ashley in RE4 remake, Leon needs to find a way to bring her home, but the enemies littered along his path to freedom can be a bit of a problem. While most enemies can be defeated with a few gunshots, some, like the Chainsaw Sisters, require a slightly different approach, especially because of the enemies fighting alongside them.

How to Prepare for the Chainsaw Sisters Fight in Resident Evil 4 Remake

The Chainsaw Sisters in Resident Evil 4 Remake

Though the battle against the Chainsaw Sisters in Resident Evil 4 remake isn't really a boss battle, it is arguably one of the most challenging parts of the game. Leon will encounter these chainsaw-wielding villagers during Chapter 6 once he reaches the Checkpoint and will need to defeat them in order to progress the story, but doing so is easier said than done.

Leon finds the Checkpoint Crank in Resident Evil 4 Remake

The battle will commence when Leon interacts with the crank on the shelf in the building just left of the "Checkpoint" text on the main map.

Ashley hides in a locker in Resident Evil 4 remake

Before interacting with it, the player should approach one of the nearby yellow lockers and command Ashley to hide in it. The upcoming battle can be extremely difficult, but keeping Ashley out of harm's way will make it much easier. Once Ashley is secure, players should take a moment to explore the area outside the building in search of ammoand healing items.

Leon looks over the Checkpoint in Resident Evil 4 remake

They should also travel to the second floor of the building, drop down into the gated area outside, and kick open the two locked doors. Doing so will grant Leon a quick way to escape the building before it fills with other enemies.

Buying the Flash Grenade Recipe in Resident Evil 4 remake

While players should stock up on Handgun Ammo and Shotgun Shells, they should also consider crafting Flash Grenades, as they can be used to instantly kill enemies that have Plaga sprouting from their necks.

The game will auto-save before interacting with the crank, so players won't lose that much progress if they fail to defeat the Chainsaw Sisters during their first attempt.

How to Beat the Chainsaw Sisters in Resident Evil 4 Remake

Fighting Chainsaw Women in the Resident Evil 4 remake

Once Leon interacts with the crank on the shelf, he will be forced to battle the Chainsaw Sisters. At the beginning of the fight, players should unload as many Shotgun Shells as they can into the pair. If aimed correctly, each blast will damage both Chainsaw Sisters, allowing Leon to preserve some of his ammo.

RELATED: Resident Evil 4 Remake: How to Get the Shotgun

Grenades can also be used on the Chainsaw Sisters to deal some heavy damage. If players want to make the most out of them, however, they should wait until the Chainsaw Sisters join the other pursuers, where a Grenade can then be used to damage multiple enemies at once.

Escaping the Building

Leon faces the Checkpoint house exit in Resident Evil 4 remake

Players will only have a few moments to damage the Chainsaw Sisters before the building begins to fill with other enemies, so they should keep an eye on their surroundings to make sure they're not getting flanked. If Leon is about to get surrounded, he should sprint through the door he previously kicked open, sprint through the gate just outside, and then proceed up the stairs in the center of the area.

Leon aims at a swarm of enemies in Resident Evil 4 remake

Using the stairs to climb up onto the walkway overlooking the area outside will give players a better sense of where each enemy is, which can make dealing with them all a much easier process. From the top of the stairs, Leon will be able to use his shotgun to blast enemies as they follow him. When the Chainsaw Sisters attempt to climb these stairs, they will usually cut through the enemies in their way, which can be an extremely valuable means of crowd control.

Using the Stairs

Leon gets chased by the Chainsaw Sisters in Resident Evil 4 remake

This is a handy location to hold on to, but if players are getting overwhelmed in this position, they should travel to the platform leading back to the top floor of the building the crank was in and jump down to the level below, where they will be able to lure Leon's pursuers away from the stairs.

Leon faces the stairs in the Checkpoint in Resident Evil 4 remake

So long as Leon isn't too close to an enemy, he can slowly circle the area around the eastern edge until he reaches the stairs once again. If players take their time, most of the enemies in this area will be behind Leon by the time he reaches the stairs, permitting him to climb back up to the platform overlooking the area. From there, he can continue firing at the enemies chasing him, while tricking the Chainsaw Sisters into killing a few as well.

Some of the enemies in this area will sprout Plaga from their necks when they have taken enough damage, making them much more difficult to deal with. If players are running low on Flash Grenades, they should try to expose the enemies that reanimate and only use a Flash Grenade when they are all close to each other.

Defeating the Chainsaw Sisters

Leon aims at a Chainsaw Sister in Resident Evil 4 remake

If one of the Chainsaw Sisters gets too close, Leon should try to run away, as parrying their attacks is only really effective as a last resort. Leon's Combat Knife will break if its durability meter runs out, so it's better to avoid using it unless the player feels they have no other option. So long as Leon maintains a safe distance away from the Chainsaw Sisters at all times, he will be able to bring them down with some well-aimed bullets and a few explosives.

Leon finds the Checkpoint Crank in Resident Evil 4 remake

Once most of the Ganodos have been dealt with, players will be able to focus all their attention on defeating the Chainsaw Sisters. By this point, they shouldn't have too much health left, so it might only take a few additional shots to bring them down. Unlike the other enemies in this area, the Chainsaw Sisters will attempt to shield themselves from gunfire by raising their chainsaws in front of their heads. If this happens, players should prioritize aiming at their legs to briefly stagger them while also dealing damage.

Once the Chainsaw Sisters have both been defeated, Leon can loot their bodies to find the crank he needs to open the way forward.

Resident Evil 4 remake is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.