Resident Evil 4 remake follows Leon Kennedy on his quest to rescue the president's daughter from the twisted cult that kidnapped her. In order to reach her, he must fight his way through countless hoards of monstrous beings, and though these battles can be quite challenging, certain fights can be skipped if the player knows what to do.

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During Chapter 14, Leon is tasked with defending Ashley from a large swarm of enemies until she is able to break through a nearby wall while using a wrecking ball. This part of RE4 remake can be extremely stressful if players are aimlessly running around while waiting for the wall to crumble, but thankfully, there's actually a way for Leon to bring it down himself.

Destroying The Wall With The Rocket Launcher In Resident Evil 4 Remake

The wrecking ball wall in Resident Evil 4 remake

Resident Evil 4 remake is full of useful exploits that can help players beat bosses and complete challenges with ease. One such exploit can be used in Chapter 14 when Leon reaches the Cargo Depot on the Island.

Normally, players would have to wait while Ashley destroys the wall blocking the way forward to progress the story, but it is also possible for Leon to bring it down himself by firing at it with a Rocket Launcher.

Leon aims the Rocket Launcher at a wall in Resident Evil 4 remake

When Ashley begins operating the wrecking ball, a large hoard of enemies will rush into the arena, so players should immediately run to the crack in the wall before too many appear. To bring the wall down, all players need to do is aim directly at the crack and fire one single rocket.

Leon sprinting in Resident Evil 4 remake

Once the wrecking ball makes its rotation and collides with the now crumbling wall, the path forward will open, allowing Leon and Ashley to continue moving forward.

How To Get The Rocket Launcher In Resident Evil 4 Remake

The Rocket Launcher from Resident Evil 4.

The Rocket Launcher in Resident Evil 4 remake is an extremely overpowered weapon, but since it's also quite expensive, players won't always possess the mean of acquiring it. When purchased, it can be used to take bosses out with one shot, making it an extremely useful piece of gear, especially during the game's tougher sections.

The Rocket Launcher can be purchased from the Merchant at the beginning of Chapter 4 for 80,000 Pesetas on Standard Mode or 160,000 Pesetas on Professional. If players don't purchase it during this chapter, they can also do so by interacting with the Merchant just before the wrecking ball sequence.

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The Infinite Rocket Launcher in Resident Evil 4 remake

For those who have already completed the game, they can purchase the Infinite Rocket Launcher during New Game+. This weapon functions similarly to the Rocket Launcher available during first playthroughs, except it never runs out of rockets. Sadly, this weapon will set Leon back 2,000,000 Pesetas, but it's arguably worth the price if players can afford it.

Resident Evil 4 remake is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.